Sunday, February 26, 2017

Mahinda hints he knew about attacks on Lasantha, Upali & Keith


According to BBC journalist Azzam Ameen retired president Mahinda Rajapaksa has hinted that he is aware of how the murder of ‘Sunday Leader’ Chief Editor Lasantha Wickremetunga and assault on the Chief Editor of ‘Rivira’ newspaper Upali Tennekone and the abduction and assault on Keith Noyahr took place.

Mr. Rajapaksa has said all three crimes were committed ‘from one place’.
BBC journalist Azzam Ameen has revealed this in a tweat which is reproduced below. The murder of Lasantha Wickremetunga and assaults on Messrs Upali Tennekone and Keith Noyahr were committed when Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa was the President.
The investigations into these incidens and many other crimes were hampered during that period.