A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, October 23, 2017
Need for strengthening weed control practices
National food production drive:
By Dr. L. Amarasinghe, Former senior weed Scientist and a Director, Department of Agriculture.-
October 22, 2017, 9:31 pm
The overall productivity of both the arable and plantation crop sectors
has been seriously affected by the recent droughts experienced across
the whole country, reported to be the worst overthe last 40 years. This
has left large extents of paddy lands, both irrigated and rain-fed, as
well as other annual crops of the country, under extended fallow
periods, affecting a substantial decrease in the national food
productivityof the country compelling the government to import rice and
other basic food items such as onions, maize etc. to fulfil the national
needs. Productivity in the plantation sector has also been seriously
Consequences of recent droughts in the country
According to a recent article published in a daily newspaper it is quite
disheartening to note the results of a recent survey conducted by the
Sri Lankan UN office indicating that over 300,000 families in drought
affected areas are only fed a single meal per day while the National
Disaster Management Center has declared that close to 1,989,572 people
in 17 districts are seriously affected by extreme drought conditions.
In this context, President Maithripala Sirisena has rightly advised all
government departments to give the highest priority to a national food
production programme. The President has further declared that all
cultivable land in the country should be brought under cultivation under
the national food production programme. Thus, it is the responsibility
of all concerned to make the proposed national agricultural production
programme success.
We hope the following discussion would help realise the importance of
basic land preparation prior to planting of crops to increase the
overall productivity in plantation and agriculture.
The arable food crop sector
The preliminary obstacle faced by the arable crop farmers is the
establishment of annual crops in lands that have been under extensive
weed growth due long fallow periods experienced over several seasons. As
we all know, a seed bed free of weeds is a compulsory pre-requisite for
the successful establishment of any crop. Usually, this is achieved
through land preparation either using animal or mechanical power. Water
is adopted as a supplementary factor along with tillage in lowland rice
cultivation. The duration to complete the whole process is determined
largely by many factors among which initial standing weed biomass
becomes a crucial one.
Over the last several decades, farmers have resorted to effective
herbicide use to expedite weed killing, facilitating land preparation.
In fact, 60 to 80 percent of rice farmers in major rice growing areas
have adopted recommended herbicides in the past. There were then only
two herbicides recommended to kill weeds prior to initiation of tillage
during land preparation. However, this practice has come to an abrupt
halt recently after the only two herbicides widely used by farmers,
Paraquat and Glyphosate, were banned without providing suitable
alternatives. As a result farmers have to resort to increased tillage
practices, excessive use of water and labour to control weeds
established during fallow periods.
Despite the ban, heavy illicit inflow of Glyphosate is reaching the
country and unscrupulous parties/traders are involved in selling such
glyphosate at highly exorbitant prizes, usually three to four times the
usual prize, exploiting the poor farmers. The farmers are compelled to
buy this glyphosate because of excessive labour costs for weeding. This
situation applies particularly to tea estates in the plantation sector
as well.
The plantation crop sector
Weed management on tea plantations is a critically important operation,
particularly, during early establishment and post pruning phases. Weeds
on tea estates range from soft annual dicotyledonous weeds to perennial
grasses which are highly competitive. The most common method of removing
weeds in the past, prior to 1960s, had been scraping. Scraping breaks
down the soil structure leaving a loose layer of top soil which is
readily washed away by rains. The loss of soil nutrients is
considerable. The use of herbicides has substantially reduced soil
erosion. It has been observed that chemical weed control is superior to
manual weed control with respect to changes in some soil physical and
chemical properties such as total pore space, percent aggregation, water
retention total availability of water, texture, organic carbon, CEC and
the percentage of total nitrogen in the long run. Further no adverse
effect on micro- organisms and earthworm population has been observed
with application of paraquat, in contrast to the application of systemic
It has been reported that bimonthly application of paraquat at
0.125lb/ac is quite effective on controlling young emerging broad
leaves, grasses and sedges in tea plantations. However, repeated
application becomes necessary to suppress the regenerating grasses
having underground propagules such as rhizomes and tubers. There is no
danger of paraquat being available for root absorption at the above
levels of application. No difference was recorded in yields between two
monthly manual and paraquat weeding. Thus, large tea plantations heavily
dependended on this chemical to control weeds due to labour shortages
for manual weeding.
Despite the wide scale adoption of the two leading herbicides, Paraquat
and Glyposate, over decades on tea plantations, recent steps taken to
ban the two herbicides without providing alternatives dealt a serious
blow on chemical weed control. Glyphosate was legally banned in 2015 on
the premise that it had a role in the chronic kidney disease of
uncertain aetiology (CKDu) reported from agricultural areas in North
Central Province, but there has been no acceptable scientific evidence
to establish it.
