A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, January 3, 2019
Our vulnerability to climate risk: Second only to Puerto Rico
The only way to prevent Sri Lanka being the most vulnerable country to climate risk will be to move away from petroleum-driven transportation towards vehicle electrification and implement highway solarisation on as many highways as possible and thereby reduce our GHG emissions per unit area and nullify the absorption of solar radiation by the many highways we are building
On 4 December, German Watch published its Climate Risk Index (CRI)
listing for 2019, based on data collected for year 2017 at Munich Re,
the reinsurer. Out of 182 countries considered, we, Sri Lanka, who
jumped 94 slots from 98th in listing based on 2015 data, to be fourth as
per 2016 data had climbed two more slots to be 2nd as per 2017 data.
There remained only one country worse than us, Puerto Rico, a 9,000 km2
islet in Gulf of Mexico which almost lost all its infrastructure due to
devastating thrust of cyclone Maria in September 2017. And what follows
is 750km2 Dominica with 75,000 population – obviously, not very
fashionable company to keep.
If one needs any motivation to mitigate climate change in Sri Lankan
context, these pronouncements for 2018 and 2019 should provide that and
one needs to ask all those who were saying Sri Lanka does not need to
worry about climate change as our per capita Greenhouse Gas emission is
negligible compared to global average, even as late as January 2018 –
please note CRI listing 2019 is as per 2017 data – as to what went
First things first
These weightage factors seem to be adjusting for high GDP values of
developed countries as well as for higher populations of less developed
countries. On the other hand, what we should try to do in a context like
this is to see how we could make use of the rating and make Sri Lanka, a
less vulnerable country.
Second and third steps
Then, we wanted to identify possible factors which could contribute to
climate vulnerability. Our research done on climate change and its
effects on Sri Lanka prompted us to divide them into two categories: (a)
natural and (b) manmade. Natural factors considered were (i) latitude
and longitude coordinates, (ii) large-scale circulations modelled by
Hadley and Walkers Circulations, (iii) direction country is facing if
not a landlocked country, and (iv) area of country.
From climate vulnerability point of view the impact will depend not on
per capita emissions, but per unit area emissions. There are no
computers in atmosphere and connected to cemeteries and maternity homes
to compute per capita values. Changes we do to landscape are of three
types; (a) grow another crop, probably agricultural, (b) put up
buildings and (c) put up roadways. These influence climate
characteristics differently depending on (i) reflectivity (albedo) of
new plant type or surface, (ii) ability to absorb carbon dioxide from
atmosphere and (iii) extent to which crop could convert Solar Energy
into chemical energy.
We will use these characteristics in understanding, explaining and
forecasting climate vulnerability for the future, and to move down in
CRI listing.
Some comments by CRI listing authors
CRI listing authors made some interesting comments which are better kept
in mind for future. One comment is listing not be considered as a
comprehensive vulnerability scoring. It also mentioned that being listed
in top 10-20 countries listing should be considered as a warning and
corresponding country should take action to prevent itself moving into
top of list in subsequent years; but we have not been able to do that.
So, we need to take immediate action to prevent ourselves being the most
vulnerable country next year.
Another important thing is that out of 18 countries in 2018 and 2019
listings, there was not a single country which had not been beaten by a
water-related disaster while only three countries have been affected by
Significance of different parameters
Now we can look at how the parameters we identified contribute to
devastation. First, we will look at how manmade aspects contribute to
different disasters and then we will identify how natural
characteristics prevent other countries being affected by same
anthropogenic activities. We will first look at changes to atmosphere we
have brought about by anthropogenic emissions.
In order to do comparisons, we calculated the emissions per unit area
and one might wonder whether Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emitted would remain
within a silo above Sri Lankan landscape. This is where larger air
circulation models help in understanding the issue. Latitudinal
circulation depicted by Hadley Circulation, indicates air flow moving
upwards and northwards will drop moisture and come back and there would
not be much carbon dioxide dispersion in that direction.
Around March and April, there may be rainfall in South India and CO2 in
vegetation increases (there are research papers on this) and CO2 level
here may come down and there could be precipitation in May in Sri Lanka.
If one looks at longitudinal circulation as depicted by Walker
Circulation, one sees that longitudinal circulation is almost zero and
as such we would say that what we emit would practically remain above
the landscape to a much larger degree than elsewhere.
