A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
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Sexual harassment: Raising the voice early is still the best solution
INTRADIA WORLD,-April 30, 2017, 7:38 pm

Brand and Marketing Advisor, Trainer, Facilitator and Coach
In the recent times, there have been multiple high-profile cases of
sexual harassment reported in Media. It is not that men have suddenly
turned predators, and hopefully the situation has not worsened. It’s
most likely is the case of more women finding courage to raise their
voice. In fact, one has seen that whenever there is a sexual case
against any position of power, it opens floodgates of fresh allegations
and reporting. They no longer accept it as a cost to career growth or as
something that just happens.
Thankfully, the times are changing. No longer, people accept its as
something common. The predator’s confidence is shaken if not broken. He
no longer roams the power corridors and sits in his own small jungle
waiting for the next prey. He is finally unsure of his ability to get
away with it without risking injury to his pride, status or image.
However, we are far from idealistic situation. A small step would be to
plant shame where it belongs. Unfortunately, the injury and damages are
still more on the woman, be it physically, mentally or emotionally.
So, what are we talking about?
Sexual harassment is every single incident of unwelcome sexual behavior.
Anything that can be expected to make the person feel offended,
humiliated or intimidated is sexual harassment.
It can be physical, verbal or written. It includes acts like indecent
exposure, stalking, sexual assault, obscene or threatening
communications, by phone, letter, emails, SMS, or posting irrelevant
damaging material on social platforms.
It includes sending suggestive letters, notes, or e-mails, displaying
inappropriate sexual images or posters in the workplace, telling lewd
jokes, or sharing sexual anecdotes, making inappropriate sexual
gestures, staring in a sexually suggestive or offensive manner, or
whistling, making sexual comments about appearance, clothing, or body
part, inappropriate touching, including pinching, patting, rubbing, or
purposefully brushing up against another person, asking sexual
questions, such as questions about someone's sexual history or their
sexual orientation and making offensive comments about someone's sexual
orientation or gender identity. And this is not an exhaustive list.
Mostly reported known cases centre around physical contact or advances,
demand or request for sexual favours, making sexually coloured remarks,
showing pornography, and other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal
conduct of sexual nature.
Sexual harassment can be clubbed in two distinct categories.
‘Quid pro quo’, where a gain / something is promised in return to
willingly suffering and accepting sexual harassment or exploitation.
There is a specific promise made that hints towards a particular path
the career of the victim will take due to acceptance or rejection of the
sexual act.
The other is a hostile work environment created within the organization.
Unfortunately in this case, a single incidence cannot be construed as a
hostile environment. Hence, it necessitates that the victim proves a
series of incidents and situations to make her case. It makes it a lot
more difficult to pursue or prove. The victim knows this and at times
ends up compromising with the situation.
Breaking some myth regarding sexual harassment
Sexual harassment at work is not confined to the work premises. Law sees
a wider scope and agrees that it can take place at work, at
work-related events, between people sharing the same workplace and even
colleague outside the workspace. It further expands its scope to include
contractors, agents, clients, vendors and any other stakeholder or
business associate the women need to interact during her job.
Not objecting to an objectionable act / behavior at a point of time,
does not mean acceptance or consent. ‘No is NO’ and a ‘no- yes' is also a
'NO’. Men unfortunately believe otherwise.
The law clearly leaves it for the woman to decide that what makes her
discomfort able and what she is comfortable with. No one speaks. Most
take the easy way out.
They change jobs, request internal transfer, stop working and in some
cases compromise with the situation. Most victims fear pointing fingers
at the instigator who is causing discomfort or creating a hostile
environment. It is never easy. For many victims, it is a choice between
having a job and being jobless. There usually is a power imbalance or a
financial need.
On one side, in the social matrix, the stigma is always attached to the
women, and on the other side news of such incidents kills future job
prospects. No one wants trouble makers!
We as a society have rarely demonstrated the desired sensitivity to make
the victim comfortable to report. There are many people and levers in
the life of the victim, pushing her to sacrifice and suffer in
One of the victim’s worry is the big question. What if the complaint is
not taken seriously. The working situation in the organization anyway
becomes difficult for her. More challenging are the unsaid questions and
rumours where many things are left for the recipient's imagination to
complete the loop.
The fear that the investigation / case may drag and there are more
chances of it remaining inconclusive is high. It is seen that in such
cases, it benefits the accused and is not in favor of the victim.
Nobody stops to read the hidden meaning of being inconclusive. It just
means that there is not a sufficient reason to believe if the incidents
happened or not. Not being able to prove an allegation does not mean
that it is a false/malicious complaint. The case remains inconclusive
because of lack of evidence. Hence, at least in the case of creation of
hostile environment, it is advised that the victim keeps records of the
incidences in writing. It allows for confrontation and confirmations, as
the facts do not get fogged with time.
At every stage, the woman is faced with a tough question. Is she willing to take the legal route?
The internal committee though directed by the law has repeatedly failed
to protect the identity of the woman. The penalty for this lapse is
negligible. The judiciary has failed to raise the confidence that there
will be a swift terminal conclusion to the case.
In the new world, social and media justice favours the victim but it
bars no one from taking pot shot at the accused. The reputation is at
stake at both the ends, but it is the woman who has more to lose. Sorry,
but that is the society we have created and live in.
There is something erratically wrong within the system. It always needs a
whistle blower to give courage to other victims to come out in open.
And then, the society looks at them with suspicion and questions their
motives for remaining silent for long. Media takes a unilateral decision
and uses a biased brush to paint one of the sides as a possible victim,
and that necessarily may not be the woman.
Sexual harassment is normally a slow burner. The signals at the start
are much softer and disguised. One is usually in a better position to
take preventive steps at the initial stages than by waiting for a
conclusive favourable twist to the case. It is better to report early
and snip the behavior in the bud. The predator normally tests his
victim’s reactions and capability to react and easily backs out if
snubbed at the start.
Mostly, it works, But in some case the accused may not stop / mend/
change the behavior. Then, it seems that it becomes the responsibility
of the victim to generate proof. Not sure, if one should recommend
investment in the new miniature-recording devices to collect the
evidence. Nevertheless, it is always better to keep records of
incidences, work progress and reviews. If they are with you at home, you
will not be left stranded knowing that they are no longer accessible to
you. Keep the message / call details if they are used to harass.
Do note that delay in reporting, it tends to lesser the chances of favourable decision and closure?
Unfortunately until women speak out, sexual harassment will go
un-noticed. No-one will comes to know about it and anyway no one else
wants to speak and take action.
Everyone acts like an ostrich. Nothing like it happens in their
organization! And if it does, they don’t want such issues to come out in
open. Their impact on brand value is seen as more damaging than the
effect on the victim. HR and Management motivation is to sort it out.
From the start, it smells of an un-natural bias to prove the complaint
It is still in everyone’s interest to prevent such behavior from a
minority of employees. Every organization must find time to make an
effort to create awareness, share their process and policies and across
gender. It is time that individually we act.