Friday, December 28, 2018

Release Our Land As Promised: Displaced People And Supporters Write to President


Editor’s Note: The following is the text of a letter handed over to the President asking for the release of land in the North and East to original owners. It has been signed by 47 displaced people and 132 concerned individuals and organisations. A short briefing and summary of 15 cases related to displacement, submitted by the People’s Alliance for Right to Land (PARL), was handed over with the letter as well as a July 2018 submission made on the Reparations Act in relation to land. 
27th December, 2018
President Maithripala Sirisena
Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe & Leaders of Political Parties
Keep the Presidential Promise – release land by 31st December 2018
On the 4th of October 2018, The Presidential Media Division reported that “President Maithripala Sirisena instructed the authorities to complete the process of releasing the lands in the North and East Provinces to their original owners, before December 31st, after resolving all the issues” , at a meeting of the Presidential Task Force to monitor development projects conducted in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
We, whose lands have been taken away from us forcibly and are still suffering immensely nearly ten years after the end of the war, demand that you keep this promise and ensure that authorities abide by instructions you gave them several months ago.
We also demand that the Prime Minister and leaders of all political parties and alliances support this fully and demand that the President implement this decision.
We appreciate that the government has released some occupied lands to different communities in the last several years, but are deeply disappointed that there has been inadequate resettlement assistance and other restrictions and obstructions faced which have hampered their resettlement.
Thank you.
Displaced Community Signatures:
1. A. Benedict Croos – Mannar
2. A. Yogarany – Neethivaan Mukaam
3. A.L.M. Mispahu – Azraf Nagar, Oluvil, Addalaichenai, Ampara
4. I. Akila – Keerimalai
5. I. Rishab – Palamunai
6. I. Saraswathy – Urumpirai
7. I. Tharmarajiny – Urumpirai
8. I. Vithusha – Urumpirai
9. Jayananthini Kunaraththinam – Kilinochchi
10. K. Diroshan Croos – Mullikulam
11. K. Kokulan – Ampara
12. Kamsananthini Kunarathnam – Kilinochchi
13. Kunarthnam Thiruniraichchelvi – Kilinochchi
14. M. Mithushayini – Mallakam
15. M. Vellimayil – Sinthu Centre
16. M.A.A. Figurado – Mannar
17. M.B. Hakeem – Ampara
18. Malika – Kilinochchi
19. N. Inpanayagam – Urumpirai
20. N. Janusha – Mallakam
21. N. Reji Salo – Mullikulam
22. N. Vimala – Urumpirai
23. Punchirala Somasiri – Ragamvila, Panama
24. R. Ajantha – Ampara
25. R. Anushan – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
26. R. Dilakshana – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
27. R. Nilushayini – Ampara
28. R. Rawha Banu – Chilavathurai
29. R.F. Ramila Banu – Chilavathurai
30. S. Bandara – Ragamvila, Panama
31. S. Gunawathi – Ragamvila, Panama
32. S. Janany – Ampara
33. S. Kirushanth – Urumpirai
34. S. T. Kandeepan – Amban, Kudaththanai
35. S. Uthayasivam – Chundikulam
36. S. Vinitha – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
37. Selvi – 5th Vaajkkal, Kilinochchi
38. T. Abisha – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
39. T. Jeevitha – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
40. T. Jeyachithra – Urumpirai North
41. T. Kirusonth – Urumpirai
42. T. Latha – Neethivalaakam
43. T. Selvarani – Urumpiray
44. T. Thadshayini – Urumpirai
45. T. Thushanth – Urumpirai East, Puliyady
46. Vaasini – Kilinochchi
47. Vathani – Paravippanjan, Kilinochchi
Endorsed by;
1. Abdul Cader Mohamed Rumaiz
2. Ajita Kadirgamar
3. Anberiya Hanifa
4. Angelica Chandrasekeran
5. Anithra Varia
6. Anthony Jesudasan
7. Anuka Vimukthi De Silva
8. Anushaya Collure
9. B. Gowthaman
10. Buddhima Padmasiri – Attorney-at-Law
11. Caryll Tozer – Women’s Rights Activist
12. Channaka Jayasinghe
13. Chintaka Rajapakse
14. Chulani Kodikara
15. Deanne Uyangoda
16. Deekshya Illangasinghe
17. Dharini Udugama
18. Dilan Ramanayake
19. Dinushika Dissanayake – Attorney-at-Law
20. Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
21. Emil van der Poorten – Supporter of human and civic rights
