A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Saturday, February 1, 2020
When Degeneration Of Parliament Exposed In Sri Lanka

A Member of Parliament cannot engage in any business transaction with the Government directly or indirectly and on behalf of him or any other member of his family.
From an architectural point of view, Sri Lanka had a parliamentary
building near Galle Face which looked majestic and fitting for a
Parliament. The affairs of the old Parliament were carried out in this
building in an optimum and dignified manner from 28 January 1930, when
it was declared open, up until the time it was shifted to the new
parliamentary complex at Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte on 24 March 1982.
The new Parliament complex, despite being equipped with modern amenities
and having an artistic look, lacked the majestic appearance that a
Parliament should have. Presumably, this difference can be said to have
symbolically signified the decline of Parliament. A similar transition
of symbolic significance occurred to the Judiciary as well.
From an architectural standpoint, Sri Lanka had an equally imposing
judicial complex with an aura appropriate for an institution which metes
out justice. But in the eighties, the Supreme Court and the Court of
Appeal were shifted to a new court complex built in Hulftsdorp. Although
it is equipped with modern facilities, its exterior can be said to
resemble a beautiful Chinese lantern.
Japan cannot be regarded as a country which bears a strong record of
democracy over its distant past; it was quite recently that it became a
democratic country. Similarly, China does not possess a good history as
far as the subject of the Judiciary is concerned. The shifting of
buildings can be said to have served as symbolically depicting the
subsequent decline of the two institutions.
What is more important in Parliament is the authority it exercises as
the supreme institute of State rule, legislation and policy formulation,
and above all to what extent it has discharged its responsibilities,
rather than the buildings of the Parliament and the facilities and
amenities available. Similarly, the importance of the Judiciary is
dependent upon the extent to which it has performed its supervisory role
in monitoring the activities of the Legislature and the Executive, in
addition to effectively exercising justice in ordinary legal
Attack on Parliament
Parliament came under major attack on two occasions. The first attack
took place on 18 August 1981 while all the MPs of the ruling party,
including the President and the Cabinet of Ministers, were engaged in a
discussion on the Indo-Lanka Accord. The first grenade was hurled at the
table at which President J.R. Jayawardene was seated. It rolled over
the carpeted floor and exploded. The second grenade flew over the heads
of those sitting at the table, fell on an empty seat on their left,
rolled to the ground and exploded. Miraculously, President Jayewardene
was unharmed. However, Kirti Abeywickrema, a District Minister, died
while Lalith Athulathmudali, the then-National Defence Minister, was
seriously injured.
It was an attack perpetrated by a supporter of the JVP aimed at destroying the group of ruling party MPs.
Twenty years later, on 21 January 2020, a Parliamentarian launched a
frightening verbal onslaught from the floor of Parliament, disclosing
the current deplorable state of the Parliament which can be considered a
far more devastating assault than the previous grenade attack. The
recent tirade delivered by MP Ranjan Ramanayake can be said to have
robbed Parliament of its political legitimacy and sounded a death knell
for the institution.
According to Ranjan, there are 100 liquor licenceholders, four ethanol
licenceholders, 75 sand licenceholders and one horseracing licenceholder
among the present batch of Parliamentarians.
The data presented by Ranjan is imperfect. There are MPs possessing more
than one liquor licence. His list does not include the number of MPs
possessing rubble permits, timber permits, passenger transport permits,
the number who have acquired state lands, obtained re-export permits,
filling stations and Government contracts in various ways and the number
who have acquired licences for radio and TV frequencies. We gain a
clearer picture of the extent to which Parliament has degenerated only
when these deficiencies are completed and the list updated. Against this
backdrop, the present Parliament can be described as an illegitimate
institution comprised of a vast majority of MPs who are not entitled,
both legally and ethically, to serve as parliamentarians.
