Monday, April 8, 2019

Royal Institute: Kamal Gunaratne Resigns – Owner’s Daughter Says Supreme Court Is Heartless & Vows To Use Political Influence

Dr. Nirodha Bandara the Academic Director of Royal Institute addressing a gathering of teachers, parents and students at their Kohuwela, Nugegoda Branch premise claimed that the Judges who gave the order to demolish their Nugegoda Branch and cancel of their business license are heartless.
Dr. Nirodha Bandara
“The Supreme Court has been heartless went it came to this. We are now trying to find the best possible outcome” Dr. Nirodha Bandara went on to say, according to the audio recording which is in the possession of Colombo Telegraph.
The emotionally stirred up Academic Director Dr. Nirodha Bandara did not hold back her emotions when she said “The Supreme Court does not seem to care that there are 1600 students and 200 staff attached to the school. It is a crime to close down a school. The Supreme Court has given three months for the order to be executed.”
Making a bold statement further Dr. Nirodha Bandara threatened the Supreme Court three Judge bench ruling when she went on to say “We will exhaust all our possible options legally and also politically and we will try everything possible.”
Her above statement left many in the audience baffled as there are no more appeals she could make legally.
However what appears more of concern is her threat of using her political powers against an order given by a three judge bench of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.
These bold statements are similar to what Politician and former Minister S. B. Dissanayake made ridiculing the Judiciary and also ended up serving a prison sentence for being in contempt of court.
Furthermore in her speech Dr. Nirodha Bandara also went on to instigate all those present to go and scold the residents who filed the case against Royal Institute.
“If you all are really angry go and scold them,” she said.
Dr. Nirodha also confirmed that she did get phone calls from Politician Mohan Lal Grero the founder of Lyceum International School and Dr. Harsha Alles the Director of Gateway College, who had said they will fight this battle with Royal Institute, especially as it is a member of TISSL which is the Association of Premier International Schools in Sri Lanka.
Chairman G.T. Bandara Speaking in between Dr. Nirodha Bandara’s speech also reiterated that “unfortunately the learned judges did not take into consideration that 1600 students are going to suffer because of this. Let us stand together and overcome this challenge” he said.
Earlier Chairman Royal Institute G.T. Bandara dispatching a letter to the parents rebuffed the Supreme Court’s Order which was given last Wednesday.

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