A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Sri Lanka: Mahinda Repeats Old False Allegations
What a tragedy Mahinda has bound himself in! Mahinda has forgotten the days when he stood up against disappearances and worked to give voice to the pain and anguish of the families of the Missing.

Member of Parliament from Kurunegala and current Leader of Opposition
Mahinda Rajapaksa has published a statement on 17 March 2019 instructing
the government of Sri Lanka on what its position should be when the UN
Human Rights Council that is at present meeting in Genevadiscusses Sri
Lanka’s progress on national reconciliation.
In his statement, as usual aimed at hoodwinking the masses, he assumes a
commanding and almost martial tone. Packing it with misinformation to
mislead the public, he seems toforget the small detail that he is no
longer the President or even the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka – fake or
otherwise. As the citizens of our country – Asia’s oldest democracy –
remember very well, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s attempts to usurp the position
of Prime Minister a few months ago failed miserably in the face of the
determined resistance of our citizens and our independent institutions
including our judiciary.My recommendation to Mahinda would be, in true
friendship:lets put aside the airs. It really is impossible to engage in
constructive dialogue if you give instructions and orders on policy to a
government that is trying very hard to fix the several troubles that
you yourself, your close advisorsand those you appointed to high
positions during your time as President created, especially since the
conclusion of the conflict in May 2009.
And let us be serious. Any advice on policy must be placed on facts, not
on fake or exaggerated assertions, which a quick
scan ofMahinda’s statement reveals:
The opening line of Mahinda’s statement asserts that “The government has
announced that they will co-sponsor yet another resolution against Sri
What Mahinda says isfalse. There is no resolution “against” Sri Lanka,
and there has been no resolution “against” Sri Lanka since 2015. In
2009, the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government spearheaded a resolution in the
Human Rights Council calling it a ‘victory resolution’ and got it
adopted by a division in the Council. The Rajapaksa Government included
in that Resolution, the Joint Statement between the Government and the
United Nations that was adopted during UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon’s visit and also commitment to the implementation of the 13th
Amendment to the Constitution. Non-implementation of this resolution
adopted by a vote led to a series of resolutions which the Mahinda
Rajapaksa Government claimed to boycott but could not stop from being
adopted. Finally, in March 2014, this led to the Human Rights
Council adopting a resolution setting up the first known international
investigation on Sri Lanka which is called the OHCHR Investigation on
Sri Lanka (OISL). Sri Lanka was cornered internationally and was in a
pitiable state. Mahinda’s Government put all his eggs in one basket in
terms of our economy, borrowing at commercial rates and not being able
to repay them. Our military which Mahinda claims to be the
guardian of, was losing heavily as they were deprived of
military-to-military cooperation with the countries which have the most
advanced militaries in the world. They were deprived of training
opportunities, participation in UN peacekeeping, and in joint exercises.
After Mahinda’s defeat at the election on 08 January 2015, the new
Government managed to reassert Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and regain Sri
Lanka’s independent right to take charge of discharging the
responsibilities of the Government towards its own citizens. As a result
of taking charge of handling our own problems ourselves in consultation
with all our own citizens, international action that would have
followed as a result of the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka that was
established under Mahinda’s regime in March 2014 ceased. As a result of
Sri Lanka taking charge of discharging its own responsibilities towards
its own citizens, international efforts became focused thereafter on
support for Sri Lanka’s efforts. Contrary to Mahinda’s narrative, there
are no resolutions AGAINST Sri Lanka in the Human Rights Council
anymore. The resolutions since 2015are to work together with our partner
nations in the world so that our citizens benefit from the best
expertise in the world, and we work with all our citizens to set up
processes that would help us put behind decades of distrust, violence
and impunity and promote, protect and advance the human rights of all
our citizens. I urge you to pause to think a little. If this resolution
that Mahinda speaks of is AGAINST Sri Lanka – then there should be
strictures on Sri Lanka through the resolution, or an investigation
established as in March 2014 when Mahinda was President, or there should
be sanctions. The resolutions from 2015, on the contrary, do no such
thing. They have instead been the basis to secure economic benefits for
all our citizens both in the short-term as well as in the long-term.
