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In his articles in The Island of
Wednesday 20th and
Thursday 21st September 2017,
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka starts by asking the correct question, provides a
correct answer and goes on to identify the critical challenges in
formulating a new Constitution. Dayan does not, as so many others do,
mindlessly reject the need for a new Constitution or any radical
amendment to the existing one. Instead, he prescribes limits to what
could be included in such a constitution or an amendment. These limits
are based on his identification of what he describes as three types of
Sri Lankan Separatists. It is such identification that I have problems
with. Though he does not say so explicitly, he seems to concede that
every form of internal self-determination or regional autonomy could
conceivably be a step towards a totally deferent outcome, viz external
self-determination or secession. The LTTE never made this mistake – that
is why they opposed every form of internal self-determination or
regional autonomy. They knew it would be a barrier to secession which
has always been their only goal. But separation has never been viable,
and those groups that sponsored it have been eliminated. Overall, I am
largely in agreement with what Dayan has written.
To the best of my knowledge, even the most ardent federalist within the
Tamil political leadership never favored secession, nor insisted on the
degree of devolution that exists in the USA, Canada, Switzerland, and
many other countries. The
Vaddukoddai revolution must
be seen as largely an expression of despair on the part of the
political leadership and of its exploitation by armed Separatists,
particularly the LTTE. Of the countries listed above, Canada had a
secession problem till about three decades ago, but no longer. Many
countries have broken up, such as the USSR, but not on an account of
excessive devolution. In fact in several cases it is for lack of
devolution as in Pakistan and East Europe. As a rule, federalism and
devolution help to keep united countries that would, otherwise have
separated. This is certainly true of India, with the sole exception of
Kashmir. Kashmir is a problem, created by British imperialism at the
time of Independence of India and Pakistan.
Any secession in Sri Lanka will have a deadly domino effect on India.
Kashmir apart, every separatists movement in India, and there were many,
has dissipated or diminished in intensity. This development has been
accelerated by increased devolution within India as well as by the
Supreme Court ruling in the
Bommai case relating to the dissolution of the Karnataka State Assembly that
the Indian Government, long regarded as quasi-federal, is essentially
federal. That remarkable judgement reinstated the Karnataka State
Assembly dissolved a year earlier as well as the Bommai administration
of Karnataka. This bold and far-reaching judgement dramatically limits
the powers of the center over the province and, in the process, took on
the powerful Indira Gandhi who continued to be Prime Minister of India.
That such a judgement was possible reflects well on the quality of the
Judiciary of India.
Indira Gandhi’s support for a few Tamil militant groups who then claimed
to be fighting for secession was clearly to teach a lesson to President
J.R Jayewardene and Prime Minister Premadasa who had both insulted her.
Neither Indira nor the Indian establishment would have permitted
secession in Sri Lanka under any circumstances. The extent of support of
militant groups was clearly calculated to harass J.R and Premadasa
while ensuring, that the militants were in no position to secure
secession. Even if by some unimagined accident of history the narrow
sliver of land to the North-East of Sri Lanka formed an independent
government, that state would not have lasted more than a few days. No
country anywhere would have defied India and recognized or helped to
defend that state. This has been well understood by every political
group of any consequence in Sri Lanka, India and the global Tamil
diaspora. Even the political leaders who claimed to support the
Vaddukoddai resolution clearly did not believe in or even want secession
because very soon after the Vaddukoddai resolution they accepted and
cooperated with the operation of the DDC bill which did not provide even
a significant fraction of the devolution offered in the
Bandaranayake-Chelvenayakam pact or the Dudley-Chelvenayakam pact or
other arrangements negotiated subsequently. I am personally aware of
this because I was involved in the decision making leading to my
accepting the office of Secretary/ District Ministry, Secretary/DDC and
Government Agent of Jaffna in 1981. Both Indira Gandhi’s support to the
militants and the Vaddukoddai resolution that preceded it would have
proved to be wholly disastrous for the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.
Prof A.J Wilson and Dr Neelan Tiruchelvam met me a year earlier to ask
if I would accept my proposed appointment in Jaffna. I responded by
expressing my reservation because the DDC bill had been emasculated of
all significant devolution and those powers were transferred to the
District Ministers who were appointed precisely to undermine the DDCs.
Wilson and Neelan agreed with me but mentioned that the Jaffna DDC would
be regarded as the lead institution and, if it worked well, the DDC
bill would be amended to provide greater devolution. I told them that I
don’t believe it and asked them if they did. Thy replied that they had
reservation too but, apart from the carrot of more devolution, there was
also a stick. J.R had told them he got information of a plan towards an
island-wide anti-Tamil pogrom and that continuing close relationship
between the national leadership and the Tamil leadership would be the
way to avert such a disaster. I then agreed to accept the appointment.
I was installed in that office soon after the burning of the Jaffna
Public Library in 1981 by police and thugs brought into Jaffna mostly
from Kurunegala, by Ministers Cyril Mathew and Gamini Dissanayake to
help to rig the Jaffna DDC elections and to commit such violence as
deemed necessary. The rigging of the Jaffna DDC election failed due to
incompetence on the part of those assigned to do it, but they burnt down
the Jaffna Public Library with over 90 thousand books and documents,
many of them irreplaceable. They also did some killings and attempted to
kill V. Yogeswaran, M.P for Jaffna. This was the state of Jaffna when I
took office in June 1981.
I was involved, together with DDC Chairman Mr Nadarajah and fellow
public officer S.Sivathasan, in my official capacity, in negotiation for
more power to the DDC, which I will discuss in part II. Those
negotiations not only unraveled, but led to most unforeseen developments
in my career.