A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, November 30, 2017
Central Bank should be cautious in launching inflation targeting monetary policy

While appreciating the Central Bank’s endevour to shift to an inflation
targeting or more precisely, to a flexible inflation targeting monetary
policy framework, I would like to emphasize here that it is not an easy
task to effectively implement such a policy strategy in a developing
country like Sri Lanka, given the fiscal imbalances, debt burden and
other macroeconomic hindrances. These pitfalls were already brought to
light in my previous articles appeared in the Island recently.
An increasing number of advanced countries have switched to
inflation-target based monetary policy frameworks in recent decades,
following the success story of New Zealand which began inflation
targeting in 1990. Inflation targeting has been increasingly adopted by
the central banks in several developing countries as well. However,
inflation targeting has not been without its criticisms, particularly in
the context of developing countries.
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has recently declared its intention to
move to a flexible inflation targeting in the conduct of monetary
What is inflation targeting?
Inflation targeting is a monetary policy framework under which a
country’s central bank aims to keep a pre-announced inflation rate over a
specific time frame. Transparency and accountability are two essential
components of inflation targeting. Transparency implies that the central
bank should convey the inflation target with justification through
public announcements. Accountability means that the central bank should
not miss the inflation target.
In practice, the central bank needs to give some weightage to economic
stability as well, since strict inflation targeting might lead to
economic fluctuations. Hence, flexible inflation targeting is considered
more desirable to give leeway to the central bank to adopt
discretionary monetary policy to mitigate such fluctuations as and when
the need arises. This is the type of policy framework that the Central
Bank of Sri Lanka intends to adopt, according its recent announcements.
The central banks practicing inflation targeting use policy interest
rates to influence the aggregate demand consisting of consumption,
investment and foreign trade. The variations in aggregate demand affect
inflation. Thus, inflation targeting focuses only on the demand side.
Advantages of inflation targeting
Obviously, there are many advantages of inflation targeting. It provides
a nominal anchor for monetary policy and inflation expectations. There
is clear evidence that inflation has come down in several countries
after adopting inflation targeting. Inflation targeting does not require
a stable relationship between monetary aggregates and inflation as in
the case of monetary targeting. All available information is used in
formulating monetary policy under inflation targeting.
The greater emphasis given in inflation targeting to regular
communication with the public has enabled the central banks in advanced
countries not only to gain public confidence but also to get public
support for price stability.
Shortcomings of inflation targeting in developing economies
The success of inflation targeting is bound to be limited in developing
economies due to various structural constraints and the absence of
prerequisites needed for such monetary policy shift. Central bank
independence is crucial for using monetary policy instruments freely to
maintain the announced inflation targets. When there is fiscal dominance
compelling the central bank to print money to accommodate fiscal
deficits, as in the case of Sri Lanka, the space available to the
central bank to conduct monetary policy that targets low inflation is
extremely limited.
Inflation targeting does not permit a central bank to use any other
nominal anchor such as the exchange rate. But central banks in
developing countries, in general, are promoted to keep the exchange rate
within a pre-determined range to avoid volatility in cost of living and
government’s debt service commitments.
Another shortcoming of inflation targeting is that it addresses only the
demand side of the economy, as noted earlier.Developing countries,
however, are highly susceptible to supply side shocks which generate
what is called cost-push inflation. For instance, foods shortages caused
by droughts and floods can lead to steep increases in inflation. In
order to identify the underlying inflation eliminating such temporary
supply shocks, the central bank uses the measurement of core inflation.
So, the influence of monetary policy is limited to core inflation, which
is a part of headline inflation.
Fiscal consolidation essential
As envisaged in the Vision 2025, the government has initiated
revenue-based fiscal consolidation to reduce the budget deficit and
public debt in the medium-term. The government expenditure will be
rationalized by strengthening the Fiscal Responsibility Act with binding
targets for fiscal deficit and public debt. The government also
envisages to introduce liability management strategies to ease domestic
and foreign debt burden while meeting its cash flow needs using an
appropriate combination of debt instruments.
Although such initiatives are commendable, it is questionable how far
those are going to be successful in the near future to facilitate the
planned inflation targeting drive. The Central Bank seems to be
over-optimistic with regard to the envisaged reduction in the fiscal
deficit to 3.5 of GDP by 2020 so as to activate the inflation targeting
process. It all depends on the government’s commitment not only to
revenue enhancement but also to expenditure cuts.
