Monday, February 5, 2018

Sri Lanka: LG Political Campaigns as Mirror of Existing Political Culture

What is going to take place on 10 February 2018 is an election to 341 local government institutions choosing by ballot of 8,293 members, 25 percent or over 1,000 being mandatorily women. This is potentially a pathbreaking change, although much attention is not given to this fact in political campaigns or commentaries.

by Laksiri Fernando- 
Political culture is the manifestation, in aggregate, of psychological and subjective dimensions of politics.”  –  Pitch Pongswat
( February 4, 2018, Sydney, Sri Lanka Guardian) A democratic election is a process in which people are involved closely interacting with the contesting candidates, their political parties/groups, party leaders and other campaigners. The culminating act is voting. One may argue that the process is more the other way round, the people mostly being mere spectators of the ‘gimmicks,’ before the election day, and the real actors being the candidates, parties, leaders and their supporters (or henchmen).