Thursday, November 9, 2017

Prof. Yash Ghai reading Sri Lankan minds on federalism states ‘There seems to be a phobia in your country’

Prof. Yash Ghai

Prof. Yash Ghai has advised in the negotiations and making of constitutions in about 15 countries. He chaired the Kenyan Constitution Commission and its constituent assembly which led to a new constitution in 2010. In 2013 Prof. Ghai was selected by the Fijian Military Government to be the Chairperson of Fiji’s Constitutional Committee. He was the Sir Y K Pao Professor of Public Law at the University of Hong Kong and has taught law at the University of Warwick. He has held visiting professorships at the Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, Uppsala University and the University of Wisconsin. In a recent visit to Sri Lanka, at the invitation of Democracy Reporting International, he shared with the Dailymirror  the Kenyan experience of constitution making.