A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, May 1, 2017
Economy & Its Woes In The Debt Trapped Sri Lanka

By Siri Gamage –April 30, 2017
Economy and its Woes in the Debt Trapped Sri Lanka: Is there an Alternative Economic Development Model?
During the Yahapalanaya government
of President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, it appears
that a concerted effort is being made to invite foreign investors of
various sorts, primarily from the Asian region, supported by
multilateral agencies and bilateral agreements. Such efforts seem to
follow in the footsteps of export-led growth strategy adopted by former
President J.R. Jayewardene presently under a national government of the
two main political parties and minority parties. Though the efforts of
the government to enter into contracts and MOUs with foreign entities
and partners seem to attract political comment, very little economic
comment, particularly critical, is forthcoming. Long term social and
cultural consequences of promoting foreign investor-oriented and export
led growth is also not being critically reflected upon.
In this article, I examine the two main layers of the economy, who
benefits from the foreign investor-oriented economic development and the
potential for creating a large subservient and dependent class (or
classes) with a view to generate further critical/constructive
discussion. It is suggested that the political and civic leaders whose
loyalties are for the long-term national interest take the scenario
discussed here seriously and develop ‘a political and economic strategy’
that can serve the national interest rather than the investor interest.
It is hoped that the conceptual distinction made between two layers of
the economy –one highly integrated to the global economy and the other
not so – can serve as a vehicle for understanding the context and risks
of following a foreign investor driven economic development strategy for
the unreconciled nation.
Super Economy (Supiri Arthikaya) vs. National Economy (Jathika Arthikaya)
When we talk about the national economy, economists usually talk in
terms of various sectors, e.g. agriculture and mining, manufacturing,
tourism, services. In this era of globalisation and multinational
corporation activities, we have to make a distinction between the Super
economy and the national economy. The former refers to the multinational
corporate sector with their manufacturing plants, marketing and service
outlets, export facilities, offices, and commercial plantations.
Multinational companies generally come under the BOI purview, as they
are large-scale investors. Such entities can be private sector companies
or state owned depending on the country of origin. If the company is
from a country like China, the entity can be state-owned. These entities
operate under the laws applicable to the BOI sponsored projects,
services (such as education and health) and various industries and
commercial activities.
The capacity of the government to control such entities is very limited.
These entities are responsible to their superiors and shareholders in
the origin countries. Decisions pertaining to their operations are taken
in the world capitals where their headquarters are located. To protect
their interests, they obtain professional services of accounting, legal,
and other services from abroad and if necessary locally. This supra
layer of economic activity (and service provision) is at the top of the
economic pyramid of a developing country like Sri Lanka but in the day
to day political discourses inside and outside the parliament this layer
seems to be out of bound for critical scrutiny. It is almost taken as a
given and a blessing for the country’s economy and future prosperity.
Take for example the tourism sector. The more foreign investments coming
to the country is considered as a blessing. What harm such ventures are
inflicting on the country’s public space, core values and customs, etc.
are not even discussed. That is how far we have been brain washed about
the merits of foreign investments over decades of governance based on
neoliberal, free market economy doctrine couched in the globalisation
discourse with a positive slant.
If there is any foreign control of the country’s resources, workforce,
and any threat to national sovereignty there is no any other agency that
have detrimental effects than this layer. Its impact on the so-called
‘national economy’ that means the rest of economic activities not
connected to this layer or global economy is not even mentioned? Yet,
the impact of this supra layer and its activities on the national
economy can be substantial not only in terms of foregone business, trade
and manufacturing opportunities for the local agriculturalists,
manufacturers, entrepreneurs but also the extensive competition brought
about by this layer plus the import trade to the consumer market. In the
political discourse, finger is pointed at a given country if not a
given minority ethnic community as the cause for the country’s economic
This supra layer of economic activity is organised around the profit
motive. Various entities are operating as part of a regional or global
network of similar entities managed by highly efficient managerial staff
and a mainly local workforce being employed at subsistence level wages
(wages that are just enough to live, no surplus). The entities and their
owners appropriate surplus produced by such workforce. Government is
receiving a tax benefit but in many instances these entities have been
offered tax holidays extending to a period of decade or more. Thus the
benefit can mainly be in terms of the employment for the local
population and its ability to participate in the consumer market.