Loss of conscience
Although the general public of Sri Lanka is unaware of the legal aspects
of these issues, Ranjan’s speech seems to have left people
flabbergasted. Surprisingly, parliamentary authorities seem not to be
concerned or shaken by this speech. Neither the Speaker nor anyone
representing Parliament has come forward demanding an inquiry into the
matter to safeguard the dignity of Parliament. The Speaker has not
stressed the need for an investigation. Similarly, both the ruling party
and the Opposition have refrained from making such a request. In other
words, none of the political parties, big or small, representing
Parliament, made any attempt to present a proposal to investigate these
serious allegations.
What does this indicate?
Although the degeneration of Parliament remains a secret to the country,
it has not been so to the authorities of Parliament and the MPs.They
all knew the extent of this degeneration. They have gotten used to it;
the repulsive stink emanating from it and the putrid leachate oozing out
of it. They have gotten themselves acclimatised to this ugly condition
and acquired the ability to endure it without any sense of disgrace so
long as it is kept a secret from the public. So much so, that what
Ranjan has disclosed was nothing new to them. Perhaps it might have left
them with a slight sense of shame as this disclosure was made in
public. Yet, one cannot expect it to have shocked them.
Apparently, none of them had the courage to demand an inquiry as almost
every one of them, to a lesser or greater degree, is likely to be
affected and become guilty. This shows that Sri Lanka’s Parliament has
not only degenerated but has lost its conscience as well.
Legal status
Although Sri Lanka had adopted two constitutions, one in 1972 and the
other in 1978, subsequent to the enactment of the Soulbury Constitution,
there was no legislation enacted by both these constitutions in
relation to the contracts entered into with the Government by the MPs.
However, both constitutions specifically state that the provisions in
the Soulbury Constitution are valid unless and until new laws are
enacted in regard to this issue. Therefore, Article 13 (3) (c) of the
Soulbury Constitution is presumed to be the valid law for this subject.
This position had been confirmed by two previous judgments passed by the
Supreme Court - one in respect of MP Albert Silva (Dahanayake v. De
Silva 1978/79/80 18 LR-41) and the other against MP Rajitha Senaratne
Article 13 (3) (c) of the Soulbury Constitution is as follows: “A person
shall be disqualified from being elected or appointed as a Senator or a
member of the House of Representative or for sitting or voting in the
Senate or House of Representative if he, directly or indirectly, by
himself or by any person on his behalf or for his use or benefit, holds
or enjoys any right or benefit under any contract made by on behalf of
the Crown in respect of the Government of the Island for the furnishing
or providing money to be remitted abroad or of goods or services to be
used or employed in the service of the crown in the Island.”
Accordingly, a Member of Parliament cannot engage in any business
transaction with the Government directly or indirectly and on behalf of
him or any other member of his family. It is not possible for him to buy
or lease State land or other State property; he cannot act as a
Government contractor or one who sells goods to the Government or buys
goods from the Government.
The ugly compromise
Anyone who does such things cannot contest Parliamentary Elections,
cannot get elected to Parliament, cannot sit or vote in Parliament.
Under the circumstances, Sri Lanka’s Parliament is in a serious crisis.
The existence of the Parliament is totally unconstitutional. A vast
majority of Members of Parliament can be regarded as those who have
committed the offences outlined above. Therefore, the Parliament of Sri
Lanka can be considered a Legislative Council comprised of a majority of
parliamentarians who are not qualified to represent Parliament or sit
and vote within this August institution.
This is not a situation which has arisen recently or by accident. It can
be described as an outcome of repulsive and unconstitutional actions
initiated deliberately, which have persisted over a considerable period
of time, with the consequential degradation and distortion of the entire
parliamentary system.
Another important characteristic inherent in this horrific cancer is the
consensus with which all parties and individuals that represent
Parliament act in the face of this ugly scenario, regardless of their
position, class, ethnicity, religion or education. All of them can be
said to have sprayed tons of perfume at the public’s expense to suppress
the bad odour emanating from this putrid cancer.
The most surprising thing is the ignorance and appalling silence of the
intelligentia and the public media over this ugly situation, let alone
the general public.
