A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, August 29, 2019
How To Find Solutions To Violence In Society?
Difference Between a Woman and a Man (Yin and Yan)?
This is not at all a philosophical discourse on gender differences, or
the complementary roles of Yin and Yan (women and men) in social or
biological formation. This is also not to speak about who is superior
among the two. This is just an observation on why perhaps women are
‘traditionally’ more gentle than men, although we like to call the
better behaved men, gentlemen. I use the qualification ‘traditionally,’
because it appears that the things are now changing and the traditional
differences are slowly vanishing.
- This is not at al is superior
The gentle nature or the behavior of women should be appreciated. I hope
all readers would agree with me. We all know about our mothers, how
they handled not only day to day domestic affairs, but also crucial
family challenges when our fathers often failed to take rational
decisions. We also know about our sisters, assisting our mothers, and
also assisting us, the male brutes when we tried to indulge in foolish
adventures within the family or the neighborhood.
It was Marquis de Condorcet who said ‘women are simply better than men,
gentler, more sensitive and less subject to vices of egoism and
hard-headedness.’ It was not simply an appreciation of his wife, Sophie,
but said so in the process of advocating equal rights for women to vote
and acquire political representation. He advocated those during the
French Revolution, hundred and thirty years ago. I am however not
writing on those lines, but what Condorcet talked about as gentle
qualities of women, how those are acquired or determined, and how
possibly men also could acquire those qualities in the future.
I am giving only one answer today. Do the domestic share of work and
particularly cooking! That might at least sober you and calm you down.
Violence is not only about killing or hitting another person, but also
an emotion that you often cannot control. Of course you cannot ask
everyone to cook and calm themselves down. But I am giving only an
example in that direction.
It does not appear that gender differences are strictly physical
determinants. There are women like men and vice versa. There can be
relative determinants making the difference, that they can bear
children, that we cannot do etc. and etc. Both nature and nurture play
complimentary roles. I am not qualified to talk about natural or genetic
factors too much, but my assumption is that ‘social factors, to mean
nurture and socialization, could influence genetic formations.’
Why do I bother about these matters at the last stages of my life? Still
curiosity is one reason. A perennial interest of mine is also about how
to deal with or find solutions to violence in society.
Women cannot be considered completely free from violence. They at least
manage to control their violent tendencies by nature. Men not only fail
to do so, but indulge in violence as rather a ‘professional’
preoccupation. Domestic violence is a typical example. One reason is
their perception as male and of superiority, and naturally therefore,
they tend to compete and fight with their male counterparts and also
suppressing women folk. They are also the traditional inheritors of
wealth and money, and social competition and fighting logically comes
from those sources. In the present day society, politics and power are
the major reasons for fighting and violence, naturally inherited by men
in society than women.
Perhaps all these were rooted in the division of labor between men and
women at least 100,000 years ago. While men went hunting, killing
animals for food, women were confined to home at best gathering food
from living surroundings (of caves) and looking after the children. I am
not referring to whether all of them were monogamous or polygamous!
What is important is to understand that this division of labor between
men and women also was about a division of labor between violence and
There is an apparent correlation between animal killing and human
killing and violence in society. Even in those primitive societies,
human killings originated not just because they were competing or
fighting for limited terrain (today of controversial territories), but
also because they were in some circumstances used to killing and eating
flesh of ‘the other.’ This is not only ancient, but also recent. I had a
friend from PNG who used to call himself, humorously of course, ‘I am a
son of a cannibal.’
That long history is good enough to create certain genetic
characteristics in human bodies and mind that could sustain violence
particularly among men; women not completely excluded. One way of
ameliorating the situation is to give more prominence for women in
decision making, in politics, at home, business and public life. At
least giving them the fair share (50 percent) might do a lot of good for
the human society than at present.
The genetic conditioning or perhaps an inherent nature of violence
particularly in men does not mean that it cannot be changed. Nature and
nurture are concomitant factors. A first step in unravelling the
quagmire is to understand its existence. In the past several decades, or
even before, there have been various social (science) theories in
explaining violence. Some of these theories unfortunately are more of
justifications than solutions to violence.
Why Men Rebel? This was a prominent question asked by a prominent social
scientist, Robert Gurr, in 1970 in his very title of the book. This was
just one year before the JVP violent insurrection in Sri Lanka. His
answer was men rebel because they have grievances or frustrations. He
built on the famous frustration-aggressions theory. ‘When a personal
goal is thwarted, the individual is often compelled to attack the agent
of that frustration or the nearest substitute.’ This personal behavior
was elaborated to explain the group behavior as well.
However, Gurr didn’t ask the question whether this is true to both men
and women equally? Equality apparently is not the case here, like in
many other instances. When a personal goal is thwarted, it appears that
women have different or lateral ways of dealing with the problem/s.
Aggression is particularly typical of men and not of women.
How come that they have acquired that good quality? My answer perhaps
might be rejected by some feminists. They might claim that
‘frustration-aggression theory’ is equally applied to women. They are
equal to men in all qualities of life. Why women should be submissive
when their goals or rights are obstructed? They might ask. Of course
they should not be submissive. My argument or proposition is different.
Women have acquired certain discipline, decorum and perseverance that
they do not easily indulge in violence or aggression. That is a merit
and not a weakness.
This is what I relate to the kitchen and cooking today! In recent times,
many countries have ventured to find ways and means in saving young
males from violence and aggression. These are mostly Western countries.
This is particularly because of domestic violence. The perpetrators of
domestic violence are men and not (usually) women. One device that they
have developed is coeducation or mix-education. It is relatively true
that when boys are educated with girls, often the girls influence the
boys and this could generate a balance. Of course there can be evidence
also to the contrary.
Another device that many Western countries are now adopting is the
introduction of ‘mindfulness training’ in school education. This is like
the Buddhist meditation. This kind of simple meditation most definitely
can calm down the emotions of youngsters and rationalize their thinking
patterns. The usefulness of such devices are not merely relevant to
children but also to adults. Universities also should open up and adopt
these methods and devices. Universities in Japan are very prominent in
utilizing meditation and different types of Yoga.
Can there be a connection between meditation and cooking? I first came
to realize the connection when I visited the Zen Buddhist Temple,
Shunkoln, in Kyoto during my sabbatical in 2006 in Kyoto, Japan. Their
tea ceremony rituals were marvelous. ‘If you want to know about yourself
deeply, you should know how to make tea and how to serve them to others
properly,’ they said.
The connection is most evident from the documentary movie of Zen Monk or
Master, Edward Espe Brown’s How to Cook Your Life. One may argue that
things are now commercialized and meditation has become a commodity.
However, the connection is clear. Among other things, it says, ‘When
steaming rice, regard the pot as your own head; when washing rice, know
that the water is your own life.’ This is about mindful cooking and
meditation in the process. All these advices are for peaceful,
nonviolent and sustainable living.
(Edward Espe Brown delivering a Lesson) |
This is perhaps what our mothers and sisters practiced and knew about
throughout ages. This is perhaps why women are most naturally clam,
gentler, sensitive and rational without vices of egoism and
hard-headedness, as Condorcet claimed. Therefore, the best way to
promote peace and nonviolence in society is to promote the women’s way.