A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, June 3, 2019
Thank You Very Much Our Venerable Gnanasara Monk!
I kindly request this venerable monk not repeat the history of Barmaids/Barmakīyān/ Barmak in Arabic or Pramukha in Sanskrit in Sri Lankan soil with his missionary work for Islam and Muslims in Sri Lanka.
I happened to watch the interview of our venerable monk Gnanasara on
Hiru TV. (27/5/2019) I must thank Hiru TV too for this interview. Thank
you very much for you Ven monk for taking Islamic message into each
Sinhalese household in Sri Lanka. In fact, taking Islam into hearts and
minds of each Sinhalese in the world today. I must thank Hiru media for
using its previous time to preach Islam on behalf of 2 million Sri
Lankans. In fact, on behalf of 1.7 billion Muslims in the world. Many
innocent Sinhalese people did not have any clue about Islam and Muslims
until you have made them learn about Islam and Muslims. The majority of
Sinhalese community did not have time and resources to learn about Islam
until you have opened their senses and human faculties to listen about
Islam and Muslims. You have created some golden opportunities for many
Sinhalese people to learn about Islam and Muslims. May God bless you for
this great service on behalf of 2 million Sri Lankan Muslims.
Dear Ven, monk the more you talk about Islam and Muslims, the more you
educate your people about Islam and Muslims. The more you speak about
the Holy Qur’an, the more Sinhalese people learn about the Holy Qur’an.
The more you talk about the Holy Prophet of Islam, the more you educate
your people about the Holy prophet of Islam. The more you speak about
Islamic law, the more your people get interested in learning about
Islamic law. The more you speak about Islamic ideological groups, the
more your people learn about Islamic ideological groups. The more you
speak about Islamic dress codes, the more your people learn about
Islamic dress codes. Likewise, you have spoken about Islam and Muslims
on many issues. I’m sure you have directly and indirectly invited
Sinhalese youths to learn about Islam and Muslims in this age of digital
technology and social networks. I’m sure that today, more Sinhalese
youths will learn about Islam and Muslims with your missionary work on
behalf of Sri Lankan Muslim community in Sri Lanka. I must thank you for
this great service on behalf of innocent Muslim community of Sri Lanka.
Soon After 9/11, more copies of the Holy Qur’an were sold in many
western countries than ever before.
Curious people begun to read about Islam and Muslims in many parts of
western countries soon after 9/11. Many of them ended up Muslims after
reading Islamic books. In fact, it is reported that more westerners were
converted into Islam after 9/11 than ever before. Likewise, I think
more copies of the holy Qur’an will be sold soon in Sri Lanka too with
your missionary work for Islam and Muslims in Sri Lanka. Thankfully, the
holy Qur’an has been translated into Sinhala language now (without any
comprehensive Qur’anic exegesis). Yet, this Sinhalese translation itself
is enough to those who want to learn about Islam. You are inviting your
people to read this holy book with your emotional talks, debates and
behaviours. I’m sure that more and more Sinhalese people will be keen to
read about Islam and Muslims.
Dear venerable monk. Whether you like it or not, in this age of
globalization and multiculturalism people are exposed to different ideas
and ideologies. This is the social phenomenon of the modern world
today. No one could stop it. Whether you like it or not. It is reported
that more than 1.5 million Sri Lankans work in many Gulf countries and
many of them are Sinhalese. Many of them have been living over there
more than 30 years. Naturally, they are naturalised with Arab customs
and Islamic culture. Many of them are exposed to Islamic teaching and
ideologies. Dear venerable monk why don’t you stop them from migrating
into Arab countries?
The Sri Lankan Muslims community has been complicit in taking the
peaceful message of Islam into hearts and minds of the majority of
Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka. Muslims have failed in their duty to
reach out with the peaceful message of Islam for the last 1000 thousand
years in Sri Lanka. They have failed to do this for many reasons. The
majority of Muslims do not speak in good Sinhalese language. So, there
has been a language and intercultural barrier between Muslim and
Sinhalese communities. Yet, Hiru and the most venerable monk have done a
great job on behalf of 2 million Sri Lankan Muslim community in Sri
Lanka. The entire Muslim community in Sri Lanka ought to thank them for
this great service they have done on behalf of Muslim community. They
have taken the peaceful message of Islam into each Sinhalese household
with this interview with the venerable monk.
I kindly request this venerable monk not repeat the history of
Barmaids/Barmakīyān/ Barmak in Arabic or Pramukha in Sanskrit in Sri
Lankan soil with his missionary work for Islam and Muslims in Sri Lanka.
In fact, the venerable monk and Hiru TV think that they are doing a
favour for Buddhism with this campaign against Islam and Muslims, yet,
they do not realise their programs are counterproductive. Hereditary
Buddhist administrators of the Buddhist monastery of Nava Vihara of west
of Balkh (Northern Afghanistan) became Muslims in Abbasids Era of
Islamic history. These Buddhists elites occupied prestige positions and
posts in Abbasids Empire. This conversion of Buddhist elites took place
in medieval Islamic history. No one forced those elite Buddhists of Nava
Vihara of west of Balkh (Northern Afghanistan) to embrace Islam those
days. I fear that these anti-Muslims and anti-Islamic propaganda may
encourage Sinhalese youths to read more about Islam in this age of
social network. Please not make this Sinhalese community Barmaids of Sri
Lanka. There is no compulsion in religion. You may have control over
physical presence of Sinhalese community and yet, you do not have
control over their minds and hearts.
Who could control what is going on in the minds of Sinhalese youths
today in this age of digital technology? Today, the venerable monk
Gnanasara Thero is ideally reaching out with Islamic message into the
hearts and minds of millions of Sinhalese youths with his debates and
talks. What thousands of Muslim clerics have failed to accomplish in Sri
Lanka has been accomplished for Islam and Muslims by this venerable
monk. Muslim clerics do not have skills and platforms to reach out
Sinhalese mass with Islamic message and yet, this has been done by our
venerable monk on behalf of Muslim clerics in Sri Lanka. The venerable
monk claims that there are 50 Islamic groups in Sri Lanka. All these
groups failed to reach with Islamic message into wider Sinhalese
community in Sri Lanka. yet, our venerable monk has taken Islamic
message into ears of Sinhalese community. He has indeed, created a
curiosity in the minds of Sinhalese to know about Islam and Muslims.
Every action has its reaction as well in this world. I’m sure now, many
people are keen to learn about Islam today than ever before in Sri
So, no Sri Lankan Muslim should get annoyed or angered with what the
venerable monk does today in Sri Lanka rather the Sri Lankan Muslim
community must thank him for his dedication and sacrifice to spread the
message of Islam among his community. Finally, for Hiru, some other
media and some Newspapers in Sri Lanka, you are doing a great job by
promoting Islamic teaching in Sri Lanka, each negative news items are
counterproductive too. People have skills and resources to verify fake
news. You are indeed, doing a great service for Islam and Muslim through
your negative images of Islam and Muslims. You too stimulate the
curiosity of Sinhalese people to know about Islam and Muslims: A big
thank for you as well.