Thursday, May 19, 2022

 Jaffna students chase off intel officers from Mullivaikkal bus

Students from the University of Jaffna pursued and forced two Sri Lankan intelligence officers to identify themselves after they attempted to board a bus to Mullivaikkal this morning.

The bus carrying around 50 students was stopped at Paranthan junction around 9am this morning to pick up students from the Kilinochchi area. A man boarded the bus and quickly disembarked, arousing suspicion among the students.

A group of students pursued him into a nearby shop and demanded an explanation for his actions. The man initially stated that he had not seen the sign and had boarded the wrong bus.

However upon further confrontation, the man admitted to being an intelligence officer and knowingly boarding to observe the bus to Mullivaikkal. One further individual identified himself as a fellow intelligence officer, and apologised to the students in order to defuse the tense situation that had arisen.

The two left the scene on a motorcycle with a Southern Province license plate.