Monday, May 23, 2022

  Tamil Canadians mark Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day 

Yesterday, Tamil Canadians gathered in Scarborough and Ottawa to mark the newly recognized Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day. 


 19 May 2022

Scarborough, Ontario

The event marked 13 years since the Mullivaikkal Genocide took place. Attendees gathered at Albert Campbell Square in Scarborough to pay their respects.

Hundreds of Tamil Canadians attended the event, which consisted of speeches as well as sombre dance and singing performances. 

Attendees offered floral tributes to pay their respects to the victims of the Tamil genocide. 

The National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) also provided the hundreds of attendees with bookmarks instructing them where they could find more information about the Tamil Genocide. 

The event included a gallery of images and paintings about the Tamil genocide.

Signs were displayed saying; "Tamil Nation Invaded by Sri Lanka", "Our relatives still await justice & rights in Sri Lanka", "Canada: ensure investigation on Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka" among many others calling for justice and accountability. 

Several politicians also addressed the crowd at the event. Some of which included MPP Gurratan Singh, MPP Vijay Thanigasalam, Mayor John Tory, Education Minister Stephen Lecce, Councillor Cynthia Lai, Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, MP Shaun Chen, Toronto School Board (TDSB) Trustee Yalini Rajakulasingam and TDSB Trustee Parthi Kandavel.

See more photographs below:

Ottawa, Ontario

Tamil Canadians also gathered on the front lawn at Parliament Hill in Ottawa to commemorate the lives lost.

Attendees heard from MP Gary Andasagree just moments after he brought forward a landmark motion which federally recognized 18 May as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.