A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, January 1, 2017
Let’s make 2017 better than 2016
Year 2016 has been a dance with death!
by Kumar David-December 31, 2016
There have been very few years since the end of the war that have been
as repugnant as 2016, mainly internationally but the domestic front too
has been exasperating. The year will be remembered for Brexit, Trump,
impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, economic calamity in Venezuela, Modi’s
well-intentioned but poorly managed demonetisation and the carnage in
Aleppo. On the domestic side 2016 is the year in which the
Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government blundered time and again. How Brexit
and Trump will pan out is discouraging and my money is on the negative
side. In India my crisp new Rs 500 note is stacked on a positive bet for
the long range. (Australia, Pakistan and Venezuela too have decided to
demonetise though on a smaller scale than Modi but for similar reasons).
In Aleppo the smell of death stalks the streets and the conscience of
the world has not been so tarnished since it stood idly by and watched
genocide in Rwanda.
In the medium term Donald Trump is nasty news. The dynamic is that the
US has entered an era of conflict between modern America, not just
liberals, and its primordial and primitivistic remnants. Trump will not
entirely backs-off on his trade mark policies. Nationwide protests that
greeted his election gave notice that a divided nation is arming for
political and ethical war. Blood may literally be spilt if Trump and his
billionaire Cabinet prune wages, cut social welfare and benefits, or go
ahead with measures like an abortion ban, deporting Mexicans, or
curbing imports causing prices to rise.
Another Vietnam War- Civil Rights Movement era on campuses and cities
may be Trump’s legacy. A fringe group has called for independence for
California, an absurdity, but what this points to is that there are in
reality two Americas in educational attainment, intellectual ethos and
economic structure. Trump has been constitutionally elected but three
million more votes were cast for Hilary Clinton. The point is that his
bizarre policies have been rejected by the modernised half of society
and his moral right to lead has been spurned by the educated and
intellectual classes. It is this extraordinary dynamic that will play
itself out in the next four years. The United Sates will emerge from
Trump’s first term a divided and weakened nation.
Don’t be fooled by US markets
Well-heeled crabs will dance for a few more months while the water
warms. The stock-market is smoking weed and on a high that is remote
from reality. Dow Industrial P/E ratio was 22 at the end of the months
(Dow Utilities a staggering 28). P/E ratios are calibrated in different
ways, an S&P P/E ratio called "Cyclically Adjusted" stood at 26 last
week as opposed to its long-term average of 17. To put it simply the
market is way overpriced. [A P/E ratio of say 25 means it takes 25 years
dividends to earn back an investment; that is 4% return on capital]
Worse still, prices are driven up by companies "buying-back" their own
shares. There could be many reasons why a company intervenes to buy its
own shares and raise their price. One is that corporate managers can
crow "see how well our stock is doing" and inflate their bonuses;
another is that there is excess liquidity around for reasons like
Quantitative Easing, so investors borrow cheap and pump up a share price
bubble. Investors are borrowing at low interest not to "invest" but to
speculate. This is crucial to perceiving the breakdown in economic
I have reproduced two diagrams, typical of many, from the web to portray
the pyric boom in the US stock market. Figure 1 says that of late, in
every quarter, over $150 billion (vertical bars) of "own" shares were
bought back by about 380 companies (top line) each quarter. Figure 2
shows that margin debt (borrowed money) in in the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) at a four times higher ratio than at the trough of the
2009 recession. This means the so-called Trump rally is artificial and
ephemeral. American capitalism and with it Europe, Japan and China are
in a self-inflated, borrowed money bubble set to burst in a year or two.
The ensuing recession will be severe. The similarity of the current
trend to the 2001 and 2009 recessions is eerie (fig1 does not include
the 2001 recession, but trust me).
I have written at some length (13 and 20 November) that the Trump
presidency will usher in a period of domestic social and political
disquiet as well as instability in US foreign relations. In the
foregoing paragraphs I have supplemented this with a warning that the
medium term economic outlook too seems negative after a year of
artificial Trump buoyancy passes.