If you look at USA and India, again, emissions would fall back on its
own landscape in longitudinal direction and countries at 18 to 20
degrees South latitudinal coordinates would also see a similar
phenomenon. As such, in this comparison we have used emissions of GHG
per unit area basis. Although we have considered CO2 as a characteristic
to reckon, we strongly believe that NFW is more harmful; because it can
precipitate. When it is in atmosphere, it brings about unbearable
Greenhouse Gas effect; when it is coming down, it leads to cyclones,
hurricanes, etc., and when on ground it leads to flooding, landslides,
etc. So, one sees that it exercises an unimaginable thrust upon mankind
and notes which German Watch has provided in the CRI 2018 and 2019
documents are enough testimony to the same.
I believe statements such as “precipitation is destructive,” “water
cycle intensifies,” “there is a relationship between temperature and
record rainfall,” “sea surface temperature goes up leading to storms,”
etc., could all be considered as manifestations of significance of water
For about the last 25 years, we were considering only carbon dioxide as
climate enemy and were willing to bring in other fuels, like gas, to
reduce carbon dioxide contribution from fossil fuel combustion. This
confusion has been so widespread and deceptive, we have 15 out of 18
countries in CRI 2018 and 2019 listings been in listings due to water
related disasters. And according to International Energy Agency, they
want to proliferate gas even further.
Road density
Next parameter, Road Density, measures the change we had made to land
surface. This is worse than other changes to land use like agriculture
or putting up buildings. Asphaltic roadways absorb nearly 90% of solar
radiation and could lead to global warming. When there are too many
roadways, there will be too many vehicles plying on these roads emitting
CO2, NFW and waste heat.
Comparison table
We prepared Table 1 for all 18 countries in CRI lists of top 10
countries in 2018 and 2019; two countries Sri Lanka, Vietnam were common
to both. Now we will try to explain inclusion of these countries in
this listing.
a) Puerto Rico and Dominica are in listing due to their positions in
Gulf of Mexico, been subjected to very forceful hurricanes and these
have only increased in intensity during last few years. Puerto Rico has
highest road density and second highest GHG emission value out of 18
countries. They have to face onslaught brought about due to
Hadley Circulation.
b) Sri Lanka has a high road density and GHG per unit area. It is also closest to equator at 70N.
c) Nepal at 230N receives lot of rain from south due to Hadley Circulation.
d) Peru is third closest to equator and uses natural gas as fuel.
e) Vietnam is facing east and vulnerable to Pacific Ocean’s typhoons,
etc. At 140N and emitting 776 t/km2 of carbon dioxide, it attracts these
cyclones, etc.
f) Madagascar is a small island with relatively high GHG emission level.
It is one of four countries in 170 to 190 South range which is affected
by Hadley Circulation.
g) Sierra Leone is a West facing small country close to equator at 80N.
h) Bangladesh is receiving lot of precipitation due to Hadley
circulation, combusting a lot of gas. It emits third highest GHG
quantity and has second highest road density after Puerto Rico.
i) Thailand combusts lot of gas and emits 720 t/km2 of GHG and being struck by hurricanes.
j) Haiti is a small country at 180N emitting 460 t/km2 of GHG and being struck by hurricanes in Mexican Gulf area.
k) Zimbabwe is a country in 170 to 190 South range.
l) Fiji is a group of small Islands in 170 to 190 South range emitting 152 t/km2 of GHG.
m) India is fifth highest GHG emitter with a high road density. It
receives CO2 and NFW emitted within its own territory and Sri Lanka as
per Hadley Circulation and low Walkers longitudinal circulation. The
area is almost under 300n latitude and also consumes a lot of gas. It
has a front onto the east and as a result gets struck by cyclones, etc.
n) China Taipei is the country emitting the highest GHG per unit area in
the world at 8166t/km2 and facing East. It uses a lot of natural gas
and receives a lot of rain; but it is at 230N.
o) Macedonia is one of two countries beyond 30°N. It’s the ninth highest GHG emitter.
p) Bolivia is in 170 to 190 degrees South region.
q) Although we consider USA as one country what is affected are Texas,
Florida and Louisiana on East Coast and California on West Coast. Each
of these situated south of 300N line would have been in list on their
own right if not categorised as USA. These four states in southern rim
receive the heat from equatorial ocean and those along the Eastern
border get enough and more emissions from oil refineries in Gulf area.
