A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Friday, May 4, 2018
The Litmus Test Of The Unity Government

This regime change was solely based on three, absolute, fundamental issues and on nothing else, namely:
1. The abolition of the Executive Presidency
2. Punitive action against Politicians/Officials guilty of Bribery and Corruption, and financial and homicidal crimes, and
3. Framing of a new Constitution, inter alia, to resolve mainly the National Question.
These three fundamental issues should rightly be the bedrock of the
Unity Government. This should have received top most priority of the
Government, running parallel and dominant to other multiple urgent
issues, but not in a linear manner, one after the other. Accordingly, no
other issues, however great or important, such as Economic and
Infra-structure development, International Trade Agreements, Foreign
Direct Investments, Employment generation, Cost of living of the people,
and democratization and Independent Commissions etc, will determine the
effectiveness and efficacy of the Government, over and above the
overriding three fundamental issues referred above, which is the very
raison d’etre of this Government.These three major issues, are the
criteria on which, the performance of the Unity Government, will be
The Abolition of the Executive Presidency
The President declared at the very outset his intention, unmistakably
and unambiguously, that he will not seek a second term Presidency. The
abolition of the Executive Presidency was an avowed commitment (not a promise) of the Government and a Demand (not a request) of the people, at
the elections. The Unity Government has reneged on its commitment.
Instead, it had compromised by pruning some of the Executive Powers.
This is no substitute for the total abolition of the Executive
Presidency. What is worse, the President has shamelessly shown his
intention to vie for a second term in Presidential Office, despite his
public avowal to the contrary, at the funeral oration of the departed
Ven. Sobitha Thero. Having entrenched himself in the Presidency and
enjoying the benefits of the Office such as, site seeing tours of
foreign countries, so many in so short a period, in the guise of official imperatives, President Sirisena has
shown an irresistible, amorous magnetic pull towards the Office of the
Executive Presidency ,than a revulsion for it. Over three years have
passed since this Government assumed office. One is puzzled as to what
prevents the Government from abolishing the Executive Presidency. I
don’t think it is the 2/3rd majority
or even a Referendum. It is none, other than the greed for power and
position. Once you enjoy it, you cling to it and never let it go. The
only difference between the two, the predecessor and the current
incumbent, is that former unashamedly flaunted power and position
openly, whilst the latter, hides it deceitfully under the veneer of
modesty and simplicity. Whichever it is, both are after the same thing.
It is the simultaneity of two centres of Power, between the President
and the Prime Minister, particularly in the context of coalition of two
major political parties, which is pulling in two different directions,
the cause for lack of positive action to fulfill the three fundamental issues,
the Unity Government was committed to. On the Abolition of the
Executive Presidency, the Unity Government has failed the Litmus test.