A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Sunday, December 1, 2019
My Plea To Your Excellency President Gotabaya Rajapaksa
What Sri Lanka needs now is a capital and investment flow from regional and international companies for both Small- and large-scale companies.

I’m very much impressed with your development projects: I understand
that there are some strong teams behind you to develop this nation.
There are some highly qualified academics, professionals and experts
behind you to advise you what to do and what steps to take to develop
this nation in education, agriculture, business, heath, environment
protection, defence, and community harmony. After listening to some
programme in ITN (Doramadalawa), I’m so impressed that you have a good
program to develop this nation. I’m very much fascinated to see you a
man of action rather than a man of political rhetoric. That is exactly
what we need in Sri Lanka right now. We need an upgrading in many public
departments. I will share my thought in some areas that we need
improvement and updating. I hope that your teams of experts and advisors
read this article and take some actions in these areas. I’m writing
this with a good intention to see some dramatic changes in Sri Lanka in
coming years.
Within one week, you have taken some positive steps to make a difference
in Sri Lanka. You have cut the numbers of your personal security guards
and you have removed your photos in public offices. You have Taken some
austerity measures. You have taken some steps to clean up our cities.
You have limited your cabinet into 15 members. You have limited official
trips of your MPs abroad. In fact, you have taken a positive signal to
cement inter-community relationship between all Sri Lankan communities.
You have taken some good steps to create a Sri Lankan national identity
among all communities without any racial discrimination. So far, we have
seen some positive things from your good leadership. We hope that you
create a political legacy in Sri Lanka with support of all communities.
We hope you do not give a space for crook and corrupt politicians once
again in this country. We hope that Journalists who report on fraud and
corruption will not disappear from Sri Lanka soon. We hope and pray that
white van culture will not come back to Sri Lanka at all. We hope that
rule of law will prevail in Sri Lanka. We hope people will have freedom
to express their views without any fear.
You have appointed your elder Brother as your PM. By doing so, You have
created a history in Sri Lankan politics. I do not have any qualm about
it. I do not mind it, if it is for the greater interest of this nation. I
hope and pray both of you do not misuse this vested power. I hope that
your elder brother does not repeat his old mistakes once again. I hope
you have a hold on your MPs. I hope that you give nominations for next
general election only for some qualified people among our communities. A
team of highly educated and honest MPs could make a difference in Sri
Lankan politics. We should select and elect some highly qualified people
into Sri Lankan parliament. That will make your projects and your task
If new government fails on its promise to deliver, the 6.9m people will
turn their back on this government to send it home. In politics anything
could happen in a couple of days/months or years. So, you must take
this leadership challenge with the utmost commitment and dedication.
Winning the hearts and minds of public in politics is not an easy task
and yet, you have done that now, but keeping this public goodwill would
be a daunting task unless you take some firm measures to introduce a new
political culture and discipline.
Make sure that you make a distinction between your family and
professional life. Keep all family connection out of your politics and
out of public duties. Last time, your brother did not make that
distinction in fact, he gave jobs to all his relatives, friends and
cohort. They all damage his good name in politics. It took sometimes to
regain his popularity. Some of corrupt cohort put the country into a
near bankruptcy: Do not repeat the same mistake if you want to survive
your political career. People have hope and confidence on you now but do
not shatter that hope. I understand that have created different teams
to develop this nation. I’m fortunate enough to listen to some of talks
given by you and your teams. All are ambitious projects and programs. To
do all these development programs we need some honest and dedicated
politicians. As a Sri Lankan who love my mother land, I share my thought
with your development program.
We are living in an age of knowledge-based economy. If your excellency
want to see rapid development and program in Sri Lanka, we must make
some radical changes in our education. Our school and university
education systems have got an outdated teaching and learning system.
Teaching and learning pedagogies are outdated. Radical changes are
needed in our education both in school and university education. I hope
that your excellency will take some drastic action to update our
education. Sorry to say our teaching recruitment system is outdated too.
Not all graduates could teach. Teaching is an art itself. We do not
recruit teachers through a vigorous teaching training program.
In western countries graduates must have credits in Language and
Mathematics to become teachers in any subject. They train graduates with
some teacher training programs such as PGCE. I think Sri Lanka badly
needs some teacher training programs to train our graduates. No point in
giving teaching jobs for graduates without any training. Today,
teaching is a demanding profession. Without training, how could we
expect to give teaching jobs for graduates. Teachers produce our next
generations. Teachers are resource persons who train our children/next
generations. If teachers do not know what to teach and how to teach?
They will spoil next generations of Sri Lanka. Teachers are resource
persons who guide and who direct next generations of our community and
yet, we do not recruit trained teachers. This is, indeed, greatly
detrimental to our education.
