Monday, January 6, 2020

Exclusive: Chinese National Gang-Rape Victim Writes To The President Of Sri Lanka

My case was at the Attorney General office for 5 months already. This is demonstrating an unfair and ineffective legal system.
Sri Lanka Guardian2020-01-05

Writing to the newly elected President of Sri Lanka, an alleged gang-rape victim who is a Chinese national female has pledged for immediate intervention of the President Rajapaksa to find her long-waited justice. A copy of the letter exclusively received by the Sri Lanka Guardian shows the details of the horrific incidents and how the victim's voice has been intimidated and sidelined by the officials.
"I would like to seek for your IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION to ensure that the Magistrate Court orders to arrest Krishantha Purshpakumara (former Southern Province Councilor) and his driver be honored for a gang rape complaint that I lodged against them, ensure that the 2 suspects are brought before the Courts in a timely manner. I hope you will keep your election manifesto to uphold law and order," the letter started.
A copy of the unedited letter is follows;

Letter of Appeal on Gang Rape Case against Former Southern Province Councilor Krishantha Pushpakumara and His Driver

Your Excellency President Gotabaya Rajapaksa,

I would like to seek for your IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION to ensure that the Magistrate Court orders to arrest Krishantha Purshpakumara (former Southern Province Councilor) and his driver be honored for a gang rape complaint that I lodged against them, ensure that the 2 suspects are brought before the Courts in a timely manner. I hope you will keep your election manifesto to uphold law and order.

I’ve lodged the gang rape complaint against the 2 suspects at Galle police station (Galle case number 10674) on 3rd May 2019. A “B Report” was filed at court and the Magistrate has given orders to arrest and produce suspects at court immediately in 2 calling dates in June 2019. However, Galle police ignored Magistrate orders but referred my case to the Attorney General office in August (AG reference number: S/V/1/43/2019).

From May to September for total 5 months, I have followed up or was told to follow up at the police numerous times. These include emailing to the Director of Child & Women Abuse Bureau, flying back to give second statement at the Galle police, giving third statement and evidence again to the Galle DIG N. Vedasinghe, giving a letter of appeal to the IGP C.D. Wickramaratne, and being told to give all statements and evidence again to the SDIG of Southern Province Roshan Fernando who re-investigated my case. These numerous follow-ups over 5 months are a waste of time, money, and are inhuman and seriously traumatizing to a victim. Moreover, they all told the case was referred to the Attorney General ultimately despite they know the fact that Galle Police ignored Magistrate orders. This is unacceptable to showcase Sri Lanka is as lawless as this.

Besides, the Attorney General office gave advices to other recent cases including the Swiss Embassy incident earlier than mine. My case was at the Attorney General office for 5 months already. This is demonstrating an unfair and ineffective legal system.

It is also unfair that many focused on the former Councilor Krishantha Pushpakumara, but ignored the fact that another suspect is only a driver and he is set free for 8 months. These will only lead to more people to follow the same criminal behavior if Magistrate orders are ignored.

In all, it is completely inhuman and unacceptable for a victim to see 8 months of police inaction, ignoring Magistrate orders, passing responsibility to the Attorney General, no advice from the Attorney General office for 5 months but it gave advice to other recent cases earlier than mine. I want to reiterate that it is unnecessary to refer my case to the Attorney General. I have obtained advice from several senior

attorneys that it is a SIMPLE JUDICIAL PROCEDURE to arrest and produce the 2 suspects at court because 1) it is a gang rape complaint, 2) a “B Report” was filed at court, and 3) the Magistrate has given orders to arrest and produce suspects at court immediately. The Asian Human Rights Commission has also made a statement in December 2019 for Galle police inaction and ignoring Magistrate orders of this case and the injustice system in Sri Lanka (Document ID: AHRC-STM-036-2019).

My case is an inhuman and serious sexual violence case. There were promises that Your Excellency will uphold law and order in election period. Please IMMEDIATELY ensure that the Magistrate Court orders to arrest Krishantha Purshpakumara and his driver be honored, and to ensure that the 2 suspects are brought before the Courts in a timely manner. I only wish for this simple judicial procedure, the Magistrate can grant bail to the suspects and there can be trial later. I hope Your Excellency will keep your promises and demonstrate this to Sri Lanka and international.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,