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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Is Trump’s Tirade Against Media Appropriate ?

People always expected that media by it’s structure and approach should be keeping the national interest in view under any circumstances and it’s observations must be fair , logical and should be in the form that would stand fair scrutiny.
( January 29, 2018, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) Ever
since Trump entered politics, he has been critical of media. During the
U S Presidential election, his tirade against media almost reached peak
level. Now, even after becoming the U S President after his
controversial election campaign, he has not tapered down the intensity
of his attack on media. The latest tirade against media by Trump has
been at Davos, where he was supposed to have gone to speak about
America’s economic interests. Obviously, the hatred against media
occupies the uppermost level in his mindset.
It is not clear as to who started this “war” between Trump and media, whether it was Trump or media.
While Trump loses no opportunity to express his disapproval of the media
in USA, which now almost appears to have become an obsession for him,
the US media has behaved no better. Why US media ? Most sections of the
media around the world seem to dislike Trump and want him to exit the
political scene.
In most cases, the media’s writings and discussions about Trump has been
in harsh terms and totally impolite, discourteous and sometimes seem to
be an extreme view point.
Even many of those, who are critical of Trump for continuing his
campaign against media, do think that media too has severely erred in
viewing President Trump and his actions with prejudiced and blurred
vision. Media seems to have forgotten that it has to be neutral and
unbiased in commenting and interpreting the scenario under any
In India too,another democratic country providing almost limitless
freedom to the media, section of media appears to be carrying on a
motivated campaign against the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and does not
see anything good in whatever he has done so far. The media invariably
gives prominence to the utterances of critics of Modi and tries to make
it look as if it represents the national view ,though some of these
critics belong to fringe groups known for their extreme and narrow
views. While any government will have some flaws , the fairness requires
that good and bad should be highlighted instead of focusing largely on
negatives only. In this respect, U S and Indian media seem to have
something in common.
In earlier days, it was well known that politicians around the world had
generally self centred views and would not hesitate to chalk out
schemes to advance their personal interests, sometimes even over the
national interests. Politicians never had the best of image as honest
crusaders. But, in the past, this has not been the image of the
journalists and media personnel.
People always expected that media by it’s structure and approach should
be keeping the national interest in view under any circumstances and
it’s observations must be fair , logical and should be in the form that
would stand fair scrutiny. In other words, the media was considered as
the conscience keeper of the nation and voice of the people. One has to
now ask whether the media these days meet such expectations. Many people
around the world think today that it is no more the media that we know
Today, most of the print and visual media are managed by the business
houses, who have profit as the priority motive and sometimes are owned
by political parties that have set views on any matter. With profit
theme becoming the central focus of media houses, it is inevitable that
principles as per the journalistic ethos become the first casualty and
go for a toss.
It is high time now that both US President Trump and US media should
introspect ,keeping the long term view of the nation and stop this
mutual bickering immediately. The present tussle between President Trump
and US media is not doing credit to either of them.
Particularly, US media should realize that President Trump will cease to
be US President after his term and the next incumbent may be more
cautious in his utterances. However, media’s reputation ,once it is
lost, cannot be retrieved in such quick time and it would be a very long
haul for the media to retrieve its credibility and glory.