Wednesday, May 25, 2022

  Sri Lanka’s Foot-Fighting Struggle & Postmodern Style

By R. Nithyanandan –

R. Nithyanandan

The postmodern focus fell on the margins and the neglected. An all-encompassing social system arose from the need for a change in thinking. Postmodern thinkers believe that they have the intention of aiming for diversity, where race, religion, language, class, and region should be diverse. So there is no need of showing any opinion that history exists all over the world. It is relevant to the uprising of the youth of Sri Lanka today.

Colombo “Gota Go Gama” Fighters against the present political system in Srilanka, call it the “Battlefield” which has now become a colony of people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. The protest, which began as a mass protest on April 9, continues for forty days. Donations are now in hand to boost the enthusiasm of the protesters.

In this struggle, the people support each other to establish an uncorrupt government irrespective of religion, race, caste, gender, age, and religion. Over the years, the protesters felt that the rulers had set aside communities for their political interests, and this struggle rekindled the true feeling of being Sri Lankans. Similar unity was observed in the 1919s when Pon Ramanathan was elected to the Legislative Assembly based on being a representative of the educated. But later it was weakened by racialism. Today in Sri Lanka the struggle is in the hands of the middle and lower-middle class. The protesters aim to continue their achievement. The protesters have been greatly supported by friends, relatives, and cousins. People of different races, religions, languages, and regions have come together for the first time in Sri Lanka.

When it comes to postmodern politics, the people there will transform themselves into fighters. They will help each other.. Without party-based political affiliation, people themselves have been providing protesters with essential items such as medicine biscuits, water bottles, tea powder, bridge packs, and sanitary napkins.

In this situation, there is a sense of solidarity with the anti-government forces. People here have come before to spend their precious time on the streets. Such an uprising has never taken place so far in the history of Sri Lanka. Everyone here is setting aside their profits and fighting for social welfare.

This can be seen as a postmodern view. Postmodernism accepts the issue of inequality that is seen in social formation. It rejects the traditional approaches so far seen by society in its struggle, to achieve its purpose or to change the state. It does not rely heavily on the parliamentary System.

What is the parliamentary system for the people so far? Did it bring benefits? This raises the question of postmodernism. It does not believe in the party system, flag symbol, or individual leadership. Expecting his direct request to be met unconditionally and without compromise, Postmodernism abandons traditional means of achieving its political aims and seeks new means, and uses them to achieve its objectives. It tends to distort traditional forms of political society that have existed so far and bring about moral integration. Postmodernism exposes people’s self-reflection here and brings new possibilities to historical conditions.

Postmodernism considers the political party system to be weak in practice, on a global scale. It considers the weakness of parliamentary practice to be such as adding members, retaining members, forming alliances, summoning voters only for elections, and maintaining party loyalty until the election. It constructs its forms of struggle over democratic accountability, political competition, and the lack of trust of the people seen in the compromise initiative envision. It is on this basis that the political postmodern thinkers of Piero, Russell Dalton, and Martin Wattenberg deny political partisanship.

It is true that in modern political terms political ideas, claims, and accountability have been challenged. The liberal modernist political visions seen so far tend to be exaggerated and grandiose. It proposes individual arguments that obscure social differences or create the reasons for those differences themselves. But postmodernism is not bound by principles and realistically demands people’s needs. Here people tend to shape struggles according to their country’s local environment. Establishing their own religious cultures on it tends. Therefore Postmodernism was met with fierce criticism.

Therefore, it points to major changes in contemporary politics. It reveals new forms of it. This postmodernism is changing the form of conflict and resistance strategies. Similar patterns are followed in the Western and American regions. But it is found that the forms of struggle in Asian and African countries today have postmodern forms.

It has been criticized that the genetic modern features found so far and do not understand the psychology of daughters. The event shows this in the contemporary political thinking and practice of Sri Lanka. A great gap is found here between theory and practice in Sri Lanka.

The postmodern political form is found in social movements in countries such as France, Germany, and the United States. Its political behavior dramatically took the form of peace in march. These are non-competitive collective struggles with no political background. Individual ethnic and linguistic differences are not considered here. This gave prominence to the immediate burning problem. It was understood to be subjective and political in this sense. It challenges political supremacy. Tends to subjugate the masses and subjugate the dominant forces. Feminism, gender, university student organizations, the educated community, and especially the middle class are widely absorbed. They are fighting to legalize their political voice. It opposes political secession. Gives voice to the oppressed. It goes beyond class politics and opposes the culture of domination. The middle-class youth community under the middle class has significantly been absorbed in the postmodern political struggles. Behind the politics for their privileges, it is not going. They often seek to work with neo-liberal welfare groups.

From a theoretical point of view, modern politics has the characteristics of a bourgeois revolution, especially in developing countries. An example of this is the anti-glare campaign using new technology at the Presidential Palace in Kota Ko Gama, using an electrical luminous resistance campaign. now traditional art and literature have been used to transform into a modern form of art to mock, protest, and critique pragmatic politics. So their struggles do not cause boredom in the struggle for their partners. The purpose of the struggle goes to the people. The best example of this is the Gota Go Gama struggle.

Postmodern political thinkers StevnBest and Douglas Kellner argue that modern politics tends to create additional political strategies and create new platforms.

In the context of this postmodernist theory, the Sri Lanka-Colombo face struggle and the anti-government struggles taking place in other cities have very clear postmodernist ideological characteristics. Their forms of struggle are different. Thousands of young people are protesting, and this struggle is not based on any political ideology, political platform, or political vision that has existed so far. Its sole purpose is to create new political thinking and political culture in the future. That is why they did not include the current Sri Lankan political parties in their struggles. The battle for “Gota Go Gama” is a political symbol within which they have new expectations of modern politics. under the Secularism and social equality of people. They tend to identify as one nation. Its advanced ideological expression is the emphasis on national unity, and respect for the identities of ethnic minorities, for example singing of the national anthem in Tamil on the battlefield without any linguistic divisions.

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