A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, January 30, 2020
Influence of world political leaders to solve climate crisis
Former Senior Scientist
Central Pollution Control Board, India
The catastrophic bushfires raging across much of Australia, leaving more
than 20 people dead, destroying thousands of homes and devastating
wildlife are further proof of global warming and a clear sign of
unsustainable development. This type of development in the name of
progress of the society cannot meet the needs of the present.
As a result of climate change, hurricanes are becoming larger and more
powerful than in the past. Floods cover vast regions, causing people to
lose their homes. Droughts cause crops to die, which means people go
hungry. The sea level is rising, and will one day swallow up entire
countries. For confronting this climate change problem in which the
stakes are high and solutions can be blocked by collective action
problems, leadership is essential. Leadership can only make a decisive
difference by providing a model that encourages the others to follow.
There is another serious aspect that leadership has the potential not
only to unite, but also divide public opinion over this issue. In the
absence of political consensus within countries, the implementation of a
policy to effectively address climate change is bound to be weakened.
Influence of many political leaders in confronting this acute global
problem always goes against the climate change activists despite the
humanity at stake.
Scientists have strongly pointed out that the climate change caused a
greater number of violent storms than usual, including 70 tropical
cyclones in the northern hemisphere, compared with the long-term average
of 53. Storms brought devastation to the Mariana Islands, the
Philippines, Vietnam, the Korean peninsula and Tonga, while hurricanes
Florence and Michael caused substantial damage in the US. Wildfires also
raged in Greece, Canada, California and other areas, while floods
devastated Kerala in India and displaced more than 1.4 million people.
Japan also experienced serious flooding, as did east Africa. The
record-high heatwaves, record-low Arctic sea ice, above average tropical
cyclones and deadly wildfires are the resultant effect of climate
change. It is pertinent to mention that the African savannah, the
Australian bush or the US conifer forests have evolved with fires over
many thousands of years. But the plants and animals living in the Amazon
do not have the traits needed to survive a big fire and regenerate
after the blaze. This is because fires were not very common before
humans settled in the area. In addition to these, countries particularly
island nations are most vulnerable to the consequences of climate
change because of losing land on account of rising seas. Since the world
has witnessed to more and more such devastation and thereby we are the
last generation to be able to do something about it. Unfortunately many
political leaders contribute to distrust in climate science and other
environmental sciences though we are in the midst of a climate crisis.
The meteorological report spells out the worsening threat in startling
Despite these devastating fires in Australia, President Morrison
practically ignored their links to the impact of climate change and told
that the fires were nothing new for Australia though the blazes
engulfing the country have now reached new dimensions. Also he was not
going to write off the jobs of thousands of Australians by walking away
from traditional industries. The International Panel on Climate Change
concluded more than a decade ago that human-caused global heating was
"virtually certain" to increase the intensity and frequency of fires in
Australia. Average temperature rises in Australia were about 1.4C above
pre-industrial levels before this season’s fires, showing a more rapid
rate of heating than the global average of 1.1C. The total area burned
stands at more than 10.7m hectares as at 8 January. Smoke plumes posed a
significant health threat even to those living miles away, as the wind
carried heavily polluted air to Sydney and Canberra, and as far as New
Zealand. Meanwhile, scientists fear that when rain does fall, it may
taint drinking supplies in cities and kill even more wildlife by washing
charred debris into rivers. With reference to the Amazon forest fires,
it is pertinent to mention that deforestation to make room for crops and
cattle grazing have contributed to this year’s devastating fires in the
Amazon. The trees in the Amazon have relatively thin bark, so during a
fire, the heat can seriously damage the cells inside the tree, which
eventually kills it. Previous research in the Amazon has found that more
than 40% of trees die up to three years after a fire. This means that
the carbon stored in their trunks, branches and leaves is released into
the atmosphere, either while the fire is burning, or later as the dead
trees decompose. The habitat of the endangered southern brown bandicoot
has been obliterated by fire on Kangaroo Island. It is one of many
Australian species whose survival has been further threatened by this
summer’s bushfires. The full effects of these fires will not be felt for
months or years to come, but it will certainly cause the extinction for
some of Australia’s most iconic, fragile and beautiful inhabitants on
account habitat loss and non availability of food. This piquant
situation arises because the new Brazilian government does not intend to
honour commitment made in Paris agreement.
Similarly US President, Donald Trump says in willful ignorance that all
this science is wrong and that nothing needs to change – indeed forests
must be felled and fossil fuels be further subsidised and promoted as
"clean coal". In 2017, the Trump administration began pulling the U.S. (
one of the world’s leading carbon editor) out of the landmark Paris
agreement of 2015 with a comment that Paris accord is an unfair economic
burden to the U.S. economy . However he has realized the necessity of
clean water and clean air. For this he emphasised on massive tree
plantation in America but this approach cannot be the alternative to the
forest both in structural and functional system.Russian President,
Vladimir Putin, and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, do
not deny science but coldly calculate how much they would lose and try
to water down commitments. Chile has committed to 30% reduction in CHG
emission below what they were in 2007. But between 1990 and 2016,
Chille’s emission increased by 115% which shows the country has a poor
history of tackling climate change.
India is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China, the
US, and the EU. In 2018, carbon emissions rose worldwide, primarily due
to increased coal consumption in China and India. Although both
countries signed the 2015 Paris Agreement, they continue to rely on coal
as an important source of energy. Sadly, climate issues in the Indian
elections were not prominent though citizens are demanding climate
action. IHowever, the good news is that governments both in the centre
and states have started talking about climate issues. But what India
thinks about climate change is not adequate considering its extreme
vulnerability with reference to inter changed monsoon patterns, higher
incidents of heatwaves, drought, migration, and so on.
These examples show that political leaders in many countries are not
taking climate change seriously . Many countries are also not doing
enough. Unfortunately corporate influence of the climate change debate
and policy process has at many levels been cited as a key reason for the
relatively slow progress of both the UN COP process and national-level
climate legislation.
The lesson here is very simple – climate change must be our number one
priority because regular occurrence of floods, fires, drought, heat
stress, species loss, sea level rise, ecological change and many more.
Our great satisfaction is that these effects could shake the people all
over the world and even normal people are discussing it. Perhaps that is
the silver lining in all this. It can be strongly recommended that
people who can vote in elections should consider voting for parties that
promise strong action on climate change. Another option is to support
global movements organised by many climate activists.. By turning up for
rallies and showing support for groups, we can send a strong message to
politicians that you care about the planet and all the life on it. Also
a legal challenge can make politicians understand the extent of the
passions running through people. If we send these messages to
politicians, there’s a chance to make them do better and help stop
climate change, before the worst effects of global warming becomes a
Now there is an emergent need to tackle the human-induced climate crisis. If not now, when?