A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, January 30, 2017
Restored Thondamannar Barrage – Part of the River for Jaffna
A River for Jaffna Project Area
Restored Ariyalai Barrage – Part of the River for Jaffna
by Thiru Arumugam-January 28, 2017, 6:49 pm
A River for Jaffna Project Area
Restored Ariyalai Barrage – Part of the River for Jaffna
by Thiru Arumugam-January 28, 2017, 6:49 pm
Proposed Desalination Plant in Jaffna
In 2010 the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a total loan facility
of 130 million US dollars for the "Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply
and Sanitation Project". The local costs of 26 million dollars were to
be met by the Government of Sri Lanka. The project involved providing
safe drinking water for 300,000 people in Jaffna Town and surrounding
areas and sanitation facilities for 80,000 people in Jaffna Town. The
source of raw water was to be Iranamadu Tank in Kilinochchi. Water was
to be pumped from here to a treatment plant near Pallai in the Jaffna
Peninsula, and treated water distributed to consumers from there.
From the outset there were protests from the farmers of Kilinochchi who
said that there was presently only enough water in Iranamadu Tank, in an
average rainfall year, to cultivate only 30% of the paddy fields for
the Yala crop and if water is pumped to Jaffna, then there would be no
water left for any Yala cultivation.
In view of these protests, it would now appear that Iranamadu Tank as a
source of raw water has been abandoned and the source of water is to be a
Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant sited in the Jaffna Peninsula sea
coast at Thalaiyadi, near Maruthankerny, with a capacity of 24 million
litres per day (Mld). The original loans appear to have been reduced to
94 million dollars in view of the cancellation of the need for pumping
water from Iranamadu to Jaffna and the sewage treatment plant for Jaffna
Town has been dropped.
However, Desalination Plants are very expensive to build and run and
additional loan facilities amounting to 120 million dollars have been
earmarked by the ADB to meet the cost of this plant, making the total
loan facilities for this project 214 million dollars plus local costs to
be met by the Government of Sri Lanka. Tenders closing on 02 May 2017
have been invited from Contractors to Design, Build and Operate (DBO) a
24 Mld Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plant at Thalaiyadi
in Jaffna Peninsula.
Desalination Plants are expensive to build mainly because of the high
cost of the membranes that are used. Powerful high pressure pumps are
also required to pump the water through these membranes and they consume
a lot of electricity. A 24 Mld Desalination Plant will probably consume
about five to six megawatts of electrical power.
A ball park idea of the cost of desalinated water can be obtained by
comparing it with the 100 Mld Minjur Desalination Plant near Chennai,
South India where bulk electricity charges are about the same order as
in Sri Lanka. The plant was commissioned in 2010 and is operated by
Chennai Water Desalination Ltd (CWDL) who sell the treated water to the
Chennai Water Supply and Sewerage Board. The contracted selling price of
the water negotiated in 2005 is 1.03 US dollars per kilolitre.
Water produced by the proposed Thalaiyadi Plant will be more expensive
than this, firstly because the above-mentioned price was negotiated in
2005 and secondly because the Thalaiyadi Plant capacity at 24 Mld is
about a quarter of the size of the Minjur Plant and therefore the cost
per kilolitre would be higher. A not unreasonable assumption would be
that the water produced at Thalaiyadi will cost about 1.20 dollars per
kilolitre or 180 Sri Lankan Rupees at current rates of exchange.
The 2013 Annual Report of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board
(NWSDB), the latest to be posted on-line, states that the average cost
of water production for all their plants is 28 Rupees per kilolitre. In
other words, the cost of water produced by the proposed Thalaiyadi Plant
will be more than six times the average cost of water produced by all
the other NWSDB plants, and will have to be sold to consumers at a
fraction of the cost price, thus incurring substantial losses to the
There is however a cheaper alternative source of raw water called "A
River for Jaffna Project". This is a scheme designed by local engineers
and the capital cost is less than one-tenth the capital cost of a
Desalination Plant. Running costs are negligible because there is no
pumping involved.
A River for Jaffna
The River for Jaffna (RFJ) Scheme was proposed over 50 years ago. Work
was started on the scheme at that time and it was partially completed.
It is a scheme to improve the fresh water availability in the Jaffna
Peninsula underground aquifer, thereby reducing salinity in the Jaffna
wells and also make cultivable thousands of acres of land previously
uncultivable due to soil salinity. It will also improve the water
quality in 30% of the wells in Jaffna which are presently saline, thus
making additional water available for agricultural pumping. It consists
of the following parts:
(a) Reconstruction of the Thondamannar Barrage to prevent salt water
access inland, thereby making Vadamarachchi Lagoon (VL) a fresh water
(b) Constructing a new barrage at Ariyalai to prevent salt water access
inland, thereby making Upparu Lagoon (UL) a fresh water lagoon.
(c) Blocking the openings under the Elephant Pass road and rail bridges
and constructing a new dam and spillway at Chundikulam at the eastern
end of Elephant Pass Lagoon (EPL), to make EPL a fresh water lagoon.
