A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, December 2, 2019
Persistent Human Rights Violations Ignored by MSM
It is up to each of us to challenge APARTHEID, wherever it may rear its ugly head.
(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - The US administration has violated international
law before, including use of agent orange in Vietnam and dozens of other
actions. But it also funds and fully supports violators of
international law and human rights.
Moving its embassy to illegally occupied Jerusalem was a violation of
law while funding Israel and telling it that its annexation of the Golan
and building settlements is legal is funding and supporting flagrant
violations of International law and human rights.
Complicity in murder or such crimes against humanity is after all cooperation in punishable crimes.
The US also violates its own laws which prohibits funding to countries
that persistently violate human rights. Israel does that regularly as
reported by every credible human rights organization such as Amnesty,
Physicians for Human Rights, B'Tselem, Al-Haq, UN Human Rights
Commission, and Human Rights Watch.
Monday, Israel expelled the Director of HRW but continues to receive
billions of our (I am also a US citizen!!) tax payer money. See: www.hrw.org/news/2019/11/25/israel-expels-human-rights-watch-director-today.
I encourage you to read the reports and act to demand it stop. It is up
to each of us to challenge APARTHEID officials as recently happened at
Harvard University and elsewhere, and is now happening with increasing
frequency. Join us. Harvard students walked out on Israeli apartheid
event. See: www.middleeastmonitor.com/20191115-harvard-students-walkout-of-israel-envoy-talk.
Human rights advocate and our friend Ubai Aboudi is being held in
administrative detention by the apartheid regime. Ubai Aboudi and I are
members in www.scientists4palestine.com,
an international organisation created by and for scientists to promote
science and support the integration of the occupied Palestinian
territories in the international scientific community.
Please join us and act to release Ubai Aboudi from administrative detention by the apartheid regime. See: actionnetwork.org/petitions/end-the-detention-of-ubai-aboudi, and www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/1445/2019/en/
Dissolve the PA and Embrace a One-State Solution Strategy... Now! See: www.pcpsr.org/en/node/771.
Canada has reversed its UN stance on Palestinians in break with U.S.
over settlements. Tuesday's UN resolution in support of Palestinians'
right to self-determination was opposed by Israel, the United States and
three Pacific island nations that depend heavily on U.S. aid and tend
to vote with Washington at the UN (the Marshall Islands, Nauru and the
Federated States of Micronesia). It was supported by all other nations
on earth, not just Canada. See: www.cbc.ca/news/politics/un-palestinian-vote-canada-israel-us-1.5365637.
Kairos Palestine Statement on the U.S Secretary of State legalizing settlements: Kairos
Palestine expresses deep disappointment that U.S. Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo has announced in a statement -that disregards the Geneva
Conventions, international law and widespread global consensus —a
radical departure from U.S. policy regarding the illegal colonial
activities of the State of Israel.
The Kairos conference opens this Friday in Bethlehem. See: www.kairospalestine.ps/.
In asserting that the United States will no longer deem West Bank
settlements, including those in East Jerusalem, to be “inconsistent with
international law,” Secretary of State Pompeo contravenes a 1978 legal
opinion by the State Department.
The opinion was upheld with bipartisan support of former administrations which determined that “while
Israel may undertake, in the occupied territories, actions necessary to
meet its military needs and to provide for orderly government during
the occupation, for reasons indicated above the establishment of the
civilian settlements in those territories is inconsistent with
international law.”
Secretary Pompeo went on to announce that this move by the United States
should not be viewed as the U.S. “prejudging the ultimate status of the
West Bank.”
Recent actions by the Trump administration belie this statement.
These actions include moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, defunding
UNRWA, shuttering the Palestinians’ office in Washington, D.C., attempts
to redefine who may be considered a Palestinian refugee, and embracing
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s annexation plans.
All these moves, including what to date has been revealed of the Middle
East peace plan put forward by Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared
Kushner, have to be interpreted as U.S. attempts to force the
capitulation of Palestinians to the will of the State of Israel.
In our holy text, the story is told of King Ahab coveting the vineyard
of Naboth the Jezreelite (1 Kings 21). When Naboth refuses the king’s
offer to purchase the land which Naboth describes as his “ancestral
inheritance”, a plot is launched in the king’s household to take the
land by force. A false charge is made against Naboth, which leads to his
being stoned to death, after which King Ahab sets out to take
possession of Naboth’s vineyard.
In the same way that the Lord instructed the Prophet Elijah to intervene
and confront the king, Kairos Palestine asks its partners—people of
faith and those of good will—to call on leaders of the U.S. government
to reexamine its failed role as a facilitator of peace between Israel
and Palestinians.
Secretary of State Pompeo and the government of the United States must
understand that God’s community of justice, peace and provision for
all—coming on earth as it is in heaven—may be delayed but will not be
As stated in the document, Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth, “In the
absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope. We believe in God, good
and just. We believe that God’s goodness will finally triumph over the
evil and hate and of death that still persist in our land. We will see
here ‘a new land’ and ‘a new human being’, capable of rising up in the
spirit to love each one of his or her brothers and sisters.”
Stay Human and come visit us in Palestine.