Thursday, February 2, 2017

MR’ s acolytes want old regime back for survival-CBK 

Reveals how Maithripala Sirisena was chosen as Presidential candidate

The role played by Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga in changing the political landscape in January 2015 was praiseworthy. In this exercise there is no doubt that she had to face great danger in undertaking such a risk. Upon the completion of two years of the unity government it is opportune to discuss issues that had surfaced in the recent past. The former President in a recent interview expressed her views on such issues, including the actions of the government and internal struggles among the rank and file of the SLFP.   
Q It is now two years since your direct involvement in the political change that took place in January 2015. Are you satisfied with the process that had taken place since then?