It has not been banned in any other country having CKDuor , for that
matter, anywhere else in the world. Parquet has been banned legally in
2014 due to the risk intentional poisoning from voluntary intake.
The serious problems faced by farmers on total weed control in
agricultural and plantation sectorsafter banning of these two herbicides
have been seriously highlighted invarious technical forums, by
university academics and other scientistsand even severalministers at
the parliament. But all these efforts have been in vain. With the
current labour shortage and extensive weed growth in fallow lands, mere
mechanical tillage or manual labour- intensive methods becomes
relatively inefficient to accomplish the expected level of initial weed
control during land preparation in agricultural lands or weeding in tea
plantations, unless an effective herbicide is used.
Backed by the long term experience after working with Paraquat and
considering factors that led to banning of the two herbicides, Paraquat
and Glyphosate, we strongly propose that Paraquat is the most proven
herbicide with minimum hazards on the environment and the applicator as
well. However, farmers should be educated on its safe use.
Paraquat herbicide and Regulatory status
Paraquat is a relatively non-selective, foliage-applied contact
herbicide. Soils of various types are capable of adsorbing vast
quantities of paraquat. Clay content is important, but even for lighter
soils the adsorption capacity in the top few centimeters is capable of
deactivating many kilograms of paraquat per hectare.
It is inactivated on contact with almost all naturally occurring soils
and as a result no biologically active residues remain in the soil, thus
allowing planting or sowing to be carried out almost immediately after
No leaching or run-off drainage to ground water.
When used as recommended, paraquat is not hazardous to fish or
invertebrates because it cannot leach into water. Extensive ecological
studies have shown that paraquat is not a risk to aquatic environments.
Like other pesticides, paraquat concentrate can be fatal if swallowed in
sufficient quantities. Utmost care should always be taken to avoid
ingesting pesticides. Minor exposure is possible from contaminated
fingers or gloves, or sprays drift, but in negligible amounts and this
exposure would not be expected to cause harm in any normal practice.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) have adopted an international treaty in 1998 called
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior informed consent Procedure for
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, for
managingchemicals that pose serious risks to human health and
environment through banning or imposing severe restrictions.
The Chemical Review Committee (CRC) of the Rotterdam Convention has
reviewed the notifications made by several countries against Paraquat to
include in the list of chemicals subject to the Prior Informed Consent
procedure (PIC). The Committee declared that the notifications did not
meet the specified requirements to include Paraquat in PIC list.
Because of unintentional poisonings and absence of an antidote, Paraquat
has been banned or restricted in a number of countries. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows its purchase and use solely
by certified applicators. More than 100 crops worldwide are sprayed
with paraquat, including in the U.S.
In developing countries, where health hazards of pesticides are
pronounced, paraquat is minimally restricted. In Indonesia, its use is
restricted to large estates and certified applicators. Paraquat is
recommended to use over a number of crops including, rice, maize,
potato, tea and cotton in India.
Immediate interventions
Immediately lift the ban on paraquat and make all necessary actions to
import adequate amounts of the herbicide. Extend all assistance to the
pesticide industry to expedite the importation of the herbicide and the
necessary product stewardship.
Benefits and Beneficiaries
All farming community in the country who are involved in agriculture and
plantation sector would be greatly benefited even through a temporary
lifting of the ban imposed on Parqauat for a limited number of growing
seasons at this national crisis situation
1. Over 1.0 million resource poor rice farmers in the Island, both in the dry and wet zones
who are confronted with excessive weed growth in their fallow paddy fields in current situation.
2. Land preparation in more than 40-50% of paddy lands in the wet and
intermediate zones covering Matara, Galle, Ratnapura, Hambantota,
Kalurtara, Gampaha, Kegalla and Kurunegala districts would be
3. Thousands of small- scale sugarcane farmers engaged in contractual growing of
sugarcane and the major plantations run by the companies who adopt
chemical weed control close to 80% of their cultivated extents due to
heavy labour shortage.
4. Total tea cultivation extent of the Island approximates 0.21 m ha of
which around 40% is managed by the large plantation companies while the
rest 60% by small holders. Among the key issues relevant to management
of tea plantations, effective control of weeds in both young plantations
and after pruning is vital for sustained production. Although a large
number of labour is required for manual weeding, because of the heavy
shortage of labour in the tea sector, manual weed control has become
almost insufficient incurring a considerable reduction in the profit
margin for the producer. The reasonable alternative is the adoption
effective herbicides along with supplementary manual weeding.