Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Sri Lanka: 21st Amendment of Gota-Ranil govt fell short of expectations

By Sri Lanka Brief-

The draft of the 21st Amendment to the Constitution which was presented to the Cabinet today for consideration fell short of expectations.

For instance Bar Association of Sri Lanka has written to Justice Minister Wijedasa Rajapaksa raising is concerns.

According to the new amendment will let President Gotabaya Rajapaksa keep most of his powers, including power to hold Ministries, assign subjects to himself, appoint whom he wants as Secretaries, dissolve Parliament early and unlimited powers to pardon anyone.

“The BASL’s concerns on the draft 21st amendment shared with the President, PM and Ministry of Justice. It restores the CC and Independent Commissions. Concerns on President being able to hold onto subjects and functions; Powers relating to dissolution of Parliament; Composition of  composition of the Constitutional Commission.”  says BASL President Saliya Peiris in a tweet.
