A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, April 1, 2018
Integrity Has Vanished From The West

The corruption in the West extends beyond politicians, presstitutes, and an insouciant public to experts.

Finian Cunningham notes the absurdity in the political and media uproar
over Trump (belatedly) telephoning Putin to congratulate him on his
reelection with 77 percent of the vote, a show of public approval that
no Western political leader could possibly attain. The crazed US senator
from Arizona called the person with the largest majority vote of our
time “a dictator.” Yet a real blood-soaked dictator from Saudi Arabia is
feted at the White House and fawned over by the president of the United States.
The Western politicians and presstitutes are morally outraged over an
alleged poisoning, unsupported by any evidence, of a former spy of no
consequence on orders by the president of Russia himself. These kind of
insane insults thrown at the leader of the world’s most powerful
military nation—and Russia is a nation, unlike the mongrel Western
countries—raise the chances of nuclear Armageddon beyond the risks
during the 20th century’s Cold War. The insane fools making these
unsupported accusations show total disregard for all life on earth. Yet
they regard themselves as the salt of the earth and as “exceptional,
indispensable” people.
Think about the alleged poisoning of Skirpal by Russia. What can this be
other than an orchestrated effort to demonize the president of Russia?
How can the West be so outraged over the death of a former double-agent,
that is, a deceptive person, and completely indifferent to the millions
of peoples destroyed by the West in the 21st century alone. Where is
the outrage among Western peoples over the massive deaths for which the
West, acting through its Saudi agent, is responsible in Yemen? Where is
the Western outrage among Western peoples over the deaths in Syria? The
deaths in Libya, in Somalia, Pakistan, Ukraine, Afghanistan? Where is
the outrage in the West over the constant Western interference in the
internal affairs of other countries? How many times has Washington
overthrown a democratically-elected government in Honduras and
reinstalled a Washington puppet?
The corruption in the West extends beyond politicians, presstitutes, and
an insouciant public to experts. When the ridiculous Condi Rice,
national security adviser to president George W. Bush, spoke of Saddam
Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction sending up a nuclear
cloud over an American city, experts did not laugh her out of court. The
chance of any such event was precisely zero and every expert knew it,
but the corrupt experts held their tongues. If they spoke the truth,
they knew that they would not get on TV, would not get a government
grant, would be out of the running for a government appointment. So they
accepted the absurd lie designed to justify an American invasion that
destroyed a country.
This is the West. There is nothing but lies and indifference to the
deaths of others. The only outrage is orchestrated and directed against a
target: the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Iran, Assad, Russia and
Putin, and against reformist leaders in Latin America. The targets for
Western outrage are always those who act independently of Washington or
who are no longer useful to Washington’s purposes.
The quality of people in Western governments has collapsed to the very
bottom of the barrel. The British actually have a person, Boris Johnson,
as Foreign Secretary, who is so low-down that a former British
ambassador has no compunction in calling him a categorical liar.
The British lab Porton Down, contrary to Johnson’s claim, has not
identified the agent associated with the attack on Skirpal as a Russian
novichok agent. Note also that if the British lab is able to identify a
novichok agent, it also has the capability of producing it, a capability
that many countries have as the formulas were published years ago in a
That the novichok poisoning of Skirpal is an orchestration is obvious.
The minute the event occured the story was ready. With no evidence in
hand, the British government and presstitute media were screaming “the
Russians did it.” Not content with that, Boris Johnson screamed “Putin
did it.” In order to institutionalize fear and hatred of Russia into
British consciousness, British school children are being taught that Putin is like Hitler.
Orchestrations this blatant demonstrate that Western governments have no
respect for the intelligence of their peoples. That Western governments
get away with these fantastic lies indicates that the governments are
immune to accountability. Even if accountability were possible, there is
no sign that Western peoples are capable of holding their governments
accountable. As Washington drives the world to nuclear war, where are
the protests? The only protest is brainwashed school children protesting
the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment.
Western democracy is a hoax. Consider Catalonia. The people voted for
independence and were denounced for doing so by European politicians.
The Spanish government invaded Catalonia alleging that the popular
referendum, in which people expressed their opinion about their own
future, was illegal. Catalonian leaders are in prison awaiting trial,
except for Carles Puigdemont who escaped to Belgium. Now Germany has
captured him on his return to Belgium from Finland where he lectured at
the University of Hesinki and is holding him in jail for a Spanish
government that bears more resembance to Francisco Franco than to
democracy. The European Union itself is a conspiracy against democracy.
The success of Western propaganda in creating non-existent virtues for
itself is the greatest public relations success in history.