22. Florine Marzook
23. Geethika Dharmasinghe – Liberation Movement
24. Godfrey Malarnesan – Maatram Foundation
25. Godfrey Yogarajah
26. Herman Kumara
27. Hyshyama Hamin
28. Ian Ferdinands
29. Ishara Danasekara
30. Isuru Perera
31. Jake Oorloff
32. Jansila Majeed – Women’s Action Network, Mullaitivu
33. Jena Jeyakanthi – Mannar
34. Jerat Jeyamala – Activist, Puthukudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu
35. Joanne Senn
36. Johathas Manomani – Activist, Puthukudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu
37. Josap Marisasikala – Activist, Alampil, Mullaitivu
38. Juwairia Mohideen
39. K. Nihal Ahamed
40. Kalani Subasinghe
41. Kasinathan Thavampihai – Activist, Puthukudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu
42. Keerthiseelan Kethusa – Activist, Uduppukkulam, Mullaitivu
43. Kumaran Nadesan
44. Lakmali Hemachandra – Liberation Movement
45. Lal Wijenayake – General Secretary, United Left Front
46. Linus Jayatilake – President, United Federation of Labour
47. Lucille Abeykoon
48. Lydia Gitanjali Thiagarajah
49. Mahaluxmy Kurushanthan
50. Mahendran Thiruvarangan – Lecturer (Probationary) – English Literature, University of Jaffna
51. Mario Gomez
52. Marisa de Silva
53. Megara Tegal
54. Nicola Perera – University of Colombo
55. Nilshan Fonseka
56. P. Selvaratnam
57. P.M. Mujeebur Rahman (LLB)
58. P.N. Singham – Maatram Foundation
59. Padma Pushpakanthi
60. Parakrama Niriella – Janakaraliya Cultural Foundation
61. Prof. Ajit Abeysekera
62. Prof. Kumar David
63. Prof. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole – Jaffna
64. Rajaledsumi – Women’s Rights Activist, Batticaloa
65. Rajmohan Priyatharsini – Activist, Mankulam, Mullaitivu
66. Raseekka Nisa – Development Centre, Thanneeroottu, Mullaitivu
67. Rev. Bro. Thobias
68. Rev. Fr. G. J. G. Croos (Nehru) – Mannar
69. Rev. Fr. Jeyabalan Croos
70. Rev. Fr. M.V.E. Ravichandran
71. Rev. Fr. Nandana Manatunga
72. Rev. Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda
73. Rev. Fr. Terrence Fernando
74. Rev. Fr. V. Yogeswaran
75. Rev. Sr. Chandra
76. Rev. Sr. Goretti Leon
77. Rev. Sr. Jenita
78. Rev. Sr. Jeyam
79. Rev. Sr. Nichola
80. Rev. Sr. Noel Christine Fernando
81. Rev. Sr. Rasika Pieris HF
82. Rev. Sr. Rita SCJM
83. Rev. Sr. Virgin
84. Rt. Rev. Dr. Daniel S. Thiagarajah – Jaffna Diocese, Church of South India
85. Ruki Fernando
86. Ruvini Jayaratne
87. Sabra Zahid
88. Sahira Lahir
89. Sampath Samarakoon
90. Sandun Thudugala
91. Shenali De Silva
92. Shreen Saroor
93. Srinath Perera – General Secretary, Free Trade Union Centre
94. Sugath Priyantha Rajapasha – Sramabimani Kendraya
95. Sunanda Deshapriya – Sri Lanka Brief
96. Swasthika Arulingam
97. Tanuja Thurairajah
98. Tehani Ariyaratne
99. Alliance Development Trust (ADT)
100. Association for Friendship and Love (AFRIEL) Youth Network
101. Centre for Justice and Change (CJC), Trincomalee
102. Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)
103. Centre for Social Concerns, Ja-Ela
104. Child Development Initiative
105. Child Vision Sri Lanka
106. District Fisheries Solidarity (DIFSO), Ampara
107. District Fisheries Solidarity (DIFSO), Jaffna
108. Hashtag Generation
109. Human Elevation Organization (HEO), Ampara
110. Human Rights Organisation (HRO), Kandy
111. INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre
112. International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)
113. Law and Society Trust (LST)
114. Mannar District Fisheries Organization
115. Mannar Women’s Development Federation (MWDF)
116. Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR)
117. Mullaitivu District Fisheries Organization
118. Muslim Women’s Development Trust (MWDT), Puttalam
119. National Fisheries Solidarity Organization (NAFSO)
120. Northern Muslims’ Forum (NMF)
121. Panama-Paththuwa Surakeeme Sanvidhanaya, Panama
122. People’s Movement Against Port City
123. Praja Abilasha Land Rights Network
124. Rural Development Foundation
125. Rural Workers Organization, Jaffna
126. Savisthri National Women’s Movement
127. Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women Organization
128. Trincomalee District Fisheries Organization
129. Voice of Trincomalee
130. Women for Justice and Peace in Sri Lanka
131. Women’s Action for Social Justice Network
132. Women’s Action Network (WAN)