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?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Fight or flight: Should State Department employees undermine Trump, or just quit?

By Sharon Burke
Best Defense guru
Best Defense guru
“They should either get with the program or they can go,” President
Donald Trump’s spokesman, Sean Spicer, said about career State
Department officials who have allegedly submitted a dissent memo about the Jan. 27 executive order on immigration.
This comment followed last week’s abrupt dismissal of
several high level career officials, including the one who would
ultimately be responsible for implementing parts of the new policy.
This is not the first time the loyalty of career diplomats has been
questioned, of course, nor is it uncommon for career officials in
presidential appointments to be swapped out. But if the reports about
the “dissent channel” memo are accurate, it would be an unprecedented
protest so early in a new administration.
Is it possible that Trump is right in suspecting that career diplomats
are not “with the program”? Will they try to obstruct his agenda?
I recently posed that question to current and retired Foreign Service
officers, who ranged from just a few years of service to one of the most
storied ambassadors in the history of the country. The answer was a
firm no — and maybe a dash of yes. It’s complicated.
First of all, it’s probably true that there aren’t a ton of Trump voters
at the State Department, but that’s not necessarily because they love
the Democratic party. All the diplomats I spoke to were adamant that
personal political views are irrelevant when it comes to doing the
country’s business. Some actually preferred Republican bosses, who they
said were more likely to be good managers.
There’s some optimism about Rex Tillerson, Trump’s pick for secretary of
state, on that score, though there’s no telling if he’ll have a say in
major policy decisions, such as the immigration ban.
From my own experience as both a civil servant and political appointee
in Republican and Democratic administrations, military members,
diplomats, and civil servants are very professional and truly do take
the oath of office seriously. And therein lies one big problem.
That oath is to the Constitution, not the individual sitting in the Oval
Office. Career diplomats will undoubtedly give the new president their
best advice, but what if it’s not what he wants to hear? With a
president who has talked openly about undoing decades of American
diplomacy on everything from NATO to the nuclear balance in Asia, that
seems very likely.
Given what we’ve seen so far from Trump, he may openly disdain advice he
doesn’t agree with — or just ignore it altogether. The serving
diplomats I spoke to said that Trump has basically not asked for much
input to date. This mystifies and alarms them.
“Not every exchange with a foreign leader is a knife fight,” one former
ambassador observed, “but you always want to make sure your guy has a
knife.” And from their point of view, Trump is going into these
conversations unarmed — or worse, his posse sometimes includes family
“We look like a tinpot dictatorship,” one senior diplomat lamented. “We rail against this in other countries.”
Still, it’s highly unlikely that career diplomats will refuse to carry
out a lawful order from the president, even it’s not what they would
recommend. In 2002, for example, Ambassador Ryan Crocker
famously told President George W. Bush that invading Iraq was a bad
idea, prompting questions about his loyalty. Just a few years later, he
was the same president’s point person in Baghdad, delivering “the surge”
with General David Petraeus.
On the other hand, that does not mean career diplomats and civil
servants will rush to implement policies they don’t agree with. That can
take the form of a dissent memo, but more often the bureaucracy just
discreetly slows down or sinks bad ideas (and good ideas sometimes, for
that matter). Call it “affable noncompliance.” Political appointees may
not even realize it’s happening.
Still, that’s usually restricted to relatively small policies, rather
than major decisions such as a trade war with Mexico or a shooting war
in the South China Sea.
In fact, there’s a bigger danger when it comes to Trump-era diplomacy,
which is that the most experienced and talented people at the State
Department will just leave. All of the sitting, senior officials I spoke
to expressed discomfort with serving as the representative of Trump,
more because of his personal conduct than his political views. Though
the dividing line between the personal and political may be a bit fuzzy:
One junior Foreign Service officer, for example, had concerns for his
safety, pointing out that diplomats rely on foreign nationals (including
Muslims and Mexicans) to provide security and other services in U.S.
embassies around the world.
If anything, Trump’s policies to date are going to require great
diplomatic skill to carry out, which puts Spicer’s cavalier attitude in
an ironic light. Still, many experienced diplomats may well stay, both
because they believe in the commitment they made to the country and
because of the lure of efficacy.
“Trust me when I tell you,” one senior Foreign Service officer stressed,
“you have far more impact on the inside than on the outside.”
Sharon E. Burke is a senior advisor at New America. She served at
the State Department in the George W. Bush administration from 2002 to
2005 and at the Pentagon in the Barack Obama administration from 2010
to 2014.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons