A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, February 27, 2017
February-August-October 1917
Centenary of the February Revolution in Russia
Today 100 years ago, 26 February by the old Julian calendar, Petrograd
rose up and within a week forced the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. In
the modern Gregorian calendar 26 Feb is 7 March. Throughout this piece I
use ingrained old style dates, otherwise the February Revolution was in
March, the October Revolution in November and the counterrevolution,
the "Kornoliv Affair", in September. But history has marked these
cataclysmic events in indelible ink using other names that it is not in
my power to change. It started on International Women’s Day, 23
February, when thousands of women marched from factory to factory in
support of the strike at the Putilov Factory which had commenced the
previous day. The action grew to quarter of a million and slogans
matured from protests at food rationing to "Overthrow of the Autocracy".
The army in Petrograd mutinied starting with the Pavlovsy Regiment and
finally the Volynsky Regiment, thus forcing the Tsar to abdicate on 2
March. A Provincial Government of grandees and liberals was formed with
Prince Gregory Lvov as prime minister. Far more important for posterity
was that on the 27 February the popular councils of the city united to
form the Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldiers deputies. A state of
Dual Power (two parallel state powers in one country) came into being.
Lenin in exile and the Bolsheviks in Russia were blindsided; the
spontaneous seizure of power by the people astonished them. To be fair,
Lenin had been preparing for decades, but this spontaneous capture of
power by the people caught them all flat-footed.
I am going to let you into a secret if you promise not to stop reading
after I reveal the plot. What motivates this piece is not what happened
in Russia a century ago but our predicament in Lanka today. If you scale
down from the world-historical to the national, then January 8 is our
February. Two things are common; a despised autocracy was dismantled and
secondly huge aspirations for a better future were unfurled. They
reached their October; but we are still stuck in the mud sans a
bourgeois democratic yahapalanaya. Therefore the pivot of this essay is
not February or October, but August.
Post-February it was confusion and misgovernment, things were sliding.
Counterrevolution was personified in General Kornilov who in August
moved troops from the war-front to crush revolutionary Petrograd. Lanka
now is in the throes of a reactionary backswing; our Kornilov is none
other than the Joint Opposition (JO). I am running ahead, I need return
and pick up the thread from Russia.
After February
Lenin returned to Petrograd from exile on 3 April and threw a spanner in
the works for the Bolsheviks – the April Thesis. The Gospel according
to European Revolutionaries of which Lenin was a high priest, up to that
time said ‘two-stage revolution’. Pre-capitalist societies would first
establish bourgeois democracy and capitalist consolidation before the
tasks of socialism could be posed. Lenin stunned all of Bolshevism by
dumping this in the dustbin and calling for "All Power to the Soviets",
which amounted to overthrowing the Provisional Government and going
forward to a workers regime. He was edging close to Trotsky’s thesis of
uninterrupted or permanent revolution. In this they were both right but
only about Russia. In one hundred years only in Russia (arguably maybe
Cuba and Vietnam too) but nowhere else in the world has such a thing
happened! Theories grow grey my friend, but the tree of life is ever
green, said Germany’s greatest poet and intellect, Johann Wolfgang
Throughout April, May and June political chaos (a tussle for power
between the Provincial Government and the Petrograd Soviet) dragged on.
In June Lvov resigned making way for Kerensky (a Social Revolutionary)
as prime minister – the regime was pushed noticeably left. In July
proletarian hotheads took to the streets in hundreds of thousands
intending to overthrow the government. Utterly premature! The
countryside and the army were not ready; the uprising would have been
crushed. Then we see the genius of Lenin; unable to tame this ultra-left
1971-JVP like eruption, he threw the Party into the leadership of the
movement so as to limit damage and execute an orderly withdrawal.
