A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, July 1, 2019
Professor’s Lament: Sarath Wijesuriya Talks In An Academic Prism

Praise and Pity
Professor Sarath Wijesuriya is a personage much to be admired although his recent outburst against the Yahapalanaya (YP) government and its Prime Minister is clearly out of focus.
I was in Sri Lanka during the 2015 landmark elections and I keenly
watched the media and even observed at public meetings. Professor Sarath
Wijesuriya (SW) deeply impressed me with his lucidity of mind and the
utter clarity of his rhetoric and Sinhala expression. The bulk of
academics in Sri Lanka have been acting as bystanders while a nationally
vital political discourse has been going on. Yet, academics like Gamini Viyangoda and
Professor SW took the lead in a widely desired civilian participation.
The centre of the civil yahapalanaya movement had been Revd Maduluwawe Sobithato
whom the country is indebted. These two academics assisted the monk.
Praise be to Professor Sarath! It is a pity, therefore, that Prof SW has
had to publicise sweeping and simplistic negative assessments of what the YP government has achieved so far.
Targeting President
Over a number of occasions recently Prof SW has scathingly attacked the
President and the Prime Minister for having ‘totally betrayed the
promised revolution.’ One can understand his picking on the President
since the latter has turned his back on the goal of yahapalanaya and has
been, not once, twice but numerous times, acting to sabotage the
government he helped to create in 2015. If we are to mention one major
factor that unexpectedly hampered the progress of the YP program it is,
surely, the President’s treacherous political U-turn.
On the other hand, even the President cannot be wholly condemned since for the first four years he did cooperate
with the UNF government headed by Ranil Wickremesinghe. The major task
of the abolition of the Executive Presidency could not be done due to
the lack of parliamentary numbers. However, the 19th Amendment to the
constitution was effected as a practical compromise with President
Sirisena’s active involvement in getting the numbers to vote for it.
President Sirisena now regrets he did that but his reasons are generated
by a selfish desire to continue to be a powerful President.
Sirisena now states the 19th Amendment “is
a curse.” It certainly was a curse when he pushed at loggerheads
against the essential idea of parliamentary supremacy that underlies
that amendment. Parliament’s newly-won power
frustrated Sirisena’s futile and crazy attempt to dismiss the Prime
Minister and dissolve parliament. Along with his illegally installed
Prime Minister, Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President ran a
fake government to the consternation of the serious ones and to the
hearty laughs by those who had a sense of humour.
Constitutional Council, Independent Commissions and the Judiciary
The setting up of the Constitutional Council to make appointments to
heads of key institutions that relate to law and order was a major YP
achievement that our Professor ignores. The pathway is now clear for an
impartial judiciary, an interference-free Police Force and Elections
office. Composed of eminent independent citizens in addition to the
bilateral political elements (the
Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition) this council plays a
decisive role in the appointments concerned. Under the previous regimes
this had not been so.The judiciary was, in reality, subservient to the
President. This change had been a huge shift in the rules of the game
that turned our administration irrevocably toward the yahapalanaya goal.
The country saw what happened under former CJ Mohan Pieris and what
happened to former Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. Such things can
no longer be happen. When the courts are free, the ordinary individual is free.
There are a number of imperfections in the police force but here, too,
One can observe that cops are acting with distinctly less fear of
political reprisal.
Freedom of Information Act
The Right of Information Act has been passed thus giving any individual
citizen the legal right to demand information from government officials
with regard to matters that affect their rights. This accords with the
public need for transparency.It will take time for most persons to
utilise this, but that is coming. There are other bits of legislation
that can be mentioned but we can leave them aside for now. Not the least
that can be mentioned are legislative reforms that guarantee the
freedom of business enterprise to operate without the fear of arbitrary
state-take over.
Freedom of Protest
People walk a lot these days with freedom of fear of a hit squad coming
in the dead of night. So many murders and disappearances of dissenters
were reported under the previous regime. That isn’t happening now.
People are not shot at while in protest (Rathupaswela). Not a single
case of state terror has been reported during the years of this government
The major Shift toward Yahapalanaya needs the New Constitution
Professor SW’s desire for the completion of the YP revolution
essentially needs the installation of a new constitution. This is
something he must understand. The draft is more or less ready but it has
been frozen due to opposition from the legislators of the other side.
This is another instance where deficiency in parliamentary
numbers have thwarted yahapalanaya. The draft does away completely with
the institution of the Executive Presidency and the full restoration of
parliamentary supremacy, which is the central goal of yahapalanaya. The
draft also brings in changes to the way MPs are elected in order to
ensure better quality legislators. There are other salutary changes
mooted. But we have an Opposition that doesn’t know the need for
bilateral action in the wake of common national needs.