Monday, April 8, 2019

Ex-Tigers complain military obstructs their political activity 

By Dinasena Ratugamage-April 7, 2019, 9:28 pm

Some former LTTE cadres have recently alleged they are under constant surveillance by the military though they have undergone rehabilitation. They have also claimed that military interference has hampered their political activity.

US human rights activist Critina James, last Friday, (April 05) received a briefing from former LTTE cadres during a visit to the Jaffna peninsula.

The ex-LTTEers said that they had also complained to the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) about military interference. They met the US activist as members of a North-based political party consisting of ex-LTTE cadres.

The LTTE is still a proscribed group in Sri Lanka.

They alleged the people were still suspicious of them due to the military constantly watching their movements.