The message from Aleppo
The brutality of Russian airpower and Assad’s army has been documented
so I don’t need to add anything. What does this brutality say for
countries that become proxy battlefields for global powers? Thomas Hobbs
comes to mind; "Life is nasty, brutish and short" and "Force and fraud
are in war the two cardinal virtues". In the late twentieth century and
the first decade and a half of the twenty-first the world was exposed to
human rights rhetoric and an effort was made by the UN and HR bodies to
pursue these goals. War-crimes probes pertaining to the last phase of
the Lankan civil-war is a welcome outcome of these trends.
There is reason to fear that concern for human rights and protection of
civilians may become a thing of the past. Putin-Assad brutalisation of
Aleppo while the UN, the West and the ‘non-aligned’ world stood by is a
harbinger of things to come. What is on the horizon is a world where the
powerful look after themselves and say "Each for himself and the devil
take the hindmost". Trump, Putin, Netanyahu and Xi Jinping agree that
human and democratic rights are for suckers like Angela Merkel who in
any case, isolated by bigots in her own country, is now beating a
retreat. The Putin-Trump thesis turns the world into a human rights
dystopia. No surprise that President Sirisena beseeched Trump to squash
Lanka’s war-crimes tribunal.
We will need to fight these barbarians at the gate. To this resolve we
must fully commit this New Year’s Day alongside a pledge to fight
another no less important Trump threat to the planet - climate sabotage.
Again it is the world’s poor who will pay the price of global warming.
Sirisena-Ranil’s unforced errors
Grant the devil his due; this government is not an authoritarian monster
like the Rajapaksa regime. I no longer awake each Sunday wondering
whether the white-van will come. Nor do incensed family members phone
and thunder "Kumar, shut up will you!" There have been no more Lasanthas
and Ekneligodas; which is reassuring for those who dare to dissent. We
have emerged from the valley of the shadow of death.
The problem is that if S&R continue mucking things up, practically,
they will prepare the ground for the return of the Rajapaksas.
And a Rajapaksa come-back it will be curtains us small potatoes; we
cannot evade the white-van a second time. Big shots will cut a deal and
make a getaway; small fry will fry. So there is more reason then "the
good of the country" and such like lyrics for kicking the S&R butt
before they drag us all down into the drain. This is why on practical
concerns like electricity sector reforms, though I have extended my
cooperation and technical expertise, I am also harshly critical.
There are two big worries; the new constitution and the inability of RW
to force his lot to zero in on a consistent economic direction. Next
week I will deal with the economy in the context of RW’s Development
(Special Provisions) Bill gazetted on 25 November. Here I will express
concern about what is happening, or rather not happening to the
constitution. What are they discussing, what are the options on the
table? My fear is that any, even half decent constitution, will be
strangled by the Rajapaksa rump of the SLFP, denying it the requisite
two-thirds majority. That is I fear that the new constitution may be
altogether aborted?
I cannot here recount all the individual cock-ups the Sirisena-Ranil
outfit has managed; I will make do with just one. The President’s
interference in electric power sector decisions and his fouling up of
the CEB’s long term expansion plans is like a monkey performing delicate
brain surgery. The henchmen who drove the President to scrap the
clean-coal option in Sampur don’t recognise the difference between a
kilo-volt and a milliamp, figuratively speaking. In a piece on 25
September 2016 (‘Short-circuit at Sampur’) I estimated the cumulative
loss from this blunder at Rs. 220 billion. It now seems power cuts may
start earlier than thought and the cumulative financial loss will be
greater – perhaps much greater if the rains too fail.
If the left is to make more than minimal impact in 2017 its central task
is to unify itself. At present it is fragmented into bits and pieces,
sects and shards. Fragments are picked up, used for specific tasks, then
to be discarded; "Jayampathy write a constitution! Bahu celebrate the
centenary of the Russian Revolution! JVP block some Rajapaksa
treachery!" Good on a one-off basis, but to achieve macro-impact on the
big picture the sects and fragments, bits and pieces must fuse into a
single entity. A rational constitution, breaking the imbroglio on the
national question, countering the factions in society that are gung-ho
on a near neo-liberal economic programme, and a stronger anti-corruption
focus, all need a unified left. Unification into a single entity
"omitted, the voyage of their life will drown in shallows and in