(d) Constructing new 4 km long Mulliyan Link Channel to convey water
from EPL to VL and UL. Controlled discharge would be made from EPL to VL
as the water level in VL dropped due to percolation into the aquifer
and evaporation.
All water flows in the RFJ are gravity flows and there is no pumping
involved. Items (a), (b) and (c) above were completed about fifty years
ago, thus making EPL, VL and UL fresh water lagoons. However due to lack
of funds, Item (d), the Mulliyan Link Channel was never completed. Thus
water from EPL was never conveyed to VL. After a few years the
Chundikulam Dam in EPL breached due to heavy floods. Also the wooden
stop logs in the Thondamannar and Ariyalai Barrages perished and all
three lagoons reverted to their former condition of salt water lagoons
after a few years.
In subsequent years the Irrigation Department tried repeatedly to obtain
funds to complete the RFJ scheme but was never successful in obtaining
the funds to carry out the necessary repairs and complete the scheme.
However, about five or six years ago funds were released for the
restoration of Thondamannar Barrage and subsequently for restoring
Ariyalai Barrage. This release of funds was consequent to the passing of
unanimous resolutions by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka and
Pugwash Sri Lanka calling on the Government to complete the scheme. The
work on the two Barrages was successfully completed and Vadamarachchi
and Upparu are fresh water lagoons once again. Elephant Pass Lagoon,
however, remains a salt water lagoon.
The present position is that the Australian Consulting Engineers, SMEC,
were asked to produce a National Water Use Master Plan of 30 water
projects all over the country. These projects are to be implemented over
the next twenty years. A Project Review Committee then studied SMEC’s
reports on the 30 projects and rated River for Jaffna as the No. 1
priority project. SMEC were then asked to prepare the Terms of Reference
for a Feasibility Study for River for Jaffna, which they have
completed. SMEC have estimated that the cost of completing RFJ is Rs
1,412 million or 9.4 million US dollars at current rates of exchange.
ADB’s Final Report on the Jaffna Kilinochchi Water Supply Scheme,
Executive Summary, dated March 2006, quotes in Table 10 that the
available recommended abstraction rate from the Jaffna aquifer is 25
Mld, which is more than the 24 Mld capacity of the proposed Thalaiyadi
Desalination Plant. However, the ADB Report disregards the Jaffna
aquifer as a source of raw water as it states that it will require a
minimum of 103 borehole/well pumps (page 6). It must be noted that this
estimate of 25 Mld was before Vadamarachchi and Upparu were converted
into freshwater lagoons, and this together with the similar conversion
of Elephant Pass lagoon will increase the water available extraction
even further. Borehole/well pumps are appropriate for deep water
sources, whereas in Jaffna where the fresh water lens in the aquifer is
shallow, the appropriate method would be to use collector wells, because
if borehole wells are drilled deep they will tap saline water.
Collector wells are large diameter wells about five metres in diameter
and the depth of the well should not go into the saline water layer
which is below the fresh water lens. From the bottom of the well
horizontal adits or tunnels of large diameter are drilled radiating like
spokes from the well. These adits act as collectors and increase the
available water for extraction several fold over a conventional well. A
Sri Lankan Company, Mini-Well Systems has perfected this method and has
constructed collector wells with capacities of over 2 Mld each in
Biyagama, Horana, Kosgama etc and proposed a scheme for Kattankudy with a
yield of 10 Mld. These include collector wells for the NWS&DB.
Further details can be seen in the book by V Tharumaratnam and D V
Canyon, Sustainable Water from Collector Well Systems in Sri Lanka,
Pingelly, West Australia, 2008. Therefore it can be seen that
strategically located collector wells in the Jaffna Peninsula can
provide the raw water requirements of the Jaffna Water Supply Scheme
without having a very expensive Desalination Plant.
In 2009, the writer corresponded with ADB Manila and suggested
completing the River for Jaffna Project and drawing water from the
Jaffna aquifer as source of water for the Jaffna Water Supply Scheme.
Alternatively, Elephant Pass Lagoon could be considered as the raw water
source after conversion to a fresh water lagoon. A reply was received
dated 20 July 2009, signed by the Director, Urban Development Division,
South Asia Department, ADB stating inter alia that "We agree with you
that the proposed River for Jaffna would provide benefits primarily for
agriculture and ground water recharge........... The River for Jaffna
should be further considered.......".
The irony of the situation is that if the Thalaiyadi Desalination Plant
is completed and the River for Jaffna is not, for several months of the
year there will be fresh water from Kanaganarayan Aru flowing into
Elephant Pass Lagoon and gushing out to the sea at Chundikulam and
diluting the sea water over a large area. Meanwhile about a couple of
kilometres to the north at Thalaiyadi there will be a Desalination Plant
labouring and expensively converting the diluted sea water back to
fresh water !!!
The Northern Provincial Council is holding a Northern Province Water
Resources Development Colloquium in Jaffna from 28th to 30th January
2017 and it is hoped that this matter will be considered in depth at the