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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, January 7, 2020
China’s Crimes Against Uyghur Muslims Call for Global Boycott
that China’s crimes against its ethnic Uyghur population are beyond
dispute, Western corporations must rethink the way they do business with
China, and consumers should examine and reconsider their purchasing
decisions with respect to Chinese products from Xinjiang Province.

The “China Cables,”
a trove of 400 pages worth of leaked internal Chinese government
documents, have provided the international community the “smoking gun”
evidence it needs to pressure or punish Beijing for its systematic
efforts to erase and annihilate 12 million ethnic Uyghur Muslims in
Xinjiang. China has used an array of repressive measures that invoke
memories of the worst Communist-led pogroms of the 20th century.
leaked documents are so detailed that they even outline directives for
school teachers on how they should address students whose parents have
“disappeared.” They also provide a bird’s-eye view of how Chinese
government officials are operating what amounts to a network of
concentration camps holding upwards of 3 million Uyghur detainees.
The accounts of torture, gang rape, public executions, family separations, forced adoptions, forced marriages, forced sterilizations, and forced labor camps now are as credible as they are widespread.
these documents corroborate what has become a Mount Everest-scale pile
of evidence against Beijing, thus making it impossible for the other 192
nation-state members of the international community to turn a blind eye
to what has become the largest industrial-scale persecution of a
religious minority since the Holocaust. The
accounts of torture, gang rape, public executions, family separations,
forced adoptions, forced marriages, forced sterilizations, and forced
labor camps now are as credible as they are widespread.Crimes
revelation of this voluminous and real-time evidence of China’s crimes
against humanity has done little, however, to persuade the international
community to do anything to bring about an end to the camps and the
In fact, the United Nations has been split into two camps regarding
China. The first is comprised of a coalition of 22, mostly Western
democracies, including the United States, who co-signed an open letter
in July calling on Beijing to end its human rights violations in
Xinjiang. The second is comprised of a coalition of 37 mostly Middle
Eastern and African nations, who co-signed a counter-letter expressing
support for Beijing’s “counter-terrorism measures” and praise for its
“vocational and training” camps, thus echoing Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) propaganda.
the second camp includes a dozen Muslim majority countries, including
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait,
Oman, Sudan, Syria, and Algeria. These countries are not only dependent
on Chinese investment and trade, but also express their own fears about
Islamist political groups, and potential separatist and anti-regime
geo-political dynamics coupled with the fact that China occupies one of
the five permanent seats on the UN Security Council has stymied any
meaningful effort to put pressure on Beijing. This has left only
individual states, non-state members of the international community, or
coalitions outside of the UN with the potential to exact an economic
cost from the Asian power’s persecution of the Uyghurs.
A global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) movement—similar
to that used against apartheid South Africa during the 1980s and
Israel’s continuing occupation of the Palestinian territories today—that
mobilizes focused opposition to China’s forced labor camps is the kind
of collective action that will expose Beijing’s soft underbelly.
“Under the label ‘vocational education and training plus,’ the region is wooing mainland enterprises to train and employ internment camp detainees.”
the label ‘vocational education and training plus,’ the region is
wooing mainland enterprises to train and employ internment camp
detainees,” observes Adrian Zenz,
a prolific researcher on China’s ethnic policy in Xinjiang and a senior
fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
in Washington, D.C.
companies receive 1,800 RMB (US$ 256) per camp detainee they train, and
a further 5,000 RMB (US$ 713) for each detainee they employ,” he
In a recent piece for Foreign Policy,
Zenz claims that Beijing openly flouts its violation of both Chinese
and international law, noting that the Xinjiang regional government’s
website boasts that its forced labor program “has attracted a large
number of coastal enterprises from the mainland to invest and build
factories, which has powerfully expanded employment and promoted
increased incomes.”
Numerous reports have already demonstrated how Western corporations have become “entangled” in China’s campaign to forcibly assimilate its Muslim population.
Numerous reports have already demonstrated how Western corporations have become “entangled” in China’s campaign to forcibly assimilate its Muslim population. These
include Coca Cola, Volkswagen, H&M, Adidas, Kraft Heinz
Corporation, Gap Inc., Hennes & Maurtiz AB, and others. If these
companies do not reexamine their supply chains and change the way they
do business, then purchasers should vote with their wallets and target
them through a BDS campaign.
only viable solution is to consider the entire region to be thoroughly
tainted with different forms of coercive labor. This means that nothing
made in whole or in part with products from Xinjiang should have any
place in an ethically clean supply chain,” argues Zenz.
democracies, particularly wealthy G20 nations should follow the United
States’ lead in putting in place policies that prevent the import of
goods and services made with forced labor, a law the US has had in place
since Section 307 of the US Tariff Act was enacted in 1930.
Earlier this year, the European Parliament requested members put forward a legislative proposal that
could “pave the way for a complete ban on the importation into the EU
of goods produced through modern forms of slavery or forced labour,
especially forced work of vulnerable groups extorted in violation of
basic human rights standards.”
specialists and industry experts could assist lawmakers in designing
the scope of any forced-labor presumption. The presumption could apply
not only to goods exported from particular locations but also to
specific types of Chinese-made goods known to frequently involve
components from Xinjiang,” observes Lawfare, an online magazine focused on issues pertaining to national security.
A BDS campaign against businesses that continue to exploit Uyghur suffering in Xinjiang would come at a time when the Chinese economy is as its weakest and most vulnerable in two decades.
BDS campaign against businesses that continue to exploit Uyghur
suffering in Xinjiang would come at a time when the Chinese economy is
as its weakest and most vulnerable in two decades,
with the country experiencing a significant decline in exports and a
steep rise in unemployment. Moreover, it would expose China’s soft
underbelly at the same time US trade tariffs are exacerbating the
country’s economic woes.
if a boycott of Xinjiang-sourced products is to work, then it will need
the international community to act like 13 million Uyghur lives depend
on it, which they do.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Inside Arabia.