A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
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A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, January 6, 2020
Pesticides in Groundwater

pesticide applicators, farmers, and homeowners apply about 1 billion
pounds of pesticides annually to agricultural land, non-crop land, and
urban areas throughout the United States. The use of pesticides has
helped to make the United States the largest producer of food in the
world and has provided other benefits, but has also been accompanied by
concerns about their potential adverse effects on the environment and
human health.
Pesticides in Groundwater
Crop dusting is one technique used to spread pesticides on agricultural lands, as
in the Albemarle Sound region of North Carolina. (Credit: Michelle Moorman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
in the Albemarle Sound region of North Carolina. (Credit: Michelle Moorman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Apr 12, 2019

Pesticide use has grown because not only must our exploding population
be supplied with food, but crops and food are grown for export to other
countries. The United States has become the largest producer of food
products in the world, partly owing to our use of modern chemicals
(pesticides) to control the insects, weeds, and other organisms that
attack food crops. But, as with many things in life, there's a hidden
cost to the benefit we get from pesticides. We've learned that
pesticides can potentially harm the environment and our own health.
Water plays an important role here because it is one of the main ways
that pesticides are transported from the areas where they are applied to
other locations, where they may cause health problems.
Pesticides can contaminate groundwater
Pesticide contamination of groundwater is a subject of national
importance because groundwater is used for drinking water by about 50
percent of the Nation's population. This especially concerns people
living in the agricultural areas where pesticides are most often used,
as about 95 percent of that population relies upon groundwater for
drinking water. Before the mid-1970s, it was thought that soil acted as a
protective filter that stopped pesticides from reaching groundwater.
Studies have now shown that this is not the case. Pesticides can reach
water-bearing aquifers below ground from applications onto crop fields,
seepage of contaminated surface water, accidental spills and leaks,
improper disposal, and even through injection waste material into wells.
Sources and Pathways in the Hydrologic System. Pesticides,
like most other water contaminants, enter the hydrologic system from
point sources, which are associated with specific points of release, and
from nonpoint sources, which are diffuse and widely dispersed. Nonpoint sources are the dominant sources of pesticides found in streams and groundwater. Nonpoint sources
include runoff to streams from agricultural and urban land, seepage to
ground water in areas where pesticides are used, and deposition of
pesticides from the atmosphere. Potential point sources of pesticides
include pesticide manufacturing plants, mixing-and-loading
facilities, spills, waste water recharge facilities (wells or basins),
waste disposal sites, and sewage treatment plants. Once pesticides and
their degradates (new
compounds formed by the transformation of a pesticide by chemical or
biological reactions) reach the atmosphere, streams, or ground
water, they move through the hydrologic system with air, water, or
particles, depending on the chemical and physical properties of the
Chemicals can take a long time to appear in groundwater
The effects of past and present land-use practices may take decades to
become apparent in groundwater. When weighing management decisions for
protection of groundwater quality, it is important to consider the time
lag between application of pesticides and fertilizers to the land and
arrival of the chemicals at a well. This time lag generally decreases
with increasing aquifer permeability and with decreasing depth to water.
In response to reductions in chemical applications to the land, the
quality of shallow groundwater will improve before the quality of deep
groundwater, which could take decades.
Pesticides are mostly modern chemicals. There are many hundreds of these
compounds, and extensive tests and studies of their effect on humans
have not been completed. That leads us to ask just how concerned we
should be about their presence in our drinking water. Certainly it would
be wise to treat pesticides as potentially dangerous and, thus, to
handle them with care. We can say they pose a potential danger if they
are consumed in large quantities, but, as any experienced scientist
knows, you cannot draw factual conclusions unless scientific tests have
been done. Some pesticides have had a designated Maximum Contaminant
Limit (MCL) in drinking water set by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), but many have not. Also, the effect of combining more than
one pesticide in drinking water might be different than the effects of
each individual pesticide alone. It is another situation where we don't
have sufficient scientific data to draw reliable conclusions.