If all NFW emitted within USA move towards Southeastern Boarder of USA
as per Walker Circulation one should not be surprised by these
calamities. This large country, USA with a 9,226,000km2 area emits 723
tons of CO2e /km2. I have previously written on how NFW from vehicles on
roadways in USA – Texas and California has very high lane miles of
roadways per 100 km2 – increase speed of cyclones entering USA.
Why aren’t these countries vulnerable?
Looking at these parameters and values mentioned in Table 1, one may
wonder why those other countries with larger GHG emission values are not
in most vulnerable country list. In order to understand this, we
prepared Table 2 with top 20 GHG emitters (excluding those already
captured in Table 1) and related data. I have also indicated their
listed rating based on 1997-2016 data.
We calculated GHG emissions per unit area and noted road density values.
When one looks at these countries, one could see that either they are
further away from the equator than 300 N/ S, or their per unit area
emissions and / or road densities are low. In the two cases of China and
Japan, their absolute losses may be significant, but when adjusted for
their GDP values and/or populations resulting figures become less
As could be seen from above Table 2, there is not a single country with a
higher GHG emission value nor a higher road density than those of Sri
Lanka and closer to the equator than 300N in this table. So, one could
see that the latitudinal coordinate is one single prerequisite which
determines whether a country with significant emissions and road density
values would be vulnerable or not.
Why this 30° North the cut-off point?
The significance of this 370N latitude can be understood by looking at Figure I taken from the internet.
According to this, Earth receives far more radiation near to zero
latitude than the outgoing and it is at 370N/S that these two quantities
are equal. Unlike vegetation or desert loom, ocean waters close to the
equator absorbs solar radiation more which is transmitted by oceanic
water to the polar regions from where it is emitted out. At Sri Lanka’s
longitudinal coordinate of 800E, there is no northward oceanic
circulation to take this incident heat to the North like along Atlantic
and Pacific oceans.
Furthermore, closer to the equator, there is more outgoing long-wave
radiation and as such the amount of global warming due to GHGs in the
atmosphere will also be more. So, (a) solar radiation absorbed by a unit
area of roadway, (b) amount of IR radiation emitted by the roadway and
(c) the same reflected by a given amount of GHGs in the atmosphere would
all be much higher closer to the equator than from a similar roadway
area but away from the equator.
What takes a country to CRI listing Top 10?
It could be seen that vulnerability of a country to climate change
related disasters stems from the following four characteristics. (a)
Geographic location of the country with latitudinal and longitudinal
coordinates, (b) Large scale atmospheric circulation as depicted by
Hadley and Walker circulation models, (c) GHG emissions per unit area of
the country, (d) Road density of the country. Combination of these four
characteristics will make a country less or more vulnerable to climate
change related risks.
What can be done to take us away from the top?
When one looks at the four key factors which has thrown us, Sri Lanka,
to second position in CRI list, we cannot influence the first two
factors, our latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates and atmospheric
circulations. As such, we need to work out our escape along the other
two criteria. These are our GHG emission per unit area and the road
The best option for reducing GHG emissions will be to move away from oil
fired transportation to vehicle electrification. This is so because it
is through transportation that we can eliminate highest amount of GHG
emissions per one unit of energy obtained from another source. This is
due to the lowest efficiency of internal combustion engine powered
vehicles at 18 to 22 percentage.
The second aspect we could address will be the high road density in Sri
Lanka. Actually, it is not an issue with the high road density alone,
but it is the combination of this blackish road surface and the high
solar intensity that impinges on it. So, one solution we could think of
will be to put up something in between so that this impingement does not
take place and what could be better than a PV solar panel there and to
generate electricity as well. And if you use electricity generated to
power a battery electric vehicle one could save the quantity of waste
energy that would be generated by the ICC powered vehicle which would be
about four times the energy supplied by the panel.
So, one and only way to prevent Sri Lanka being the most vulnerable
country to climate risk will be to move away from petroleum-driven
transportation towards vehicle electrification and implement highway
solarisation on as many highways as possible and thereby reduce our GHG
emissions per unit area and nullify the absorption of solar radiation by
the many highways we are building.
If someone has a better solution than this, then that someone should
come out with that better solution today, when we are number 2 in the
CRI listing rather than wait until we come to be number one country in
the list, and then say this is what we should have done.
(The writer is Managing Director, Somaratna Consultants Ltd.)