The 19th Amendment was intended to transfer all powers of the President
to Parliament while keeping the degenerated state of Parliament as it
was. I ventured to point out this situation when the idea of the
amendment was first brought to the fore; but the intellectuals who
appeared for the amendment lacked even the basic political intelligence
to properly comprehend the situation.
Just as the presidential system established by President Jayewardene was
extremely corrupt, so too was the parliamentary system built into the
presidential system of governance. Therefore, the transfer of
presidential powers to Parliament or transfer of powers vested in
Parliament back to the President, I should stress, will not be a
solution to the degenerated situation of the system of governance.
JR’s role
President Jayewardene can be considered the one who triggered this
horrible cancer within the country’s political body. Although he was not
a greedy person inclined to amassing wealth, the role played by him in
corrupting the political system was immense. He pushed Government MPs
into a corrupt stream and in the process, he too had smeared himself
with dirt. He enacted certain absurd changes in parliamentary traditions
to please his fellow MPs. He increased the allowances of MPs and
introduced a system to give better vehicles to them. The most popular
method that he adopted to please his MPs was to create a system where
they could obtain valuable State land at a nominal price.
The Government owned more than one million acres of estate land divested
under the Land Reform Act. It was this reserve of public land that was
used to make the MPs of the ruling party landed proprietors.
It would not be possible for him not to know that granting State land to
MPs was contrary to the spirit of the Constitution and parliamentary
ethics. This predatory program necessitated that its beneficiaries were
stripped of their sense of shame and ethical values. Even if there was
the slightest doubt or suspicion in them, President Jayewardene himself
set an example, exchanging a barren coconut estate of 50 acres owned by
him with a fertile coconut land of 50 acres belonging to the Land Reform
Commission. That was how the disgraceful plunder of land commenced.
Following the footsteps of their big boss, the ministers and MPs of the
ruling party earmarked fertile land that belonged to the Land Reform
Commission and had it bought with the bungalows that stood on them at a
nominal price, thereby becoming landed proprietors and planters. JR did a
lot of things for the members of his family circle and his cronies,
which were not superficially and immediately apparent. They too can be
treated as unconstitutional and degrading acts. It was he who started
the practice of setting up museums for himself or his family members at
the State’s expense.
The successors of JR
The Presidents who succeeded JR pursued the corrupt system introduced by
him, by protecting and nurturing it and adding new elements to it. It
was President Premadasa who initiated a system of offering radio
broadcasts frequencies to his friends. President Chandrika introduced
the system of granting liquor licences to MPs. Thus, under this corrupt
system, all Presidents, with or without their knowledge, allied
themselves with ruling party MPs and adopted a policy of plundering
public property in the country. The number of liquor licences issued to
MPs during Chandrika’s rule numbered beyond 1,200.
There were certain MPs who had obtained four to five liquor licences.
While a large number of Government MPs had become landed proprietors and
planters under the regime of JR Jayewardene, a substantial number of
Government MPs had become bar owners under Chandrika’s rule.
The Presidents and powerful MPs used huge development schemes,
large-scale purchases and sales as important sources of income for them
and earned large sums of money. The process of looting public property
and wealth moved forward rapidly, leaving nothing to be looted anymore.
The massive bond scam, which everyone knows about, is only one example.
Paradoxically, when the country goes bankrupt, the political regime
thrives, getting richer.
Against this backdrop, what is most tragic is the inability of the
educated people of the country to understand the true nature of the
plunder of public treasures. At least they were unaware that MPs
transacting business with the Government was a violation of the
Constitution. The solution they foresaw to this problem was to send
educated people or professionals to Parliament. They failed to see the
need for serious structural reforms to the system of governance.
Even after Ranjan’s shocking revelation, they do not seem to have
entirely opened their eyes. They have not demanded an inquiry into the
conduct of MPs who engaged in business with the Government. I have not
seen a single editorial written about it.
In a crisis situation like this, the role of the Judiciary as well as the Auditor-General should also come under discussion.