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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, May 6, 2018
Russia: how Western condemnation lets Putin off the hook

The invisible competition between Russia’s various informal influencers will determine which route the Putin government will go down in the next six years. Clues as to how that competition is unfolding aren’t always easy to come by – but not long ago, at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations, I myself got a very telling glimpse.
( May 4, 2018, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) As
Russians settle in for another six years under Vladimir Putin, they are
waiting to find out how willing their government is to tackle the
country’s pressing economic problems. This is hugely important for
Russia, but also for the world. If the Russian economy improved, the
Kremlin would be able to build its legitimacy on something other than
nationalistic posturing and belligerent foreign policy, turning it away
from what looks like a dangerous collision course with the West.
So far, the Putin government doesn’t seem keen to take the risk of
announcing a bold economic programme. But in purely political terms,
perhaps it doesn’t have to. The opprobrium and sanction of Western
rivals provides ample material with which Putin can prop up his
The poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal provided the UK with a badly needed diplomatic triumph as
it confidently declared that Russian government involvement was highly
likely. And soon, the European Council, other European leaders and US
President Donald Trump all lined up behind Britain’s diagnosis. Then
came the latest chemical massacre in Syria,
which immediately drew international condemnation of the Assad regime,
and by the same token of Russia, its foremost backer. A Russian veto
once again blocked the UN Security Council from censuring Assad, but drew the ire of other permanent members, especially the US.
Now, much of the flack Russia takes for its foreign policy and its
alliances with governments like Assad’s may or may not be justified. But
the West completely misses the effect it has on the dynamics of Russian
domestic politics – and how international criticism is shaping the
strategic direction of Putin’s fourth term.
Western observers often think of Russia as a one-party state headed by an undisputed and all-powerful dictator.
But in reality, it’s something very different. Despite limited
democratic competition and electoral choice, Putin still depends on some
form of legitimacy and popular support. And given that Russia is a
relationship-based society through and through, even he depends on a
network of formal relationships that impose certain informal rules – the
so-called Sistema.
The direction of policies is determined not by who’s in government, but
by whichever informal group close to the Kremlin can get Putin’s ear.
This “invisible” political competition is what the West overlooks. And
it’s particularly relevant when it comes to the economy. After years of
economic stagnation and decreasing real wages,
the Russian population is losing patience. To preserve its legitimacy,
the government has two options: fix the ailing economy and provide
increasing living standards and perspectives to its citizens, or ask the
population for sacrifices by portraying the country as being in the
midst of an epic clash of civilisations in which the president defends Christianity against both the Muslim world and the hostile and depraved West.
The invisible competition between Russia’s various informal influencers
will determine which route the Putin government will go down in the next
six years. Clues as to how that competition is unfolding aren’t always
easy to come by – but not long ago, at the Moscow State Institute for
International Relations, I myself got a very telling glimpse.
The beauty contest
Held at the institute this spring, the Stolypin Forum was
organised by presidential candidate Boris Titov to promote his economic
strategy. Titov is Putin’s Business Ombudsman, a role for which the
Spectator magazine dubbed him the
“anti-corruption tsar”. The forum brought together a wide range of
reformists (Titov among them), opposition figures, religious leaders,
and people close to Putin’s governing coalition to discuss an economic
growth strategy for Russia.
The event can be seen as a continuation of what the Financial Times has dubbed a beauty contest among
three different economic advisors: Putin’s prime minster, Dimitry
Medvedev, former finance minister Aleksei Kudrin, and Business Ombudsman
Boris Titov, all of whom have developed their own reform strategies.
Medvedev’s strategy was considered the least ambitious and hence the
most politically feasible, but all indications are that he has since fallen out of Putin’s favour,
which reduces the chance that his strategy will be implemented.
Kudrin’s reform programme is reminiscent of the US-led liberalisation
policies of the Yeltsin era; he first presented it in January 2017 at
the Gaidar Forum –
a gathering named after the neoliberal reformer responsible for the
radical “Shock Therapy” reforms of the early 1990s. Titov’s proposal,
meanwhile, is an ambitious and comprehensive catalogue of reforms spanning
everything from monetary policy to the judiciary to education and
skills. The long-term goal is to break Russia’s reliance on the export
of raw materials and turn it into an exporter of high-value-added
But while the Stolypin Forum was meant to stay focused on economic
issues, the Skripal Row and the Western reaction visibly dragged it off
Several discussions were hijacked by more extreme panellists, who
deployed aggressive nationalistic rhetoric and conjured an image of the
West as a dangerous enemy, hellbent on bringing Russia to its knees.
Many clearly invoked the extreme nationalist school of thought known as Eurasianism, a tendency that has greatly influenced certain sections of the Russian elite since the fall of the Soviet Union.
In this nationalistic climate, liberal reformers are struggling to make
their voices heard. Defending economically and socially liberal views is
associated with the same ideas that were – according to some –
deliberately deployed to bring Russia to its knees in the 1990s. From
there, it’s only a small step to considering would-be economic
modernisers “un-Russian” and even traitors.
The chillier Russia’s diplomatic relations with the West get, the more
likely it becomes that militarists and Eurasianists will beat out
economic reformers in the race to influence Putin’s thinking. As a
result, he may well choose to safeguard his legitimacy by sticking to
the “collision course” option rather than by tackling complex economic

Gerhard Schnyder, Reader in International Management, Loughborough University
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.