A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Demented toffee nosed DG makes Rupavahini a hellhole and prison camp for staff..! Media minister unsuccessful on second round !
The case in point in support of this perception ,is the disastrous
situation prevailing at Rupavahini TV channel considered as a nerve
center of any government in power. This is because the minister had
been unable to appoint a suitable individual of his choice as the
Director General of the Institution . In fact he has so far never
stepped into it.
The entire problem is hinged on the fact , Thusira Melawathanthri the
present Director General of this nerve center being ’ president’s
man’, he is exploiting that patronage and wreaking havoc on this most
vital Institution.
5 unions have jointly addressed letters pointing out this ‘mad circus’ of this president’s favorite to the president himself. A copy of the second letter addressed to the president has been sent to us too.
5 unions have jointly addressed letters pointing out this ‘mad circus’ of this president’s favorite to the president himself. A copy of the second letter addressed to the president has been sent to us too.
It appears that at the time when the media and finance
ministries were brought together , the secretary of the Finance ministry
being allocated the huge tasks of the media ministry is the main reason
, based on an external analysis . An additional secretary was
appointed to the media ministry this crisis would not have deepened. If
minister Samaraweera is assuming by appointing Ruwan Ferdinands a close
sidekick of his as the coordinating secretary who has only the
eligibility requirement - Samaraweera’s close friend and nothing else
to carry on those duties , the minister is laboring under a delusion
since this is a position which must be filled by a special grade
administrative officer .
Lanka e news at the beginning warned that Ferdinands is running
several media Institutions and therefore this appointment will create a
conflict of interests ,and prove disastrous.
It is a pity the government’s efforts to bring forth to the
people its ‘good work’ has been unsuccessful while the adversaries are
successfully delivering home their racism and religious hatred among
the society through myths and falsehoods without any hindrance. Not
only the government’s enemies , even Ferdinands the co ordinating
secretary of minister Mangala is clandestinely extending support to
extremism via his media. To him Duminda Silva the infamous drug Lord is
‘God’. He even proffers advice to deposed discarded Mahinda Rajapakse to
form a ‘real opposition’ . In those circumstances it is only a fool
will think minster Mangala is unaware of all this. Why is Mangala who
brought forward ‘ Sudu Nelum’against racism then when he was the media
minister, today after becoming the minister of media as well as finance
asleep at the wheel ?
Obviously the crazy antics of crazed Mellewetanthri Thusira
the Director General (DG) of Rupavahini is an evil fallout of these
lapses. Simply because Thusira is ‘president’s man’, can a UNP minister
look the other way ?
The media personnel of Rupavahini who are committed to good governance
have addressed a letter to the president for the second time with copies
to the P.M. , the minister in charge , deputy minister and Lanka e news
. The charges mounted in it against this demented buffoon Thusira are
01. T.M.G, Chandrasekera the information officer of
Rupavahini was sent on compulsory leave because he is a member of the
Executive officers association . He was subsequently reinstated
temporarily on the pressures exerted by the trade unions . Yet his
office has been sealed, and his performance of duties has been
disallowed. This decision is most ludicrous .
02. An investigation has been commenced , and the
individual appointed as the chairman of this inquiry committee was the
one who held Chandrasekera guilty in an earlier inquiry .
03. Scurrilous literature against Chandrasekera have
been printed , and believe it or not , the documents which were
exclusively with the unhinged Director General have been used for this
purpose . This is a clear index that Mellewathanthri despite holding a
most responsible post can be most irresponsible and can stoop that low
as to print even scurrilous notifications.
04. The DG summoned the members of the trade union and
individually threatened them. Vindictive actions have been launched
under the guise of disciplinary action against the trade union members
if they don’t quit the trade unions.
05. This dipsomaniac DG who spends his whole night in clubs is continuing with his habit of daily scolding the Rupavahini Corporation officers most insolently and disgracing them in his drunken state.
05. This dipsomaniac DG who spends his whole night in clubs is continuing with his habit of daily scolding the Rupavahini Corporation officers most insolently and disgracing them in his drunken state.
06. The Executive officers’ Association of Rupavahini
had sent a letter through the association to the board of Directors
including the chairman pointing out the ‘Psychotic proclivities’ of DG ,
and as they cannot any longer work with him , to oust him.