So, I hope new president takes some measures to improve quality of our
teaching in schools and universities. Our university education badly
needs some radical changes. Each one of us know our university education
standard is not to any international level like that of Singapore,
Japan, South Korea and any western countries. why is this? Some
academics in our universities are not qualified to teach. Sorry to say
this but this is a bitter truth. Look how our university lecturers are
being recruited. It is same as how we recruit teachers to our schools.
Some university lecturers do not have skills and talent to teach at
university. I do not blame them, but I blame our system of higher
education. In western countries, university students have right to
complain against any university lecturer who teaches poorly. In fact,
western universities have got a monitoring system to monitor the quality
of teaching in universities.
Students are given a questionnaire in each term to report about the
quality of teaching. Some academics are sacked and fired for poor
quality of teaching. University academics get a good salary now in Sri
Lanka and yet, university administration does not how make them work for
university and for the country. So sorry, some academics come to work
one or two days per week and do not put their time and energy to prepare
I hope, your excellency take some measures to make a difference in
university education. Otherwise, your dream to make this country as one
of Asia’s developed counties will not be feasible. Education, Education
and education was the slogan of British PM Tony Blair to win his
election campaign in 1995. I hope your time in USA might have given you
some practical experience to know about western education system. I
think that Sri Lanka must have some government schemes or collaborative
teacher training scheme with some western universities to train our
graduates in some western countries. We need this to learn modern
teaching pedagogies and methods. Countries such as Malaysia and
Singapore send their teachers to get teacher training in western
countries. We should send some of our graduate for PGCE courses in
western countries if we really want to develop our education.
What Sri Lanka needs now is a capital and investment flow from regional
and international companies for both Small- and large-scale companies.
What Sri Lanka badly needs now is a job creation in Sri Lanka. Due to 30
year’s war and communal violence in recent time, international
companies did not come to Sri Lankan rather they went to Bangladesh and
Vietnam and some other countries. Moreover, our education system is not
updated to produce professionals for international market. Today there
is a good demand for some professionals in western countries. IT
professionals, high tech professionals, health professionals,
educational professionals and some business professionals have demands
in western countries. yet, our universities and colleges do not produce
all these professionals. High skill migration brings a huge amount of
money to India, China and other countries. Our politicians and policy
makers must think about this rather than sending housemaids to Middle
East countries. Singapore has Branches of many international companies,
banks, research centres and universities. Unless, we attract
international investors and companies, there is no way, we could see
economic growth in Sri Lanka with limited natural and human resources we
have. Of course, tourism is one of the most income making avenues we
have in Sri Lanka. Tourism development in Sri Lanka needs some strategic
planning and international marketing.
I think that Sri Lanka could consult and seek advisors of some experts
from Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey and other countries to develop our
tourism and other industries. Today, tourism is a competitive market in
this modern world. Historical places, tea plantation, beautiful beach
and natural resources of Sri Lanka are ideal for tourism. Our climate
and natural resources are ideals for tourism industry. Yet, we have not
managed to attract more than I one million tourists per year. That tells
a lot about mismanagement of tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka
is a Buddhist country and there are over one billion Buddhists in the
world today. This includes China, Japan, Koreas, Burman, Vietnam and
other countries and yet, we have failed to attract Buddhist tourism?
Why? Sri Lanka has got some oldest historical and religious places and
yet, we have not attracted these tourists. Likewise, so many Arabs now
visit Sri Lanka. we must give them a good impression about our country.
If an Arab goes to Japan, Japanese hotels provide them with prayer
mattes and prayer compass to find out direction of prayer. We must give
them some such facilities to attract Arab tourism.
Diaspora communities:
Sri Lanka has utterly failed to make use of Sri Lankan expatriate
communities abroad. Politicians make political rhetoric about these
people and they invite them to come back. But they have no mechanism to
make use of these Sri Lankans who live abroad. Over 1.5 Million Sri
Lankans live in many western countries. Successive Sri Lankan
governments have utterly failed to benefit from this sri Lankan migrant
communities. Sri Lanka has failed to use their talents, skills,
experience and their capital investment. Countries such as India,
Bangladesh and Pakistan get a huge of amount foreign remittance from
Western countries. Yet, Sri Lankan has failed to attract capital
investment from its own citizens in western countries. our dual
citizenship concept has not attracted expatriate Sri Lankans to come and
invest in Sri Lanka. In this digital age, Sri Lankan immigration and
High commissions in Europe are working in stone age style. They are
working in old fashions. For a Sri Lankan expatriate it will take more
one year to get a dual citizenship certificate. There is not any
efficiency in immigration department back home in Sri Lanka to speed up
this process. Because, many officers do not do their jobs on time for
some obvious reasons. If it is the case, how could Sri Lanka expect to
benefit from 1.5m expatriate Sri Lankans? The Sri Lankan immigration
department needs some radical change with some new innovative ideas to
speed up its process in dealing with public.