A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, January 30, 2020
Where from here for US-Sri Lanka ties?

(MENAFN - Colombo Gazette) By N Sathiya Moorthy-1/27/2020

"We really welcomed the president's statement that he wants to be
president for all Sri Lankans," Wells, who is the US Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, said
about her meeting with President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa only a fortnight
earlier."And I would say the election itself was noteworthy. Sri Lanka
is Asia's oldest democracy. The election was contested, it was fair, and
it delivered a clear mandate to President Rajapaksa," she added.
Accompanied in her South Asia visit by Lisa Curtis, the Deputy Assistant
to President Trump, from the US National Security Council (NSC) – she
was earlier CIA's woman in Islamabad – Assistant Secretary Wells said
that the shared interests between the US and Sri Lanka included
countering violent extremism, strengthening maritime security,
preventing narcotics smuggling, promoting investment and economic growth
as part of a free and open Indo-Pacific.
It was an American 'wish-list' of a kind, with a front and back. Some
like fighting narcotics is easily understandable while that on the
Indo-Pacific is contestable (by Sri Lanka's continuing China friend and
funder) while some like cooperation in fending off 'violent extremism'
can be interpreted in multiple ways. Going beyond terrorism (of the 9/11
in the US and 'Easter Sunday serial-blasts in Sri Lanka), the term
could imply and implicate majority Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists' (?)
who have been targeting 'minority' Tamils and Muslims especially in the
decade after the successful culmination of 'Eelam War IV'.
'Sri Lanka occupies some essential actual property within the
Indo-Pacific area, and it's a rustic of accelerating strategic
significance within the Indian Ocean area,' Assistant Secretary Alice
said. 'In our assembly with the president, Lisa Curtis and I conveyed a
letter from President Trump emphasizing the price that we position on
persisted engagement with Sri Lanka that's pursuing the trail of reform
and reconciliation, and we actually welcomed the president's observation
that he desires to be president for all Sri Lankans,' she added.
Eyes half-closed or half-open?
Translated, it could mean that the US wants Rajapaksa's Sri Lanka to
come up with ideas for a political reconciliation on the ethnic issue
nearer home, so that the US could continue with the half-eye closed
American approach from the previous Sirisena-Wickremesinghe days in
Colombo. The problem now for the US, independent of whoever is in power
in Washington DC or Colombo, is that it needs it does not want to be
seen as keeping the eyes half-open, for the Rajapaksa regime, as was the
case in the post-war years. Or, so it seems.
The name of the game is China and the Indian Ocean, or the larger
Indo-Pacific. But the way to there for Sri Lanka, in the American
perspective – and more so, requirement – is through the ethnic issue and
the UNHRC, or by side-stepping them., The Rajapaksa regime needs to
show the Americans, the way to side-step them, if the US were not to
lose face on the geo-political front or ever-persistent human rights
groups and constituencies, nearer home in either country – and in
friendly Europe, too. How to do it seems to be the common question
before them, though the obvious American wish for Sri Lanka to 'ditch' a
dependable China may not be a way to go about it or set their common
goals upon.
Compensation for war dead
At a meeting with the UN Resident Coordinator Hanaa Singer in Colombo
around the time he received American Alice Well, President Gota was
reported to have said that because the bodies of those that died in the
war had not been recovered, it may be time to acknowledge their death
for the Government to issue death certificates, for the family to obtain
the official compensation and move on with their lives. He also
reportedly claimed that most of the Tamil dead had been either illegally
conscripted or abducted by the LTTE during the war years.
The Government has since clarified that some sections of the media had
misquoted the President as saying that the 20,000 missing persons were
dead. Instead, an official statement said, that President Gota had only
said that the Government needed to go into individual deaths, confirm he
same and then proceed with the issuance of death-certificates, etc.
President Gota did not say that all 20,000 were dead or the Government
would go about issuing death-certificates for each and everyone of them
without detailed investigations, the statement added.
Even without the 'media mischief', which was real if one went by the
official statement after Gota's meeting with the UN official and what
they had reported, no Government in Colombo would risk issuing
death-certificates for the asking (by the relatives of the 'missing').