07. It is our belief however that neither the
chairman nor the board has intimated to you in this regard. When the
trade union officers inquired about this , the chairman had said he has
no objection to their taking action en masse against the DG. Yet the
letter that was sent had not been discussed at the Board meeting so
08. The SL Rupavahini Corporation trade unions jointly including program producers union, Technical officers union , production service artistes’ union and Rupavahini employees union have addressed a letter to the DG and the Chairman explaining the grave issues and crises plaguing the Corporation. The DG instead of showing a positive response has acted most villainously and arrogantly taking advantage of the establishment code . The chairman on the other hand is inert and impotent .
08. The SL Rupavahini Corporation trade unions jointly including program producers union, Technical officers union , production service artistes’ union and Rupavahini employees union have addressed a letter to the DG and the Chairman explaining the grave issues and crises plaguing the Corporation. The DG instead of showing a positive response has acted most villainously and arrogantly taking advantage of the establishment code . The chairman on the other hand is inert and impotent .
09. In order to take revenge against the trade unions , the DG
has recruited 7 children of the members of another defunct society
.While the Rupavahini Corporation is already overstaffed , this action
of the DG is arbitrary and anomalous.
10. The dipsomaniac demented DG had only further confirmed his
paranoid psychotic nature by interdicting two executive officers,
transferring two others arbitrarily to other divisions , and calling for
explanations from two producers.
11. Mellewethanthri is now hospitalized. Yet he is so
insanely bent on revengeful actions , he is signing those vengeful
letters while in hospital. He has conducted himself violently even in
hospital so much so that he has entered into conflicts with hospital
staff too thereby disgracing the Rupavahini Corporation . He has
concealed from the officers of the Institution his admission to
hospital . It is reported that he is suffering from some severe mental
derangement , and is taking psychiatric treatment.
12. When an officer of the News division went to the canteen to
have meals , he was summoned because he was late by 15 mins. and
dismissed from his duties as editor.
13. Giving inordinate exhibitionism via the news
telecasts to events which are attended by the DG has been made
compulsory , and if by any chance his photographs are not given full
display , the employees have to face his tirade . This has been made a
habit by the DG.
14. He has given oral instructions that a DVD copy of
every news report which covers the event in which he is a participant
shall be given to him immediately. Even the Hon. minister does not
resort to such high handed actions nor does he give such overly arrogant
instructions .
15. This DG who is suffering from acute megalomania is
using the Rupavahini programs unduly to inflate his deflated image only
. His paranoia and megalomania have reached such monumental
proportions that he is behaving like a lunatic .
16. The DG is so warped mentally he wants to be greeted with
the words ’good morning’ even 20 times when he meets, and on occasions
if that is missed , he threatens to take disciplinary action.
17. By creating disputes between the executive officers
and others instead of promoting harmony through his utterances
conducive to disputes and discord , the DG has confirmed he is not fit
to hold that post.
18. If the security officer in the vicinity of his room perspires, his superiority complex is so acute he berates him though sweating is natural when they toil in the performance of their duties. Owing to this the security officers are averse to working where the DG is.
18. If the security officer in the vicinity of his room perspires, his superiority complex is so acute he berates him though sweating is natural when they toil in the performance of their duties. Owing to this the security officers are averse to working where the DG is.
19. While the Rupavahini Corporation is in such a state
of chaos and confusion while also rapidly degenerating in standard ,
this DG who is a most responsible officer has done nothing to stem the
20. In the Malwana court case against Basil Rajapakse , it is this toffee nosed braggart who bragged he is the lawyer , and since his ties with the president are so inextricably interwoven , nobody can oust him.
21. Owing to this hostile attitude and mad hatter conduct , the creativity and efficiency of the staff are going down the drain without being channeled towards the progress of the Institution.
20. In the Malwana court case against Basil Rajapakse , it is this toffee nosed braggart who bragged he is the lawyer , and since his ties with the president are so inextricably interwoven , nobody can oust him.
21. Owing to this hostile attitude and mad hatter conduct , the creativity and efficiency of the staff are going down the drain without being channeled towards the progress of the Institution.
22. DG’s obnoxious bossy boots traits and mental
derangement , have made the Rupavahini Institution a prison camp for
staff , fomenting hatred and terror while controlling the employees
most offensively, as a result the peace and cordiality within the
Institution have totally evaporated.
by (2017-10-23 17:31:30)
by (2017-10-23 17:31:30)