Sunday, April 2, 2017

Judge Lochana by granting bail illegally to suspects in Noyahr’s case condemned by legal fraternity

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -01.April.2017, 11.30PM) The release of the army criminals on bail in connection with the abduction and torture of Nation newspaper editor Keith Noyahr by Ms. Lochana Pradeepa Abeywickrema  the additional magistrate , Mt. Lavinia on the 30 th of April was roundly condemned and frowned upon by the legal fraternity as absolutely illegal because  she has thereby shamelessly acted in excess of her powers as a magistrate . Indeed the legal fraternity is rudely shocked over her deplorable unlawful  decision despite being a judge .
The 6 suspects including major Prabath Seevali Bandaranaike Dissanayake were charged under the Cruel torture Act and the firearms Act  by the CID. Hence the  magistrate court has no powers whatsoever to grant bail to those suspects indicted  under those Acts .
It is therefore the view of the legal fraternity that magistrate Lochana by releasing the criminals on bail who have committed heinous crimes has demonstrated to the world most disgracefully that the courts in Sri Lanka are incapable of meting out justice duly. In addition, she has immensely contributed to the promotion of the ‘Hybrid court’ concept proposed internationally , the legal fraternity said with concern. 
In order to curb and control this portentous and ominous trend as well as to safeguard the judicial Institutions and the  image of the judiciary of the country  which are  being soiled irretrievably  by judges like Lochana  , the Attorney General (AG) must intervene and introduce another revised   charge sheet to the higher court countering such unlawful actions ,the legal fraternity opines. 
Though Lochana released these criminals ,her unlawful action did not reap dividends because the Gampaha additional magistrate Lalith Kannangara re remanded these criminals until the 7 th when  the case in which these  same suspects who are indicted on charges  of assaulting the former editor of Rivira newspaper , Upali Tennekoon was taken up on the 31 st of March. 

Who is this Lochana ?

Who is this Lochana Pradeepa Abyewickrema delivering rudely shocking  unlawful judgments as though to deliberately tarnish the image of the entire sacrosanct  judiciary ?
Following the probe conducted by LeN  courts inside information division ,  it has come to light she was a so-so absorbed into the magistrate rank  sans any eligibility requirement fulfillment by notorious corrupt Chandra Jayatileke who was the secretary of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) during the period when  most infamous Sarath Nanda Silva who earned the rare fame as the worst chief justice the world had ever known was the  chief justice . 
We are in possession of evidence that bears testimony that , at the time she was appointed  she did not have the necessary qualifications. The only area  in which she was best skilled  was ‘raising’ at the right time to suit the wrong individuals , Sarath N. Silva and Chandra Jayatileke . After taking over duties , in keeping with her favorite pastime she served as a mistress of notorious  corrupt judge Aravinda Perera.  Therefore , Lochana who is full time occupied with  ‘raising’ and ‘peddling’ activities on the sly , has only  proved beyond any doubt she has no capacity or  time to think legally or act legally even in the pursuit of her judicial duties, our court inside information division reports with regret.
by     (2017-04-02 00:12:53)