A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Friday, February 3, 2017
Dr Padeniya.. Be honest your self and remember you or your children will earn wraths and the curses of the masses
I would like to ask Dr Padeniya as to what he did when Kotalawela Defence College was authorized to begin a medical degree program from zero during the previous regime. It is well known that due to fear for his and that of family's life he kept his mouth shut but waited until Yahapalana government came to power and restored the democratic rights of the masses which were suppressed until 8 January 2015 including the White Van culture . It was only thereafter all these protests and demonstrations were begun. I would challenge Dr Padeniya to publish even one single letter he addressed the then government protesting the establishment of the medical college at KDA. If I may recall it was granted permission to begin medical degree courses almost overnight. No fuss because of fear of White Van.
Dr Padeniya you and your membership were educated at the expense of the poor masses. These are the very same people you are inconveniencing and killing by your illegitimate work stoppages. Just think for a moment if you did not become a doctor and ended up as a coconut plucker what would have been your situation in the event of a major sickness in the family specially during a strike. So don't bite the finger that feeds you Dr Padeniya . Be honest your self and remember you or your children will earn wraths and the curses of the masses as well as that of the parents and students of SAITAM for all the pains that you are inflicting on them for no fault of their own. So stop this none sense and come back to the real word and think rationally and out of the box.
Hundreds of children who are unable to gain admission to medical faculties in Sri Lanka go to several countries like India, Nepal, China ( where there are hundreds of medical degree awarding universities)Malaysia, Bangladesh and East European countries which is eroding countries' foreign exchange reserves . Once these students complete their degrees they return to the country and sit for the SLMC prescribed examination and become fully fledged medical doctors upon passing the examination
My question to Padeniya and his crew is why this hypocrisy in respect of SAITAM only? Has he visited each and every of these foreign universities and completed an audit in respect of facilities available for teaching medicine and evaluate their standards including the qualifications of the academic staff before making a judgement on SAITAM. This is sheer Sri Lankan jealousy Dr Padeniya.
I would like to appeal to the GMOA as well as IUSF and all others to change their approach and attitude towards students and the medical degrees awarded by SAITAM and instead welcome them to their fold and work as true Sri Lankan family of doctors to provide an efficient service to the suffering poor masses and assist to further develop this institution to be able attract more foreign students so that country too would benefit.
If countries I have mentioned elsewhere in this letter can recognize and support private medical educations what has happened to our country.
Now that the Court of Appeal has instructed the SLMC to recognize the degrees awarded by SAITAM let's resolve the issues right here and move forward in the best interest of the country sans personal and political agendas
I don't have any one of my family or relatives attending this institution. I am writing this purely in national interest .
By A.H.M. Farook
by (2017-02-03 11:25:42)
by (2017-02-03 11:25:42)