Monday, April 11, 2022

  ‘Ending the occupation of Tamil Eelam is the only solution’ – International Tamil Youth demand recognition of right to self-determination


08 April 2022

Responding to the unfolding economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka, 26 international Tamil student organisations stressed the need to recognise self-determination for Tamils as the only viable solution to Sri Lanka’s current woes.

“Successive Sri Lankan governments have allocated massive budgets and state resources to fund the genocide of the Eelam Tamils. Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist policies such as: occupation, militarisation and land grabs have been the driving force in the country with the ambition to further dismantle and weaken the Eelam Tamil Nation and their legitimate claim to their traditional and historical homeland," they write. 

"This strategy and state policy is undoubtedly the root cause of Sri Lanka’s current economic situation”.

The joint statement stresses that “any attempt to solve the current economic crisis should be dependent on providing a lasting solution to the Tamil National Question that recognises the sovereignty and independence of Tamil Eelam”.

It further adds that Tamils should be free to “pursue their own political destiny and not be held hostage to the decisions being made in Colombo”.

The statement further slammed Sri Lanka as a “failed state” noting,

“It is incapable of providing the basic functions and responsibilities to its citizens. Furthermore, the Eelam Tamils continue to suffer profoundly more because of the continued oppression, occupation and genocidal policies that are perpetrated by the Sri Lankan state”.

Responding to the island-wide demonstrations against the Rajapaksa regime, the statement notes; “Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed Sinhala youths advocating for justice and for the legitimate rights of the Eelam Tamils. We urge them to continue to extend their friendship, voice and solidarity for the legitimate aspirations of the Eelam Tamil nation”.

It further calls for “swift international action against Sri Lanka and demands that the International Community hold Sri Lanka accountable for committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Eelam Tamil people”.

Read the full statement here.

Also see the statement in Tamil here and Sinhala here.