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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, June 30, 2019
Biometric Identification Of The Traveller – Emerging Issues
While there is no gainsaying the invaluable use of biometric technology, it is hoped that the issues discussed above are also addressed

Writing from Montreal
Things have been, says the legal mind, and so we are here. The
creative mind says we are here because things have yet to be. ~ H.G.
Wells, Discovery of the Future (1902)
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is currently
conducting it 15th annual Traveller Identification Programme Symposium
(TRIPS) which runs from 25 to 28 June on the theme “Bridging the
Digital-Physical Document Divide”. Many international entities such as
the World Travel and Tourism Council, The International Air Transport
Association, Airports Council International and Organization for
Security and Cooperation of Europe presented interesting reports and
news of progress made by them in techniques of digital identification of
the traveller through facial recognition that are calculated to enhance
facilitation and security in border crossing.
It was indeed encouraging to learn of the advancements made by these
entities, all of whom had the common objective of making the
international transportation experience easier for both the traveller as
well as the State in which traveller arrives. The World Economic Forum
spoke of its Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) concept aimed at
providing answers to challenges posed to seamless and secure travel
through a passenger centric approach using biometrics, blockchain,
cryptography and mobile devices.
KTDI is calculated to apply predictive intelligence to the emergent
challenges and opportunities presented by evolving technology and its
relevant to cross border movements of people across the globe. KTDI as a
digital identity process also addresses the varied needs and
expectations of border crossers which would enable States to anticipate
challenges presented by travellers crossing their borders. In this
process the passport is the seminal document which would provide data to
both the Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record
(PNR) practices.
Just one example of the intrinsic link between aviation and the digital
world is Blockchain - – a relatively new technological initiative in the
business process – which promises “smart contracts” and is shaping
modern business management in how businesses are managed and how value
is created within enterprises, bringing to bear a distinct correlation
between aviation and Blockchain. Inasmuch as the internet moves
information and transmits the flow of data, Blockchain moves value which
could assist industries in aviation to transact business faster; and
improve tracking of passengers and freight while eliminating transaction
costs. The networks based on Blockchain serve products and services
better, making it a better tool for moulding the air transport product
and enabling airports to become “smart airports”. Blockchain could well
be the platform in various areas of aviation and is insulated from
deleterious hacking, thereby offering security and immutability.
Since air transport in the digital world is heavily reliant on
algorithms which make assumptions that are sometimes driven by biases,
the possibility of a clash between algorithmic thinking and culture
stands out as a possible conundrum that warrants serious consideration.
Would the experts gathered at TRIPS think that it would be prudent to
globally introduce an organizational culture driven by best practices to
protect the passenger when algorithms might go wrong?
This issue becomes all the more pertinent in the face of the exponential
increase in air travel that show leaps and bounds increase. For
example, ICAO has said that in 2017 an unprecedented 4.1 billion
passengers were carried by the aviation industry on scheduled services
This indicated a 7.1% increase over 2016. At TRIPS Airports Council
International observed that, whereas in 2017 around 7.5 billion
passengers passed through the world’s airports, this figure was going to
more than double to around 17 billion in 2034. Various aspects of
traveller identification, not to single out biometric identification,
bring to bear issues of privacy and the right to privacy of the
individual. The Economist states (correctly) that: “[F]acial recognition
also has the potential to merge the tracking that happens in the
digital and physical realms. It turns the face into an address that
links behaviour in the real world with online profiles and vice versa”.
One commentator says: “[D]igital technology-computing, databases, the
Internet, mobile communications, and the like-thus calls for further
evolution of privacy rights, both conceptually and in law. Unlike
previous technological changes, however, the scope and magnitude of the
digital revolution is such that privacy law cannot respond quickly
enough to keep privacy protections relevant and robust.
On 18 December 2013 The United Nations General Assembly adopted
Resolution 68/167 - The right to privacy in the digital age. This
Resolution calls upon States to respect and protect the right to
privacy, including in the context of digital communication; to take
measures to put an end to violations of those rights and to create the
conditions to prevent such violations, including by ensuring that
relevant national legislation complies with their obligations under
international human rights law. It also calls upon States to review
their procedures, practices and legislation regarding the surveillance
of communications, their interception and the collection of personal
data, including mass surveillance, interception and collection, with a
view to upholding the right to privacy by ensuring the full and
effective implementation of all their obligations under international
human rights law; and to establish or maintain existing independent,
effective domestic oversight mechanisms capable of ensuring
transparency, as appropriate, and accountability for State surveillance
of communications, their interception and the collection of personal
Finally, on the conflict between algorithmic thinking and culture, a key
consideration would be how to manage artificial intelligence. In an
earlier article I quoted Sutapa Amornvivat, who runs an AI driven
company in Thailand, who cautions that AI has to be managed well as:
“with the right tools and technology, crucial insights can be unlocked
from data. At the same time, we should be aware that the blind spots and
biases within can lead us to the wrong conclusions. Real limitations to
data-driven approaches exist and necessitate human oversight to ensure
that they are utilized correctly and to their fullest protection”.
Eleonore Pauwels, Research Fellow on Emerging Cybertechnologies at
United Nations University (UNU), says about AI: “AI is already
ubiquitous, but will affect people differently, depending on where they
live, how much they earn, and what they do for a living. Scholars from
civil society have started raising concerns about how algorithmic tools
could increasingly profile, police, and even punish the poor. On the
global and political stage, where corporations and states interact, AI
will influence how these actors set the rules of the game. It will shape
how they administer and exert power on our societies’ collective body.
These new forms of control raise urgent policy challenges for the
international community.
While there is no gainsaying the invaluable use of biometric technology,
it is hoped that the issues discussed above are also addressed.
Dr. Abeyratne is Senior Associate, Air Law and Policy at Aviation
Strategies International. He teaches air law and policy at McGill
University and is former Senior Legal Officer at The International Civil
Aviation Organization.