Monday, May 9, 2022

 When Jackals Bark At Lions – The Case Of General Fonseka & Harin Fernando

By Asoka Seneviratne –

Asoka Seneviratne

If there was ever a Sri Lankan who firmly stood between his land and vicious Prabhakaran with his war for a Tamil state, it was a brave soldier named Sarath Fonseka, who now hold the highest ever military honors of our land. Field Marshall Fonseka has had the most illustrious and dangerous career in our modern history.

He served his nation in uniform for 39 long years under Sinha Regiment, first as an infantryman. Later destiny made him to fight pitch battle for decades in the thick jungles of the North and East against an extremely hell bent enemy. This battle hardened soldier rose among ranks to be the commander of the army and carries the unique distinction of leading his gallant troops into victory to end the 30 year civil war. The man gave his whole life to the nation, military, and the war. One cannot even begin to fathom the sacrifices he and his family must have made on behalf of his nation. Not only General Fonseka, but all those who wear the uniform and carry a weapon to defend his or her nation are true heroes. They put their life on the line for the rest of us!

To apply a famous saying by Lord Mountbatten “General Fonseka gave his today for the tomorrow of children of his land”. He kept Sri Lanka as one nation to be passed on to the next generation. That is heroism and sacrifice!

He was the victim of an LTTE suicide bomber who survived to fight another day to end the war and still carries shrapnel in his body. He has bled for the nation!

Field Marshal Fonseka has been honored with five titles for his gallantry and service to our nation; Rana Wicrama, Rana Sura, Vishista Seva, Uttama Seva and Desha Putra were all well-earned, not just awarded.

Unbelievably he also carries the unique distinction of being the only man in our land, whose was honored by President for gallantry, and then being thrown in jail by the same President for the crime of daring to run against him for the highest office. This demonstrates the denigrate moral character of the then President.

Then we have MP Harin Fernando, Member of Parliament from UVA province who seems a decent, young career politician. A provincial council member at a young age who later was elected as an MP, and in between was a Chief Minister. By the very definition, he was nothing but a politician and we all know how politicians have ruined and bankrupted our nation in general. I must mention however that I respect his firm stand in the parliament against a corrupt family regime. He is a strong voice. And his commitment to get Ranjan Ramanayake, a political prisoner, released from jail is commendable. Having said that, I totally resent those in his party now and then, many of whom too were part and parcel of squandering our peoples’ wealth but still proudly (and sadly) sits in our highest chamber. Unfortunately for Harin, when one sits with dogs, you get ticks.

Above paragraph basically summarize his resume and service to our nation.

So on May 1st, at the May Day rally, Harin was talking to his party leader and the deputy leader General Foseka was seated next to him. As deputy leader, General Fonseka raised an issue about the itinery from organizer Harin, and those who were selected to speak. General felt that the list was prioritizing Harin’s buddies while willfully downplaying those more deserving seniors in the party. A very valid point in my view raised by none other than the most decorated soldier of the land and the deputy party leader.

Haven’t we, as a nation seen enough of this favoritism as against giving dues to those who deserve? Isn’t that one of the many reasons our nation is in peril today?

Young Harin got mad and blasted the General in full public view. Worse, his party members looked on how he treated the decorated deputy party leader! Not a good example by an upcoming young politician.

This brings to mind a historic event relating to a brave US soldier named Aira Hayes, a native Indian who gallantly fought in the famous Ivo Jima battle in the 2nd world war. While the Japs were massacring the US soldiers going up the hill, Aira Hayes and a few other soldiers managed to climb to the top of the hill and raise the star spangled banner. This was a historic event in the United States annals. Upon his return, Ira Hayes was honored at the White House, became a national hero and a respected household name.

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