A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, May 5, 2018
Can the Application of Universal Jurisdiction Foster Accountability in Sri Lanka?

A closer look at an important question.
At the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, which met in Geneva in
February and March 2018, the High Commissioner for United Nations Human
Rights Commission (UNHRC) Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein urged member states to
explore other avenues to foster accountability in Sri Lanka including the application of universal jurisdiction.
The call was made in an attempt to bring about accountability for
alleged war crimes committed during Sri Lanka’s civil war in view of
Sri Lanka’s reluctance to comply with resolutions passed since March
UNHRC Resolutions
The March 2012 resolution was passed following findings by the UN Panel of Experts in
March 2011 that as many as 40,000 civilians may have been killed in the
final months of the civil war, mostly as a result of indiscriminate
shelling by the Sri Lankan military. In March 2013, another resolution
was passed encouraging Sri Lanka to conduct an independent and credible investigation into alleged war crimes. In March 2014, the UN’s Human Rights Council adopted a resolution calling
on Sri Lanka to undertake a comprehensive investigation into alleged
serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes. The government of then-leader Mahinda Rajapaksa resisted the probe and denied U.N. officials entry to the island.
In the absence of any action, there was the expectation of a stronger
resolution in March 2015. Instead, the UNHRC postponed the hearings to
September 2015.
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The UNHRC High Commissioner explained the reasons for the postponement, given the changing context in Sri Lanka where
a regime change had resulted in Rajapaksa being ousted and Maithripala
Sirisena installed as president. The resolution passed at the September
2015 sessions called for a domestic accountability mechanism with
international involvement.
In effect, a hybrid mechanism that was a far cry from the international
investigation that the earlier resolutions had called for. Unlike
previous resolutions, this time around Sri Lanka joined in passing the
resolution as a co-sponsor prompting John Kerry, then-U.S. Secretary of
State to declare “This
resolution marks an important step toward a credible transitional
justice process, owned by Sri Lankans and with the support and
involvement of the international community.”
In March 2017 at the 34th session of the Human Rights Council, Colombo
was granted a further extension of two years to probe alleged war crimes
committed during the civil war. Instead, the Sri Lankan regime not only
failed to implement the resolution it had co-sponsored in September
2015, but in January 2016, President Sirisena during an interview with Al Jazeera’s Hoda Abdel-Hamid flatly
denied the war crimes allegation, referring only to “human rights
violations.” Later, in November 2017, Sirisena went a step further
declaring “There won’t be electric chairs, international tribunals or foreign judges. That book is closed.”
The High Commissioner’s Call for ‘Other Avenues’
Faced with this defiance, UNHRC’s High Commissioner in despair called upon member states to explore other avenues to foster accountability in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which prohibits war
crimes. However, Sri Lanka is not a signatory to the Rome Statute that
created the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002 to prosecute
individuals for serious crimes, such as war crimes. As such, for Sri
Lanka’s alleged war criminals to be brought before the ICC, the UN
Security Council has to refer Sri Lanka to the ICC. This matter is
fraught with geopolitical interests of various parties, primarily China
and the United who are permanent members of the Security Council and are
committed to strengthen their own relationships with Colombo.
This leaves UNHRC with the other option: universal jurisdiction. The term refers to the idea that
a national court may prosecute individuals for any serious crime
against international law — such as crimes against humanity, war crimes,
genocide, and torture — based on the principle that such crimes harm
the international community or international order itself.
But, actions do not succeed where the alleged criminal enjoys diplomatic immunity.
On October 24, 2011, an Australian citizen, Arunachalam Jegatheeswaran, filed an indictment against
Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Jegatheeswaran alleged that
Rajapaksa had deliberately targeted civilians and civilian
infrastructure (hospitals, schools and community centers) in 2007 and
2008 and that this amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The charges were laid in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on the eve of
Rajapaksa’s arrival in Australia for the Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM). Within a day of filing the indictment, the
case was quashed by the Attorney-General on the grounds that
“continuation of the proceedings would be in breach of domestic law and
Australia’s obligations under international law” specifically that the
prosecution of Rajapaksa would breach Australian and international laws
that provide immunity from criminal prosecution for heads of state.
Jagath Dias, a former Sri Lankan Army Commander was withdrawn from the Sri Lankan Embassy in Berlin in
September 2011 where he had held the position of a deputy ambassador
for Germany, Switzerland and the Vatican. The withdrawal followed the
submission of a comprehensive dossier substantiating war crimes
committed by Dias to the German Federal Foreign Office by the European
Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in January 2011.
Then there was the case of former General Jagath Jayasuriya who was Sri Lanka’s ambassador to Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Suriname . On August 28, 2017, human rights groups in South America filed war crimes lawsuits against the general. The action was spearheaded by the International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP), an evidence-gathering organisation based in South Africa. On 29 August 2017, Jagath Jayasuriya fled back to Sri Lanka. According Ms Sooka of ITJP, “He was tipped off, and he skipped from Brazil.”
Universal jurisdiction, unlike the ICC, is a blunt instrument when it
comes to bringing alleged war criminals to trial. It can at times help,
but is hampered by diplomatic immunity where the alleged war criminal is
a diplomat or a head of state. Even when the alleged perpetrator is not
protected by diplomatic immunity, states are reluctant to permit the
application of universal jurisdiction as it can harm state-to-state
relations. As Frances Harrison of the ITJP pointed out in an interview
with the Sri Lanka-based think tank, Centre for Strategic Studies Trincomalee, “it
would be good if the diplomats, donors, judicial authorities and UN had
a more coordinated approach – one that continues to pressure the
government of Sri Lanka to act on its transitional justice commitments
while developing a parallel track of really supporting universal
jurisdiction actions.”
Ana Pararajasingham was Director-Programmes with the Centre for Just Peace and Democracy (CJPD). He is the author of “Sri Lanka’s Endangered Peace Process and the Way Forward” (2007) and editor of “Sri Lanka 60 Years of ‘independence and Beyond” (2009).