Saturday, May 21, 2022

  Fearmongering & Spreading Rumors By Indian Intelligence In Sri Lanka

By Murali Vallipuranathan –

Murali Vallipuranathan

Few days ago, “The Hindu” an Indian newspaper published a news citing an information purportedly given by Indian Intelligence that LTTE was regrouping in Mullivaikal on May 18th on the day of Tamil genocide Remembrance Day for an attack (1). While reading this news, one may recall the Sri Lankan radio news during the war, where many blatant lies and fabrications were unraveled quoting a news agency called “Lanka Puvath“. Whenever India makes a major political move in Sri Lanka the Indian intelligence Agency publishes similar blatant and fabricated stories either directly or through their news agencies like “The Hindu”.

Prior to the 2019 Easter attacks, Indian intelligence had reportedly warned of possible attacks by Islamic fundamentalists (2). But the Cardinal and many others are now claiming that the attacks were a grand political plot using Islamic extremists to promote certain individuals in Sri Lanka to win the elections (3). From this it is clear that the motive behind such fabricated use of the name of Islamic fundamentalists was for a regime change. Similarly, when the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka came to power with Indian patronage, the fearmongering by the name of LTTE was used systematically to strengthen him and suppress the Tamil nationalist forces.

As popular uprisings intensified in Galle Face and other parts of the country, superpower US and regional power India feared the formation of a left-wing government in Sri Lanka would result in not listening to them and not supporting their interests in the region. RW has been chosen as the appropriate agent to prevent it.

As for the President, the Rajapaksa clan must be protected at all costs. He knew if Sajith or the JVP came to power, such protection would not be possible. RW has been brought to power because he realized that RW would save the Rajapaksas from corruption charges to express his gratitude because Rajapaksa regime did not reopen an inquiry into the Central Bank Bond scam (4) which was the largest financial scam in the history of Sri Lanka resulted in a loss of more than 11 million US dollars (5) and saved RW. In another format of this situation, Tamil party leaders (6) and media controlled by India, are spreading the story that none other than RW can save Sri Lanka as the savior of the Sri Lankan economy in the current context. Though RW had acknowledged that he would continue to print money (7), would not prevent the rising inflation, increasing prices of the essential items and the hardships would get worse in the near future, the Indian puppets have been portraying RW as an elusive angel who would alleviate all the economic hardships. While RW is acting as an agent of India and the Western powers, these forces will try to stop the popular uprising by giving him more loans and creating an illusion that the Sri Lankan economy is temporarily booming.

Though the RW was sworn in as the prime minister for the sixth time (8) the fact that RW has no intention or plan for raising the Sri Lankan economy or making Sri Lanka a self-sufficient country can be deduced from what he had done during the last 5 terms. During his tenures he had continuously destabilized the country’s economy, involved in scams, increased the country’s debt burden and further protected members of the opposition from corruption investigations (9). A vicious cycle has developed in Sri Lanka due to the gigantic foreign debt burden in which the next government will again kneel before the Chinese or the US-India alliance and ask for more debt when RW quits his PM post.

Meanwhile, some Tamil leaders are now claiming that Tamils will get their rights through RW, which is reminiscent of Pattukottai’s Tamil song “How long will he cheat in this country” (10). During his last 5 terms as Prime Minister, Tamils have been continuously deprived of their rights and continued to face destruction. It is noteworthy that RW has so far not taken any action to bring justice or pay compensation to the Tamils affected by pogroms (11) in South during the UNP regime and the massacre of innocent Tamil civilians by the armed forces in the North and East. Will the leadership of the Eelam Tamils realize and act sagaciously and astutely on this international conspiracy and economic trap?

Disclaimer: Author Dr. Murali Vallipuranathan is a visiting lecturer at the Universities of Jaffna and Colombo, a Senior Specialist of the Ministry of Health and a Council Member of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. He claims the opinion expressed in this article with social responsibility aims to improve the public awareness on good governance, promotes healthy discussion for a system change and in no way reflects his official positions.







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