They have been the basis for re-establishing and renewing trust and
confidence of our own citizens. They have been the basis for
establishing engagement with the international community to benefit our
citizens, our administrators, our prosecutors, our forensic experts and
our security forces with greater opportunities overall. They have been
the basis for the doors of opportunity being open to us to develop Sri
Lanka as a hub in the Indian Ocean and pursue a prosperous future for
Mahinda repeats old false allegations and assertions about the Office on
Missing Persons. What a tragedy Mahinda has bound himself in! Mahinda
has forgotten the days when he stood up against disappearances and
worked to give voice to the pain and anguish of the families of the
Missing. He alleges in his statement that“Government bodies at all
levels including the armed forces and intelligence services are
mandatorily required to render fullest assistance to the OMP even in
contravention of the Official Secrets Act.”
Mahinda says that if a criminal taking illegal advantage of an official
position abducts and kills a citizen, the law must be forbidden to
investigate such a crime? What kind of rule-of-law would exist in our
country if inquiries on abuse of power were stopped on the grounds of
official secrets? The notion of an “official secret” can only apply to
legitimate national security concerns. Since when would finding the fate
of a missing soldier be a violation of our national security? In what
way is our national defense affected by families including the families
of missing soldiers finally exercising the right to hold a dignified
funeral for their loved ones?
Mahinda alleges that The Prevention of Enforced Disappearances Act
enables an alleged enforced disappearance in Sri Lanka to be
investigated and prosecuted in a foreign country as if it was an offence
committed in that country.
Mahinda appears unware thatany country in the world can already
investigate and prosecute disappearances and other war crimes alleged to
have taken place in any other country in the world, because most
countries in the world today have already signed treaties to deny safe
haven to war criminals!This is a right that those countries already have
which is not determined by whether Sri Lanka accedes to the convention
or not. Therefore, our accession to the International Convention Against
Enforced Disappearances does not give other countries a right they
already have. That is why, in September 2018,Germany charged an ex-LTTE
member residing in that country, with war crimes committed against 16 of
our brave soldiers. I wonder whether Mahinda has not heard about that
case. Of course Mahinda has heard of it, but he hides it and chooses not
to mention it in his statement or in any of his speeches because it
disrupts hisfalse narrative of international justice aiding terrorism.
International justice is activated when national justice fails to act.
It was Chile’s lack of action against General Augusto Pinochet which
prompted Spain and the UK to arrest him in 1998 and determine his need
to appear before justice.This process has not stopped. There are
hundreds of universal jurisdiction cases open in the present day,
everywhere in the world. These cases could well work against alleged
criminals who might travel outside their safe havens to spend their
ill-gotten fortunes.
Apart from criminalizing Enforced Disappearance with a view to
preventing our citizens from ever going missing again like they did for
several decades in our country irrespective of ethnicity, language,
geographic location, religion or gender, what the Prevention of Enforced
Disappearances Act does is to enable us to act on those crimes, so we
assert our jurisdiction. In fact, the Act even gives us, Sri Lankans,
the capacity to investigate and prosecute disappearances happening in
any other country in the world, in case future Pinochets try to spend
their time in our beautiful island home.
Mahinda alleges that “The UN Human Rights Commissioner in her report on
Sri Lanka to the current session of the UNHRC, has called on member
states of the UNHRC to investigate and prosecute those suspected of war
crimes in Sri Lanka under the principle of universal jurisdiction.”
I’m sure this happens to all of us. We all fall asleep in the middle of a
movie sometimes, and when we wake up, for a moment we can’t understand
what is going on in the movie. I think this is what has happened to
Mahinda. But without admitting it, he wants to try to tell our citizens
that he knows the plot. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a
result of the acts and omissions of Mahinda’s regime of impunity, holds
the view that Sri Lanka’s judicial system has not
made necessary progress. Therefore, the High Commissioner notes that any
state can investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka, but this is IF and ONLY
IF we don’t do it ourselves! But Mahindaignores the first part of the
movie (the inaction which his regime is responsible for) and he goes on
to tell the story leaving out a crucial part.
As a nation responsible to all our citizens including our military
personnel and policemen, we should not fail in our commitment as a
sovereign, independent, democratic state to investigate the several
emblematic cases of human rights violations currently in our legal
system. We must set up a system to investigate and deal with allegations
of human rights violations. If we fail to do this, we place our
citizens in grave peril because the message we will be sending out to
the world will be that we are unable or unwilling to do our job. If we
fail to deal with our issues ourselves, then others will step in.
