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Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, December 1, 2018
The Chief Justice takes on the President Trump

Shortly after Trump publicly blasted Judge Tigar, Chief Justice John Roberts came publicly to Tigar’s defense. The chief justice announced that there are no Obama or Trump or Bush or Clinton judges, just hardworking defenders of the Constitution.
( November 29, 2018, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) When
Donald Trump became president, he swore an oath to uphold the
Constitution and enforce federal laws “faithfully.” James Madison, who
was the scrivener at the Constitutional Convention, insisted on using
the word “faithfully” in the presidential oath and including the oath in
the body of the Constitution because he knew that presidents would face
the temptation to disregard laws they dislike.
The employment of the word “faithfully” in the presidential oath is an
unambiguous reminder to presidents that they must enforce federal laws
as they are written, not as presidents may wish them to be. Earlier this
month, Trump succumbed to Madison’s feared temptation, and last week, a
federal judge corrected him. Then an uproar ensued.
Here is the back story.
Federal immigration laws, as well as treaties to which the United States
is a party, require that foreigners who are seeking asylum here may
enter the United States across any border they can reach, whether at a
designated portal or not. If they have not entered through a designated
portal, they can be brought, without a warrant, to a portal for
The feds must process all asylum applications from migrants who make
prima-facie cases for asylum. Once an application has been made, the
feds may release the migrant (as President Barack Obama did) into the
general population, or they may detain the migrant (as President Trump
has done), pending a trial before a federal immigration judge.
At the trial, the migrant has the burden of proving worthiness for
asylum. That worthiness can be based only on government animosity toward
the migrant or government failure to protect human rights and enforce
property rights in the home country. If the migrant prevails at trial,
asylum is granted, and a green card is issued. If not, deportation
On Nov. 9, President Trump issued a proclamation directing the Border
Patrol to deny entry to all migrants, including those with legitimate
asylum claims, unless they come through government portals where Border
Patrol personnel are present to address their applications. Though this
sounds reasonable, it directly contradicts federal law, which expressly
permits migrants to enter the U.S. anywhere.
When groups of migrants challenged Trump’s order in federal court in San
Francisco, Judge Jon Tigar prevented the government from complying with
the president’s proclamation. The judge did not make any value
judgments, nor was he critical of the president’s motivation. Rather, he
ruled that the law is clear: Immigrants seeking asylum may enter
anywhere, and the president cannot change federal law; only Congress
Trump dismissed Judge Tigar’s ruling as meritless because the judge was
appointed to the bench by former President Obama. The implication in
Trump’s words was that Judge Tigar ruled against him for political
reasons. In reality, Judge Tigar did what any judge would do; he
prevented the president from changing federal law and required him to
enforce the immigration laws as Congress has written them — and to do so
Trump should not be surprised when judges rule against him when he takes
the law into his own hands. He cannot close the border without an act
of Congress and a lawful withdrawal from two treaties. He cannot refuse
to accept asylum-seekers based on where they enter. He cannot use the
military to enforce immigration laws — his own secretary of defense
called this a “stunt” — without violating other federal laws.
Judge Tigar did not necessarily inject his personal ideology into his
ruling (any more than the “Trump judge” who ruled for CNN and against
the president did last week); he merely applied long-standing federal
law. There is no room for ideology at the trial level. I know that
personally from my own experience as a trial judge in New Jersey.
Shortly after Trump publicly blasted Judge Tigar, Chief Justice John
Roberts came publicly to Tigar’s defense. The chief justice announced
that there are no Obama or Trump or Bush or Clinton judges, just
hardworking defenders of the Constitution. That comment was met by two
more from Trump, who disputed it directly.
Who is correct?
There is no question that many federal judges are nominated by
presidents because of shared views on public policy. But though this is
ordinarily the case for appellate judges and, in the modern era, is
always the case for Supreme Court justices, it is rarely the case for
trial judges, of which Judge Tigar is one.
Trial judges do not make public policy. They apply statutes as written
by Congress, pursuant to precedent as set forth by the Supreme Court and
the intermediate appellate court to which they are subject.

Yet we know that there is a kernel of truth in the president’s
accusation and that there is a kernel of tongue in cheek in the chief
justice’s contention. Surely, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would view
Judge Tigar’s ruling more favorably than Justice Samuel Alito would.
Ginsburg, a Clinton appointee, would probably interpret the law
literally, and Alito, a George W. Bush appointee, would probably give
the president some wiggle room.
Yet the spectacle of the president and the chief justice disputing
constitutional values is not a happy one. Here’s why. Under the
Constitution, the three branches of the federal government —
legislative, executive and judicial — are equals. Yet the judiciary has
the final say on the meaning of the Constitution and the laws. The
judicial branch is anti-democratic. Federal judges shouldn’t care what
the public thinks. Their job is to apply the Constitution and interpret
federal laws as they have been written, come what may.
For these reasons, federal judges and justices have life tenure. They do
not need and should not seek public approval. And they should not enter
public disputes — other than by their judicial rulings — for by doing
so, they can appear as political as those in the other two branches.
Copyright © 2016 Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. All rights reserved.