Thursday, March 30, 2017

Maharaja’s Rs. 300 million deal wheeler dealers in Maithripala’s Russian delegation but deal flops !

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(Lanka-e-News - 29.March.2017, 11.30PM) By now it is widely known Raja Mahendran alias Kili Maharaja the
chief of Capital Maharaja Co. from infernal  hell who is currently  a close supernumerary friend of president Maithripala Sirisena , is eyeing a 300 million dollars deal involving a warship produced in Russia and he sought  to push the deal through using the SL Navy  while ‘selling’ president’s name  . That is , Raja Mahendran  tried to become an arms supply agent for SL . However to his utter dismay , this deal of wheeler dealer Raja Mahendran had foundered on the rocks.
As Lanka e news revealed on the 15 th under the caption   ‘US dollars  300  million Mega illicit deal not second to Gota’s MiG deal –Kili Maharaja moving heaven and earth to push through !!’   so the lackeys cum stooges of Kili Maharaja , namely Nimal Cooke and Shevan Daniel accompanied the president on his Russian tour to ‘fix’ the deal .
The SL ambassador in Russia Dr. Saman Weerasinghe in view of the arrival of the president organized a sumptuous dinner at Ritz Carlton hotel , Moscow which was attended by 200 guests. The majority who attended the dinner were Russians , while  a few Sri Lankan guests were also there.
Among the few Sri Lankan guests   were Cooke  and Daniel who went from SL. The inside information group of Lanka e news in Moscow  informed our headquarters in London , our report earlier on was indeed true , and the two stooges cum  wheeler dealers  of Kili Maharaja’s warship deal, namely Cooke and Daniel are in Moscow, Russia .Thereafter Lanka e news informants were  on the trail of these wheeler dealers .  The information garnered by our informants is as follows:

Maharaja’s rapacious gaze fixed on ‘Rosoboronexport’ Agency

Nimal Cooke and Shevan Daniel had gone along with the official delegation of the government not at  State  expense. Their air tickets expenditure had been met out of Maharaja’s funds , and they had booked a different hotel.
SL has been purchasing weapons for a long while from Russia.  The main establishment from which the purchases were  made was Rosoboronexport Co. located in Moscow , which is a state and private sectors combined enterprise. The Sri Lankan agent in that Co. is Priyantha , a relative of Rasaputhras.

Priyantha recently died , and Maharaja’s aim is to become the agent for Rosoboranexport  Co. taking the place of late Priyantha. If he is to succeed , he must convince the Russian government that he is extremely close to the president of SL , and he can put through any deal via the government. The primary objective of Maharaja therefore is to steer ahead  the U.S. 300 million dollars warship deal successfully , and somehow secure the agency. Cooke and Daniel are  there in Russia  with this goal in view.
Based on reports reaching Lanka e news inside information  division ,  Cooke and Daniel had moved heaven and earth using every trick in the book to arrange a meeting between the president and the chiefs of Rosoboronexport Co. in order to ‘fix’ the deal  , but without avail , according to information reaching our reporters. (It is  not known whether  the president had most secretive and confidential discussions with the wheeler dealers, but according to our eagle eyed reporters such a discussion  was  most difficult and a remote possibility under the circumstances ). 

Maharaja who wrought destruction on the country … 

It is an unequivocal fact that double faced Maharaja was cruelly engaged in double deals during the 30 years old cruel  war . He always  played   double games,  playing for both sides , the government and the LTTE.  Unbelievably , the only individual who could do business in the LTTE controlled areas was Maharaja.  That was possible because he was providing facilities to the LTTE cadres  in Colombo on the sly , and also  financially supporting  the LTTE . In Colombo , he showed to the government , those  funds were monies due to the LTTE as taxes  alias  extortion payments to the LTTE for the businesses conducted in the LTTE administered areas.
Though there were copious and cogent evidence with the governments in Colombo against the traitorous and treacherous activities of Maharaja , most leaders pretended they were deaf and blind because of the massive kickbacks and benefits many  leaders  received from Maharaja. ( If the  present JVP leader too pretends he did  not even know the name of Maharaja and he was a baby sleeping in the cradle into whose mouth a soother has been thrust  , the readers can imagine how the other leaders would have  behaved). 
After the Maharaja establishment faced a claymore bomb attack , they became servile faithful dutiful stooges of the Rajapakses at that time. That is a simple example to clearly  illustrate the dastardly and diabolic nature of Maharajas.  Therefore one can gauge what would be the fate of the national security and the country if such a faceless unscrupulous individual is authorized to import weapons . It will not be a matter for surprise if Maharaja who seeks filthy lucre out of sewage pipelines and even from cesspits based on his inordinate greed , descends  to the most sordid level of stoking  another war lasting forever only  to sell the weapons. 
No matter what the chiefs of the three forces of SL must be saluted for putting their foot down and saying in one voice , they are   against Maharaja importing weapons.

There is also another reason why we  frown upon Maharaja and consider him as  a traitor who devastated the country : Though he is the owner of the first private electronic media he had been the cause of irreparable damage to the media culture  and the cultured individuals   through his media chain. In this regard , the Lanka e news editor himself is preparing an exclusive lengthy  report which shall be published at a future date .

Photo :

The dinner hosted at Ritz Carlton  Hotel , Moscow . In the yellow circle is Shevan Daniel the black sheep looking rejected and dejected .
Connected report :
by     (2017-03-29 20:04:21)