The fiscal deficit for 2018 is 4.8 percent of GDP, as announced in the
Budget speech.It is doubtful whether the actual budget deficit could be
retained within this announced target next year, given the frequent
fiscal slippages in the past and the possible spending spree amid the
upcoming local government elections. The projected deficit for 2017 was
4.7 percent of GDP as per last year’s budget speech, but the actual
deficit has gone up to 5.2 percent of GDP.
The limited fiscal consolidation achieved so far has been restricted to
revenue enhancement mainly through increases in indirect tax
mobilization, adversely affecting the cost of living of the ordinary
people. An improvement in income tax or direct tax mobilization is
expected with the implementation of the new Inland Revenue Act.
Rationalization of government expenditure too is imperative for fiscal
Exchange rate effects on inflation unavoidable
The Central Bank cannot have any target or nominal anchor other than
inflation in a pure inflation targeting regime. By and large, this
prevents the Central Bank interfering in the foreign exchange market to
defend a pre-determined exchange rate, as practised in the past. In
other words, the exchange rate should be allowed to float in the market
freely responding to demand and supply forces.
The impact of exchange rate changes on the real sector is substantial in
Sri Lanka, given the significant import contents in the consumer basket
and production structure. An exchange rate depreciation raises the
general price level and in turn, cost of living. Similarly, exchange
rate depreciation pushes up cost of production. The perfectly flexible
exchange rate regime could, therefore, defeat the very purpose of
inflation targeting by pushing up the general price level.
In essence, prices should be deregulated fully for the successful
operation of inflation targeting. In Sri Lanka, administered prices
account for a substantial portion of the consumer price index, and
therefore, the influence of monetary policy is confined to
non-administered price items.
External debt service commitments would upset inflation targeting
Exchange rate depreciation could also have significant effects on debt
service burden where levels of foreign currency denominated debt is
high, as presently experienced by Sri Lanka.
The external debt service payments, consisting of loan repayments and
interest payments, are projected to rise from US dollars 2,132 million
in 2017 to dollars 2,819 in 2018. Thereafter, there will be a bunching
of debt service payments during 2019-2022 reaching a peak level of
dollars 4,217 million in 2019.
Given these growing debt commitments, a marginal depreciation of the
rupee will have a considerable impact on the budget. For instance, one
percent depreciation of the rupee will increase the government’s
external debt service payments roughly by a whopping Rs. 4.4 billion in
2018 and by Rs. 6.5 billion in 2019.
These additional debt serviceoutlays will obviously expand the fiscal
deficit compelling the government to increasingly rely on the Central
Bank to borrow money by way of money printing or seigniorage. This
counteracts inflation targeting which is designed on the grounds of
fiscal consolidation
In such a situation, leaving the exchange rate to market forces, as
required by inflation targeting, is likely to bring about heavy fiscal
burden. Hence, one could argue that some foreign market intervention
many not be inconsistent with inflation targeting in difficult times as
long as the motives for such deviations are fully communicated and
No easy way out
Inflation targeting is recognized worldwide as a desirable monetary
policy framework to combat the evil of inflation. The success of such
policy drive, however, depends on many factors particularly in emerging
market economies like Sri Lanka. Therefore, we cannot expect miracles
from a shift to inflation targeting.
Sri Lanka faces a crisis situation as regards acute fiscal imbalances,
unsustainable debts and widening balance of payments deficits. These
problems are unlikely to be resolved in the near future although both
the Government and the Central Bank have announced a series of
corrective measures encompassing fiscal consolidation and inflation
It is questionable whether Sri Lanka is ready to implement inflation
targeting or the declared flexible inflation targeting framework. The
fiscal deficit is likely to expand further in the absence of any visible
expenditure rationalization and the fragile revenue structure. The
present government’s continuous borrowings for infrastructure projects
such as the central expressway and the proposed light rail system will
further enhance the debt service burden aggravating the fiscal
On the foreign exchange front, the trade deficit continues to widen in
the background of sluggish export performance and rising imports. Worker
remittances, which have been a main source of foreign exchange
earnings, begin to slow down exerting considerable pressures on the
balance of payments and the exchange rate.
Meanwhile, foreign exchange flows have been further liberalized recently
under the Foreign Exchange Act, No.12 of 2017. Given the market
uncertainties, much improvement in foreign exchange inflows cannot be
expected through the incentives given under this Act. If at all, there
is a likelihood of capital outflows, though it is too early to predict
the outcome of the exchange liberalization under this Act.
All in all, the current macroeconomic setting is detrimental to
effective application of inflation targeting as planned by the Central
Bank, although such processwould bedesirable from the viewpoint of
macroeconomic stability.