Friday, November 24, 2017

Is it Kili Maharaja or Maithripala Sirisena ? You must decide who is ruling the country – Sujeewa airs UNP’s disillusionment (Full video)

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News - 23.Nov.2017, 2.35PM)  For the first time UNP returned the ‘gun fire’  of Kili- Maithri group that had  been unrelentingly launching unjust attacks targeting the UNP. This furious  firing came  from the cannon of UNP deputy minister Sujeewa Senasinghe. He said plainly , it should be either Kili  or Maithri who should run the country – not both. 
‘I am indeed thoroughly  disillusioned with the president . We appointed you after risking our lives. Specially, it was not to   escalate  the political issues.  I think one Institution has given the  idea to you ,by  destroying  Rajapakses and the UNP , you can form a huge force in 2020.

I told you about a month ago , don’t go on extending  the period of this Commission . By extending the term of the Commission it was   allowed    to sling mud at us.
Where is the presidential Commission for the MiG deal ? Where is the presidential commission for the Spectrum ? Rs. 7 to 8 billion are  monies of the people . Where is the presidential Commission for the ship deal? Where is the presidential Commission for the Advertising Companies?

With what amount of commitment we installed this government .
Is it stated anywhere , I  spoke to the CID to protect Aloysius ? Is it stated anywhere I spoke to the Central bank officer to protect Aloysius? I spoke only  to obtain the information during the COPE committee . Is it stated anywhere the COPE Committee cannot talk to anyone ? Is there such a law?  Where is it not ethical ?  What did we say after gathering that information?   We told to conduct an investigation pertaining to Perpetual Treasuries. If I have to put through a deal , need I have to make 40 telephone calls ? It can be done in two phone calls. I am a lawyer. If I want to transact a deal , will I take calls on my phone? 
It is one channel that is slinging mud. Either that channel should administer the country or president Maithripala.  One of them must decide who should run the country. Upul Jayasuriya was ousted on a phone call on the Chalmer’s land transaction. These are deals? Thereafter Muhundan of TRC was ousted on a phone call . This Commission too was  not president’s . After dragging the Commission on and on ,and  after slinging mud at us , it was concluded.
These are  my personal hard feelings against the president. We are also in the same age  range of his children. If he is shielding his children , and  if  Lanka e news attacking him is bad  ,then  if another media is attacking us , that too is bad

We were with you. You said you were coming along with 20 , but  you came only with four . Our group said,  ‘ Sir, don’t give if he is coming only with four.’ Rosie Senanayake stood up and said , ‘ Don’t say like that , now he has come in no matter how many he brought  , so let us start our struggle’ 
The next to get up was me ,’Sir , never mind how many he brought , let us launch on our struggle, ’ I told. 
Hence , if there is anything wrong in what I am disclosing , you can appoint any Commission . You are the president. You cannot point a finger at us and say , rogues are not being caught .  If you can appoint a Bond Commission , similarly you can do that  for the others too.
Of course these are my personal sentiments . I do not know whether the P.M.  would blame me.’
Video footage of Senasinghe’s full speech is hereunder 
by     (2017-11-23 09:19:50)