A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, October 29, 2018
Ranil holding on to power unconstitutional, undemocratic
The present turn of events undoubtedly is not ideal for the country, but
perhaps inevitable. If the UNP could have changed the leader, Ranil
Wickremesinghe, as he was straying away from democratic norms and
interests of the country, it would have been a better option, much
earlier than the present. However, that was unfortunately not the
situation given the poor internal democracy within our political
parties. Equally worrying is the appointment of Mahinda Rajapaksa as the
Prime Minister though it is constitutional.
The following was what a defiant UNP MP and a State Minister, Vasantha Senanayake, has told the media.
"It is with relief that I welcome the change of a most shameless and
selfish man that ruined the great party built by my ancestors and
damaged seriously, the wellbeing of our motherland. I pledge my support
to the Prime Minister and congratulate the President for his wisdom."
Failures of Ranil as PM
There were three major instances where Ranil should have resigned and
allowed another leader from the UNP to become the PM. But he didn’t.
First was the bond scam (or robbery) where he was directly implicated
with his friend Mahendran. Second was when the UNP under his leadership
was roundly defeated at local government elections countrywide in Feb,
2018. Third was the rejection of his proposal to sell the East Terminal
of the Port of Colombo to India even without an insistence from India.
In all these instances he held on to power under different excuses.
Ambassador to China, Karunasena Kodituwakku, also recently revealed that
the Hambantota Port had been given to China even without their request
or insistence. It was called a ‘debt-equity swap’ in Wickremasinghe’s
parlance. He was apparently either working on an extremely strange
economic theory or against the national interests of the country for
some reason.
While accusing the last government of taking excessive foreign loans,
Wickremesinghe took more loans than the previous government. His
government’s record of corruption is the same. The failure to hold
elections on time has been the most damaging to the democratic system.
President Sirisena is also culpable for these violations without taking
necessary action previously. The ambiguous or diarchic 19th Amendment is
one reason for this situation, whether it is done purposely or not.
Questionable democratic credibility?
Wickremesinghe cannot claim to be a democrat. If he is a ‘liberal,’ it
is a strange variety. He has skeletons in his cupboard. He is quite
equal to Mahinda Rajapaksa. The difference might be in the guts or
public appeal. Now, he questions the appointment of Rajapaksa as the PM,
on the basis he was holding a majority in Parliament before. However he
didn’t have any hesitation to be sworn in as the PM in January 2015,
under similar circumstances. Was it democratic then?
We know that numbers in our parliamentary system are largely
manipulated. The root of the defect is within the electoral system and
in the rotten political culture. People had some hopes when they ousted
President Rajapaksa in 2015. However, they were largely dashed as RW
started manipulating things for narrow political gains. The return of MR
today is largely RW’s fault.
People wanted a democratic 19th Amendment instead of the dictatorial
18th Amendment. To meet the demand, certain positive changes were
enacted. But stealthily, autocratic elements were introduced.
Strengthening the powers of the PM is not the answer to excessive powers
of the President. That is what has been attempted though not that
successfully. The funniest aspect of our constitutional change is that
it is the same Members of Parliament who enacted the 18th Amendment that
endorsed the 19th Amendment overwhelmingly!
People like Wickremesinghe knew the situation. Therefore, he manipulated
the Constitution, with the support of some naïve leftists.
Constitutional amendments or changes should not be enacted to suit
personalities. That, however, is what was done even in 1978 with
Wickremesinghe’s connivance. At least, JR was in a position to go before
the people and win a popular election. Wickremesinghe is not or
hesitant. That is why he changed the Constitution to suit his
circumstances through the 19th Amendment.
Constitutionality of the move?
Because of the ambiguous nature of the 19th Amendment, the decision to
remove Wickremesinghe as the PM has now become a controversy. However,
until this matter is settled amicably or in the Supreme Court, the
President’s decision has to be upheld. Otherwise, the country would be
plunged into unnecessary chaos. Wickremesinghe appears to claim he is
the arbiter in deciding on the constitutional issue. He does not want to
go before the Supreme Court.
President has appointed Rajapaksa according to Article 42 (4) as
follows, although some have argued that the President has taken the
phrase ‘in his opinion’ too literally.
"The President shall appoint as Prime Minister the Member of Parliament,
who, in the President’s opinion, is most likely to command the
confidence of Parliament."
It is now incumbent upon Rajapaksa to prove he has a majority in
Parliament after 16 November as the Parliament is prorogued until then.
The Speaker now grumbles that he was not consulted in proroguing
Parliament though it is not a constitutional requirement.
The question still remains whether the removal of Wickremesinghe is
constitutional. If the President has appointed a new PM that implies
that the incumbent is no more with or without informing in writing. That
is how Wickremesinghe became the PM in January 2015 and no one raised
the question of the constitutionality of the presidential move then.