Mahinda says that “Lord Naseby has obtained from the British Foreign and
Commonwealth Office copies of the dispatches filed by Lt Colonel Anton
Gash…Five renowned international experts in the law of armed conflict
namely, Sir Desmond de Silva QC, Professor David Crane, Sir Geoffrey
Nice QC, Rodney Dixon QC, and Professor Michael Newton have examined the
allegations against Sri Lanka and provided written opinions to the
effect that no violation of the law of armed conflict had taken place…”
This is rich, comingfrom the same person saying that future mechanisms
to deal with human rights violations should not have the support of
international experts! Mahinda claims he is the one and only protector
of sovereignty and yet findssafety behind the robes of British lords and
the whips of British colonels! No, Mahinda: we will never fall for this
undignified maneuver. Global expertise is needed. We collaborate and
work with international experts on almost everything that we do in this
country. In fact, we are blessed with the philosophy and teachings of a
foreigner – Gautama Buddha, an Indian Prince who became enlightened, and
whose teachings were conveyed to us by the son and daughter of an
Indian Emperor called Asoka. You brought so many foreign experts to Sri
Lanka whose names you have cited in your statement. There is no reason
to deprive ourselves from continuing to learn from our brothers and
sisters in the Global South, who have already dealt with the legacies of
their own conflicts. Why should we slam the door, for example, on Latin
American forensic experts, or South African reconciliation experts, or
Tunisian fighters against corruption? Sri Lanka should continue, as you
yourself have done, to engage in such cooperation and collaboration, but
on our terms, and in the capacity that we decide, based on our
Mahinda Rajapaksa, seemingly frustrated by his failure to grab power
illegally, gives a series of instructions and finishes his statement by
saying that …all members of the delegation representing the government
in Geneva should clearly understand that anything short of what he says
will be a betrayal of the people of Sri Lanka.
By giving such a peremptory instruction, Mahinda is effectively asking
the members of the delegation to determine whether they are
representatives of Sri Lanka or whether they are Mahinda’s puppets;
whether they follow the instructions of the government or the
injunctions of the defeated Presidential candidate who failed to grab
power illegally last October.
The Government will continue to defend Sri Lanka’s sovereignty by
reaffirming our commitments to seek durable reconciliation and promote
and protect human rights of all. We will, as the resolutions clearly
• Ensure justice through our national system, in free and fraternal
cooperation with experts of other nations going through similar
transitions, based on our requirements.
• Affirm the honor of the institutions of the army, navy and the air
force, and project their professionalism including in UN peacekeeping
missions, and increase their opportunities for collaboration with the
best militaries in the world, by investigating allegations and
prosecuting any abusethat may have taken place in accordance with the
due process of the law.
• Affirm the rights of ALL citizens including citizens in the north and
the south, military and civilian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu,
Christian,and others to establish sustainable peace, reconciliation, and
prosperity for all;
• Affirm the rights of ALL by determining the fate and whereabouts of
ALL the missing including security forces personnel and police;
• Provide for those left behind – for all citizens in need – with
integral reparation to rebuild their lives and strive for national
• Forever forbid the recurrence of horrors of our past like torture, sexual violence, war and white van abductions.
Nothing more and nothing less is what this government is committed
to do for ALL the people of Sri Lanka. We will, in this journey, work
with the international community. They will be our partners as they have
always been. They will also be our witness as well as supporters of
this solemn undertaking, and they will tell our story so that others too
in this world can learn from Sri Lanka’s example of reconciliation.
No doubt our journey has been difficult, with ups and downs,
achievements and disappointments, but those who caused the trouble in
the first place, have very little authority to criticize us. Those who
embraced and never investigated child abductors and war criminals like
Karuna, can’t tell Sri Lanka what a war hero is. Those who paralyzed the
country on 26 October 2018 to send our economy into free fall cannot be
allowed to continue their attempts to sabotage the progressive path of
our nation.
I’m sorry to be the one breaking the news, Mahinda, but someone has to
say this: you do not have the authority to impose a fine on a badly
parked tuk-tuk, much less give instructions to an official delegation
representing Sri Lanka overseas.Your pretension to be Prime Minister in
October 2018 failed several months ago. Stop trying to deny to a legally
established government, the democratic authority it is endowed with.
The journey toward reconciliation will continue. The people of our
country are tired of pessimists and compulsive liars and fear mongers.
They know that their future lies not in fear but in truth and that the
economic prosperity of our nation depends on achieving sustainable
peace, non-recurrence of conflict, strengthening the rule of law and
democracy, and protecting and upholding the rights and dignity of all,
and in working towards our goals together and in partnership with all
the countries of the world and international organisations in which Sri
Lanka is a member.
The writer, Miniter of Finance and Mass Media, Government of Sri Lanka