The backlash continued through late July and August. Kornilov was their
version of a Felix Dias or a Gotabhaya. (The fatal mistake of the LTTE
was prioritising the military over the political and turning itself into
an army whose obliteration was foredoomed). Today in Lanka the Joint
Opposition obstructs economic progress, inflames conflict about the
constitution and instigates strikes. In an open letter to JO MP’s dated
28.12.16, Vasudeva, inter alia writes: "Our task is to give RW and his
gang no peace, no rest, inside parliament and in the field of elections.
We need to cultivate MPs of the government and act on the natural
divisions in their alliance. . . People (do not) know the monstrosity of
this government including the violence inflicted on our sovereignty and
treacherous sell-out of our resources". Vasu blurts out in the open
what others in the JO do on the sly. Such provocation lays the ground
for Kornilov-type treachery. A Kornilov victory in Russia would have
been a forerunner of the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1973. A JO triumph
will likewise be a counterrevolutionary victory in Lanka.
Defeating the counterrevolution
How did the Russian revolutionaries defeat the coup and why is it that
the Sirisena-Ranil combo is unable to deal with a threat to its own
survival? The difference is two-fold; mobilisation and leadership.
Thousands occupied railway lines and roads, railway workers stopped
troop rains, revolutionary soldiers climbed aboard and fraternised with
Kornilov’s battalions, women clambered up everywhere, pressed in among
the soldiers and demanded to know "Are you going to shoot your mothers
and sisters?" There is a marvellous chapter about the ‘routing’ of
Kornilov’s army by people-power in Trotsky’s ‘History of the Russian
Revolution’. In modern times we have seen people-power defeat dictators
and armies in the Philippines, Easter Europe and briefly in the Arab
But mobilisation cannot happen, or will be thrown back after initial
success, unless there is leadership. This is where Lenin and the network
the Bolsheviks had built were decisive. Lenin who went to hiding in
Finland at the start of the coup came back to Petrograd in September and
took control of party and events. (He was no petty bourgeois romantic
who bared his chest and declared "Shoot to see". He was a revolutionary
realist). He held the Party back and refused to sanction a power grab
till the Petrograd Soviet whose chairman was Trotsky – also head of its
Military Revolutionary Committee – was ready to take power in the name
of the Soviets, not in the name of the Party. "Peace, Land and Bread"
had to seep deep everywhere. Peace for a nation exhausted from war and
desperate for a settlement; land for a peasantry hungry for the great
estates of the grandees and bread for starving Russia. Remember this
above all else; there would have been no October if the backlash of
August had not been defeated.
Thus I come to the moral of my story. There will no new constitution, no
useful amendments, no economic programme, "no peace, no rest" until the
counterrevolution in full swing under the leadership of the Joint
Opposition is confronted and crushed. This political challenge has to be
met first, otherwise nothing will happen; the government will whimper
and die. To address that task the people have to be mobilised, for which
in turn we need leadership. Will Sirisena tuck up his cloth and storm
out declaiming "Gahuwoth Gahanawa"? Will Ranil strip off his suit, don a
pair of shorts and accept the challenge instead of indulging in chamber
room squabbles and daydreaming of life after Sirisena? Mobilisation has
its own internal momentum and will move beyond limits and restraints
imposed by conservative leaders. Maybe Ranil sees this and fights shy.
Maybe Sirisena demurs for the same reason. The S&R duumvirate is
ducking. Realising this citizen’s movements, smaller parties,
associations of artists, journalists and trade unions are taking up the
challenge. As this mobilisation builds it will confront the JO, then
S&R will no longer be able to hide under their beds; they will be
dragged out, kicking and screaming and made to stand in front.
The real issue right now is not the words in the Draft Constitution, or
economic ideology, or the national question. No the stuff of the day is
the political battle – Kornoliov or Lenin, Joint Opposition or January 8
Movement. He who wins this battle on the streets and in the eyes of the
people will carry all before him. After that, victory at a referendum
will be plain sailing.
[Readers last week would have been confounded since the paper did not
reproduce the annotated photograph I submitted but had wrongly
substituted another. Furthermore the caption contradicted my statements
in the text. For the correct picture please visit:
Sinhala readers will find the correct picture in the Ravaya of 19