However, this time the following letter has been issued to
"While I had appointed you as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka as per the
powers vested in me as the appointing authority in Article 42 (4) of
the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, I
hereby inform you that you have been removed from the office of the
Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka with
immediate effect under the powers vested me."
‘Under the powers vested in me’ is the key phrase. What are they?
19th Amendment
There is no question that many of the powers of the President have been
reduced under the 19th Amendment. However, nowhere it says he cannot
remove the PM. There are two Articles where removal is mentioned
directly and indirectly.
First is Article 47 (2) which says "Notwithstanding the death, removal
from office or resignation of the Prime Minister, during the period
intervening between the dissolution of Parliament and the conclusion of
the General Election, the Cabinet of Ministers shall continue to
function with the other Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers as its
This is, of course, during the intervening period, as is clear from
above. However, this is a proof that the possibility of removal is still
there even after the 19th Amendment. There is no hard and fast rule on
this matter.
Second is Article 48 (1) which says, "On the Prime Minister ceasing to
hold office by death, resignation or otherwise, except during the period
intervening between the dissolution of Parliament and the conclusion of
the General Election, the Cabinet of Ministers shall, unless the
President has in the exercise of his powers under Article 70, dissolved
Parliament, stand dissolved…"
This is about the circumstances under which the Cabinet of Ministers
stands dissolved. At the same time, it implies other circumstances under
which the PM ceases to hold office other than death and resignation.
These could be the circumstances of appointment of a new PM under
Article 42 (4), a successful no-confidence motion in Parliament, defeat
of a budget proposal or a direct removal by the President.
Other Powers of the President
It is a mistake to rely too much on the 19th Amendment or consider the
19th Amendment in isolation of other provisions of the constitution.
Primary among them is Article 4 (b) which says,
"4. The Sovereignty of the People shall be exercised and enjoyed in the
following manner:… (b) the executive power of the People, including the
defence of Sri Lanka, shall be exercised by the President of the
Republic elected by the People."
However much Wickremesinghe fans would like to believe otherwise, the
reality or the constitutional position is that ‘sovereignty of the
people in the executive sphere is held by the President.’ Therefore, the
position of the PM is subordinate to the President, however much he is
educated, westernized or competent in dealing with the ‘international
community.’ I say this because, behind the conflict between the
President and the PM, there are class and cultural aspects involved.
Another mistake some of the Wickremesinghe biased constitutional
interpreters have made is trying to read too much into the 19th
Amendment’s changes. For example, when the present Chapter VII is
compared with the original Constitution (1978), the changes may appear
enormous. But still the powers of the President are considerable,
unfortunately. For example Article 30 (1) still says,
"There shall be a President of the Republic of Sri Lanka, who is the
Head of the State, the Head of the Executive and of the Government, and
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces."
It is true that some of the functions of the President are formulated
not as ‘powers’ but as ‘duties.’ Thus the moral initiative is
strengthened. Among other matters, those include "to ensure that the
Constitution is respected and upheld," "to summon, prorogue and dissolve
Parliament," "to declare war and peace," "to do all such acts and
things, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution." These
are only some highlights.
More importantly, "The President shall be responsible to Parliament for
the due exercise, performance and discharge of his powers, duties and
functions under the Constitution."
Therefore, the President is also duty bound to follow the majority
decision of the Parliament when it commences on 16 November. For this to
happen, the Speaker should remain independent despite his past party
affiliations. That would be the crucial test of President’s
controversial decision to remove Wickremesinghe and appoint Rajapaksa.
More than the removal, the appointment of Rajapaksa is the controversial
action which has to be justified through a majority in Parliament.
Political Justification
There are two main reasons given for the change or reshuffle of the
government. First, the formal withdrawal of the UPFA/SLFP from the
‘national government’ after which the Cabinet may stand dissolved, under
Article 46 (4 &5) and Article 48 (1) though the drafting of the
conditions of the ‘national government’ is extremely sloppy, whether it
was done purposely or not.
Second is what the President has revealed yesterday as reported by The Sunday Times (28 October), as follows.
"President Maithripala Sirisena said last night that the main reason he
decided to form a new government with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa
was the plot to assassinate him. He claimed that the name of Field
Marshal Sarath Fonseka had surfaced during investigations by the
Criminal Investigation Department, but it was suppressed due to
political interference."
The above also may be the reason why the UPFA/SLFP withdrew from the
‘national government’ at this stage. The situation undoubtedly is a
national security risk if it is correct.
The best for the country is for Wickremesinghe to go before Parliament
when it is convened, and show that he is correct, but not by stubbornly
holding on to power when he is constitutionally removed and replaced. He
should further prove the newly appointed Rajapaksa has no majority.
Lust for power or naivety is not an alternative to patience or wisdom.
Wickremesinghe should frankly ask the question himself whether he has
the support among the people in the country to challenge his removal.