A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, June 3, 2019
Sri Lanka College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists: Covering The Fallopian Tubes With A Thousand Rupee Note

First thing first.
I have no intention of white washing the infamous Dr Shafi Siyabdeen who
has allegedly caused unconsented infertility in 4000 mothers. Whatever
the truth of that allegation may be, it is obvious that Dr Shafi was
involved in a money laundering exercise which would put a final nail on
his professional life for sure.
Dr Shafi Siyabdeen
However, alternatively, in this weird country it won’t be a huge
surprise if Dr Shafi was resurrected from the death of his profession
and was made Governor of the Eastern Province tomorrow, or something.
But that is not the real issue here.
It is now ten days since a guy with a dead political life ignited the
whole Sri Lankan society with Islamophobia targeting an allegation
surrounding Dr Shafi. As I suggested previously we
must not even mention the name of that putrid professor for Rajarata
University who is trying to give oxygen to his dying political potential
by igniting racism. By his own admission he and others have known of
this atrocity for quite the while and waited for the opportune moment
for themselves to “reveal“ it.
Gynecologist Cats That Sh*t On The Infertility Rock
It is questionable how an entire fraternity of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists are maintaining an official silence (excluding one or two
sporadic personal statements on Facebook by expatriate, retired
Gynecologists) regarding this professional crisis that is eroding the
trust of the public in the entire medical profession. The magnitude of
this destruction is of a national scale. They are behaving pretty much
like the cat that defecated on a rock and is unable to cover it up with
Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SLCOG) is the apex
professional body for its specialty. It is also the only official body
that lays down clinical guidelines, norms, guidelines for patient
safety, facilitate post graduate education and is committed to
maintaining the good name and the highest professional standards of the
discipline. It is the foremost and the un-challengeable organization
that stands for the discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sri
When a super
serious allegation is made against Dr Shafi that he made 400 mothers
infertile without consent whilst under the supervision of a Consultant
Gynecologist leading to a national uproar and calamity, the SLCOG is
maintaining meek silence as if gone deaf and dumb. What they should have
done is to immediately offer their technical expertise to the Ministry
of Health without even waiting for a request. They should have
immediately engaged with the post Easter Sunday Sri Lankan society still
in uncertainty and shock to alleviate their hysterical reaction to this
allegation. They should have issued a professional statement to control
the escalation.
Instead what happened?
What happened was that a member of the council of SLCOG called Professor
Hemantha Dodampahala issued a statement that women can be made
infertile by pressing the Fallopian tubes with an instrument during the
Caesarian Section. Theoretically it is plausible that if any live
tissue, blood vessel or tube, when compressed with a surgical instrument
for an hour or two will obviously lose its vitality and die. You don’t
need a professor to spread that two bit theory. A child knows that.
By this logic, if a patient undergoing a surgery today in their
abdominal cavity, perineal cavity of any other organ dies tomorrow, the
relatives can complain that this was due to the compressing of an organ
by the surgeon. From tomorrow it would be impossible for a patient to
die without the doctor being implicated with murder. Tomorrow if a
Muslim patient dies after being treated by a Sinhala doctor, his Muslim
relatives can make the same allegation.
What Dodampahala is raping is the very nobility of the medical profession. Its humanity and vulnerability. From
tomorrow it might be impossible for a patient to die. Dodampahala has
taught the public the theory of keeping the knife to the throat of the
Does The Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians And Gynecologist Have Morals?
Dodampahala and all other Gynecologists who came of Hiru and Derana TV
wagging surgical instruments and instilling mass hysteria and fear are
doing so irresponsibly, destroying the trust placed on the medical
profession by the public. Do these Gynecologists actually have a moral
background to do these things? If you search a little deep on the
internet you will find the black marks and the red spots of their
histories. You will find out what their political orientations are.
The President of the SLCOG has a huge responsibility to become the
professional mediator between the profession and the public. Because Dr
Shafi worked under the supervision of a member of the SLCOG. The
President of the SLCOG should have taken immediate measures to carry out
a confidential internal fact finding about the conduct of the
Consultant connected to this situation. He should have come out to the
public and shared the needful facts and give the public the confidence
that this problem is being tackled at the professional level. He should
have been the builder of confidence in the medical profession when it is
crumbling in all direction. It was the moral prerogative of the
President of the SLCOG.