It is not about the compensation money and other facilities that the
Government might be obliged to extend to the next of kin of those
certified dead. Instead, it is more about the official apprehension that
figures could be inflated to paint the Sri Lankan State and the armed
forces in a darker shade of black than already.
There could also be attempts to falsify deaths, to claim compensation,
by meaner elements in the society. It may still be a forgivable offence
compared to possible attempts to make a mess of it all, by mischievous
elements obtaining death certificates in the name of living ones, or
those that were not living in the war areas, or even a non-Tamil who had
no business to be in that part of the country, then or ever.
Chicken and egg
In talking death-certificates for the war-missing, President Gota also
reportedly told the UN official that the Tamil political leadership was
standing in the way of the Government serving the larger Tamil masses in
the country, post-war. Of course, the TNA, as the self-styled 'sole
representative', though not of the violent, LTTE kind, may blame it all
on the Rajapaksas, especially.
That the TNA and the Tamils did not have any issues with the 'conduct',
if any, of the armed forces in the matter was borne out by the fact that
they readily voted for war-time army commander Sarath Fonseka for
presidency in Elections-2010, end-of-war Acting Defence Minister
Maithripala Sirisena five years later, and the war-tainted, slain
President Ranasinghe Premadasa's son, Sajith P in the more recent polls
of November last, which he lost by a huge margin.
The TNA's problem is with the Rajapaksas, thus. President Gota is also
not wholly wrong in saying that the Tamil polity was standing in the way
of their own people joining the mainstream. Clearly this Government,
like even the 'pro-Tamil, pro-West' predecessor, is not going to go
ahead with any political solution to the ethnic community as long as the
'UNHRC sword' continues to hang over Sri Lanka's head. For the West,
thus, it is a chicken-and-egg question, where they cannot be seen as
allowing the Sri Lankan State, more so under the incumbent Rajapaksas,
have the cake and eat it too…
Strategic importance
A decade before Alice Wells, a bipartisan Senate Foreign Relation
Committee's twin co-authors in the US underlined that Sri Lanka was of
'strategic importance' to their nation. One of the two, Sen John Kerry
went on to become the Secretary of State in the second Obama presidency,
and worked on the American thinking in ways they thought alone was
achievable. To get the Rajapaksas electorally out of the way.
Five years later, they find themselves bask in square one, and for no
fault of the Sri Lankan voter. It has everything to do with the American
understanding, or lack of understanding of Sri Lanka, Sri Lankans and
the underlying Sri Lankan/Sinhala psyche. As President Gota said after
his election, a Rajapaksa has wont he elections despite the Tamil and
other minority votes going against them. This is different from the way
the LTTE directive for Tamils to boycott the polls in 2005 had helped
brother Mahinda R win the presidency.
It looks as if learning from the past mistakes, the US seems interested
in returning to the good old days of an upswing in bilateral relations
through JR's UNP regime of the seventies and the eighties, to the
increasing suspicion of Sri Lanka's eternal larger neighbour, India.
That is to say, the US may want to work with individual South and East
Asian nations one-on-one or as groupings, not stopping with out-sourcing
their IOR strategic concerns viz China, to a single nation in the
region, but after undermining its own hold in its 'traditional sphere of
On the face of it, the US extending an 'olive branch' to Rajapaksas' Sri
Lanka with strings attached, may only be a first step at their
re-looking at their current strategy for the Indo-Pacific. It may have
even less to do with the multi-million-dollar Millennium Challenge
Corporation (MCC) projects in Sri Lanka through the short-term, though
an unyielding Rajapaksa regime's willingness could well provide the
foot-space for Washington to begin working on.
But for Sri Lanka to ditch China in favour of the US or any other does
not flow from any or all of them paying up to meet the nation's Chinese
fiscal debts alone. They need to build the kind of trust that Third
World South Asian nations feel comfortable with as a people. In the case
of Sri Lanka just now, it is the UNHRC resolution and the UNSC
veto-vote in its favour. Here, China, and by extension Russia, are
eternally trust-worthy, viewed from the present situation, than the US
and the rest of the West would ever be.
(The writer is a Distinguished Fellow and Head-Chennai Initiative,
Observer Research Foundation, the multi-disciplinary Indian
public-policy think-tank, headquartered in New Delhi. Email: )